本文关键词: 竞价上网 结构化方法 功率报价曲线 发电侧 出处:《北京科技大学》2016年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:With the development of the socialist market economy system, the disadvantages of the electric power monopoly system become increasingly prominent. The working mode and management system of the electric power market are all faced with the problems of commercial operation. The reform of China's electricity market will gradually establish the mechanism of "separation of power plants and networks, bidding for the Internet". This paper aims at the widely used trading mode in the electricity trading market of our country, that is, the mode of electric power storage. This paper studies the problems related to the bidding of power plants, including the bidding strategy of the power generation side and the determination of the power quotation curve of the generating units. The main work of this paper is: (1) aiming at the main trading mode of electricity trading market, the power pool model, the power quotation curve model of electric power transaction bidding is established. This paper clarifies the principle of determining the system marginal electricity price in the power dispatching center, determines the bidding strategy of the power generation manufacturer under various relationships between the generation cost and the system marginal electricity price, and analyzes the output points corresponding to the contract quantity of electricity. The relationship between the cost of generation and the forecast value of the marginal electricity price of the system, In this paper, the structure of power quotation curve and the algorithm of unit power quotation curve under three different relationships between generation cost and the forecast value of system marginal electricity price are established. Based on the proposed algorithm of unit power quotation curve, the structure of power quotation curve and the algorithm of unit power quotation curve are established. When the generating point of the unit is changed, The influence of the forecast value of the system marginal price on the output power of the unit.) according to the contract electricity quantity of the unit given in the electric power dispatching, considering the change trend of the electricity consumption, the power of the unit will rise at the start of the unit. In this paper, the problem of distribution of contract electricity to each time period is studied by using the load forecasting curve of power network and the contract quantity of electricity in each period of time of computer group of all-day contract electric quantity. Based on the load forecasting curve of power network, the method of determining the initial scheme of contract electricity distribution is presented. On the basis of the initial scheme of contract electricity distribution, two adjustment methods are proposed, which are "peak-cutting and valley shifting algorithm" and "compression amplitude modulation algorithm". The purpose of this paper is to satisfy the upper and lower limit constraints of the unit output force, and a waterfall iteration algorithm is proposed to optimize and adjust the contract power distribution scheme taking into account the variation characteristics of the unit output.
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