本文选题:贸易减缓 + 汇率波动 ; 参考:《对外经济贸易大学》2017年博士论文
[Abstract]:The global economic recovery has been sluggish and the growth of international trade has stagnated. At the same time, the serious situation of China's foreign trade export is not only affected by the international economic depression and the changeable political pattern, but also by the pressure of supply-side reform from the transformation and upgrading of domestic industries. The anti-globalization sentiment in western countries and the rise of international trade protectionism have also added unease to China's foreign economic and trade activities. A slowdown in trade growth not only means a permanent loss of welfare, but zero growth in world trade is usually a sign of an impending global recession. In the past twenty years, the export of processing trade has been an important way for our country to participate in the division of labor in the global value chain and the export of trade, as well as an important engine of economic growth. It has contributed greatly to the growth of national employment, the balance of international payments, the improvement of productivity, and so on. Its stable development and orderly transformation are of great importance to the stability of the country and the people's security. It is of great significance to study the influencing factors of China's trade slowdown from the point of view of its entry point. By combing the causes of global trade slowdown and its research paradigm, this paper makes a study of the influencing factors of China's trade slowdown trend from four aspects. This paper mainly analyzes the influence of uncertainty of economic policy and RMB exchange rate change on the export behavior of China's trade sector from 1995 to 2015, and comments on the construction of the global governance pattern of international economic and trade relations. The weakening of external demand and barrier factors constitute the cyclical causes of global trade slowdown, the restructuring and contraction of the value chain are the structural reasons, and the price and exchange rate factors under the behavior of international investment provide short-term kinetic energy. The slowdown in China's trade exports is also affected by three factors: on the one hand, as China is the largest exporter of goods, the decline in demand for imports due to the restructuring of its internal economy constitutes an important part of the decline in global demand. The direct reason for the deceleration of China's trade growth is the adjustment and transfer of global value chain in China and the strong stall of processing trade under the influence of the domestic substitution policy. The increase of trade policy uncertainty (such as the adjustment of export tax rebate, the withdrawal of trade agreement, etc.) will cause enterprises to delay their investment and export decisions, thus harming trade growth, while economic policy uncertainty will not only affect enterprises' decision making. It will also influence the possibility of trade growth and economic growth through the way of consumer preference. The empirical results show that the negative impact on the scale of trade and the lag of trade growth is obvious and significant. The effect of exchange rate fluctuation and fluctuation on the scale of trade exports is due to the inconsistent response of trade mode to exchange rate change. Based on the analysis of the exchange rate transmission mechanism (price transmission and price effect) under processing trade, this paper empirically analyzes the impact of RMB exchange rate on the export behavior of China under two kinds of trade modes through the ARDL threshold test. It is found that the effect of exchange rate change and fluctuation on general trade is more obvious than that on processing trade. In order to cope with the slowdown of global trade, we should study and discover the changes in economic structure reflected therein, and adopt corresponding institutional design to coordinate it, while China should implement a new strategy of opening up under the new normal state and construct a new pattern of international governance. It is in an environment of dramatic changes in global trade and finance that there are responsible choices.
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