发布时间:2018-06-29 01:17
本文选题:活动链 + 燃油附加费 ; 参考:《华中科技大学》2016年博士论文
[Abstract]:In this paper, the effects of fuel surcharge policy and online retail mode on residents' activity chain and travel behavior, as well as the problem of traffic paradox based on activity method, are studied by using activity-based chain modeling method. The results provide a theoretical basis for evaluating the impact of fuel surcharge policy and online retail mode on urban traffic and residents' behavior, and provide an analytical tool for avoiding paradoxical phenomena in transportation infrastructure investment. Firstly, the effect of fuel surcharge policy on residents' travel activity chain in multi-mode transportation network is studied. In order to maximize social welfare, an optimization model of fuel surcharge and public transport service is established in a multi-mode time-varying transport network. The model explicitly considers the effect of fuel surcharge and public transportation departure frequency on the travel cost of residents. According to the travel cost and activity income, users choose the whole day activity chain, departure time, activity time length. Travel path and traffic mode, realize its own net utility maximization. A heuristic algorithm is designed to solve the model and obtain the optimal fuel surcharge and public transport departure frequency. This study can reveal the impact of fuel surcharge policy on residents' travel activities, system energy consumption and social welfare, and compare the duration of residents' activities before and after the implementation of the policy. Changes in system fuel consumption and total social welfare. Secondly, the influence of online shopping mode on residents' travel activity chain is studied. The proposed model considers two types of retailers, one is online retailer, the other is physical store retailer. The residents can choose the shopping way according to their own utility. After determining the shopping mode, they can choose the whole day activity chain, activity duration and travel path, and determine the amount of shopping. Before the emergence of online retail, all residents choose to shop in physical stores, and each resident maximizes their own net utility, thus achieving user balance. When the online retail mode appears, residents can choose physical shop or online shopping, in order to maximize their own net utility, so as to achieve a new user balance. This paper compares the changes of total traffic volume, residents' activity arrangement and commodity price in the transportation system before and after the emergence of online retail mode, and analyzes the tax policy of the government on residents' activities, physical store retailers, online retailers, etc. The influence of the total traffic volume of the transportation system. Finally, in urban transportation networks, the Braess paradox is discussed by using the method of activity chain modeling. In this paper, the activity chain based modeling method and the trip based modeling method are used to model the behavior of the residents, and the residents are concerned about the activity chain, departure time, travel path. The selective equilibrium problem of activity duration is transformed into an equivalent variational inequality model. Numerical examples show that when the traffic supply or marginal utility of activity changes, the results of the Braess paradox are different between the model based on activity chain and the model based on travel. In the model based on activity chain, the range of departure frequency of public transportation with paradox will become smaller as the marginal utility of activity becomes larger. In addition, the region causing traffic paradox is given, which is determined by the marginal utility of activity and the frequency of public transportation.
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