发布时间:2021-03-28 07:59
地处巴基斯坦的喜马拉雅森林拥有丰富的动植物资源。由于海拔变化范围广,形成了亚热带阔叶林(STBLF)、亚热带松林(SCPF)和湿润温带森林(MTF)三种不同的森林类型。在植被方面表现出丰富的多样性包含1700多种开花植物,50多种禾草以及53种蕨类植物。亚热带阔叶林通常位于海拔500-1200m,具体丰富的树种及灌木和荆棘类植被;亚热带松林位于海拔为1000m-2500m区域内,以喜马拉雅长叶松为主;湿润温带森林处于海拔高度为1500m-3000m的区域,除了包含自然更新的、成熟的针叶树种外,还包含不同龄级的新更新树种(如Pinus Wallichiana,Cedrus deodara,Abies pindrow,Picea smithiana 等)。(1)近年来,由于非法及不受控制的采伐,农业活动和城市化等人类活动的扩大所造成的土地使用/土地覆盖变化(LULCC)引起了人们的关注。本文基于遥感(RS)数据,使用地理信息系统(GIS)建模,研究了该区域的LULCC。在研究的时间范围内(1998-2018年),研究区林地面积从40936.77公顷减少为36709.23公顷,农业用地从42...
【文章来源】:北京林业大学北京市 211工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:100 页
1. Introduction
1.1 Himalayan Mountain range
1.2 Himalayan Mountain Range of Pakistan
1.2.1 Forest Types
1.2.2 Geology
1.2.3 Climate
1.2.4 Wildlife
1.2.5 Threats to Himalayan forests
1.3 Land Use/Land Cover Change (LULCC)
1.3.1 Application GIS and Remote Sensing in LULCC
1.4 Impacts of LULCC
1.5 The purpose of the study, objective and technical route
1.5.1 Purpose
1.5.2 Objectives
1.5.3 Technical route
2. Application of Land Use/Land Cover Changes in Monitoring and Projecting Forest BiomassCarbon loss in Himalayan Forests
2.1 Materials and methods
2.1.1 Study Area
2.1.2 Data Collection
2.1.3 Land-use classification
2.1.4 Image pre-processing
2.1.5 Image classification
2.1.6 Accuracy Assessment
2.2 Land use and Land cover change Prediction
2.2.1 Markov Chain
2.2.2 Suitability maps preparation
2.2.3 Criterion development
2.2.4 Land use Change analysis
2.2.5 Validation of CA-Markov Model
2.3 Forest Biomass and Carbon calculation
2.3.1 Forest Biomass calculation
2.3.2 Forest carbon calculation
2.3.3 Biomass and Carbon Change Calculation
2.4 Statistical Analysis
2.5 Results and Analysis
2.5.1 Land use Change Dynamics
2.5.2 Accuracy assessment of LULCC and model Validation
2.5.3 Forest Inventory, Biomass and Carbon change
2.6 Discussion
2.6.1 Land use Change
2.6.2 Forest inventory, biomass and Carbon Change
2.7 Summary
2 Emission from Biomass Burning and Risk Zone Mapping of Forest Fires in Himalayan Forests of Pakistan">3. CO2 Emission from Biomass Burning and Risk Zone Mapping of Forest Fires in Himalayan Forests of Pakistan
3.1 Materials and methods
3.1.1 Description of Study Area
3.1.2 Data Acquisition
2 Emission Estimation"> 3.1.3 Biomass and CO2 Emission Estimation
3.1.4 Forest fire risk zoning and fire risk index
3.1.5 Visibility analysis
3.2 Results and discussions
2 Emission Trend"> 3.2.1 Forest Fires and CO2 Emission Trend
3.2.2 Fire Risk Zones and Fire risk index
3.3 Summary
4. Carbon shift with land use change in Margallah hills national park Islamabad (Himalayan Forests)from 1990 to 2017
4.1 Materials and methods
4.1.1 Study area
4.1.2 Data acquisition
4.1.3 Pre-processing of satellite imagery
4.1.4 Accuracy assessment
4.1.5 Land-use change detection map
4.1.6 Carbon inventory
4.1.7 Carbon loss assessment
4.2 Results and Analysis
4.2.1 Land uses and Land use change
4.2.2 Carbon dynamics and carbon losses
4.3 Discussion
4.3.1 Land use and land cover change
4.3.2 Carbon dynamics and carbon losses
4.4 Summary
5. Conclusion
5.1 Recommendations
6. References
Personal Profile
Supervisor Profile
【文章来源】:北京林业大学北京市 211工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:100 页
1. Introduction
1.1 Himalayan Mountain range
1.2 Himalayan Mountain Range of Pakistan
1.2.1 Forest Types
1.2.2 Geology
1.2.3 Climate
1.2.4 Wildlife
1.2.5 Threats to Himalayan forests
1.3 Land Use/Land Cover Change (LULCC)
1.3.1 Application GIS and Remote Sensing in LULCC
1.4 Impacts of LULCC
1.5 The purpose of the study, objective and technical route
1.5.1 Purpose
1.5.2 Objectives
1.5.3 Technical route
2. Application of Land Use/Land Cover Changes in Monitoring and Projecting Forest BiomassCarbon loss in Himalayan Forests
2.1 Materials and methods
2.1.1 Study Area
2.1.2 Data Collection
2.1.3 Land-use classification
2.1.4 Image pre-processing
2.1.5 Image classification
2.1.6 Accuracy Assessment
2.2 Land use and Land cover change Prediction
2.2.1 Markov Chain
2.2.2 Suitability maps preparation
2.2.3 Criterion development
2.2.4 Land use Change analysis
2.2.5 Validation of CA-Markov Model
2.3 Forest Biomass and Carbon calculation
2.3.1 Forest Biomass calculation
2.3.2 Forest carbon calculation
2.3.3 Biomass and Carbon Change Calculation
2.4 Statistical Analysis
2.5 Results and Analysis
2.5.1 Land use Change Dynamics
2.5.2 Accuracy assessment of LULCC and model Validation
2.5.3 Forest Inventory, Biomass and Carbon change
2.6 Discussion
2.6.1 Land use Change
2.6.2 Forest inventory, biomass and Carbon Change
2.7 Summary
2 Emission from Biomass Burning and Risk Zone Mapping of Forest Fires in Himalayan Forests of Pakistan">3. CO2 Emission from Biomass Burning and Risk Zone Mapping of Forest Fires in Himalayan Forests of Pakistan
3.1 Materials and methods
3.1.1 Description of Study Area
3.1.2 Data Acquisition
2 Emission Estimation"> 3.1.3 Biomass and CO2 Emission Estimation
3.1.4 Forest fire risk zoning and fire risk index
3.1.5 Visibility analysis
3.2 Results and discussions
2 Emission Trend"> 3.2.1 Forest Fires and CO2 Emission Trend
3.2.2 Fire Risk Zones and Fire risk index
3.3 Summary
4. Carbon shift with land use change in Margallah hills national park Islamabad (Himalayan Forests)from 1990 to 2017
4.1 Materials and methods
4.1.1 Study area
4.1.2 Data acquisition
4.1.3 Pre-processing of satellite imagery
4.1.4 Accuracy assessment
4.1.5 Land-use change detection map
4.1.6 Carbon inventory
4.1.7 Carbon loss assessment
4.2 Results and Analysis
4.2.1 Land uses and Land use change
4.2.2 Carbon dynamics and carbon losses
4.3 Discussion
4.3.1 Land use and land cover change
4.3.2 Carbon dynamics and carbon losses
4.4 Summary
5. Conclusion
5.1 Recommendations
6. References
Personal Profile
Supervisor Profile