发布时间:2017-06-27 23:05
【摘要】:近20年,领导力和自主支持对组织的影响引发了学者们极大的兴趣。关于领导支持的已有研究大都建立在社会交换理论的基础之上,很少有实证研究源于其他的动机理论框架。本研究以自我决定理论为基础来理解领导力和管理环境中的动机和行为,将自主支持的概念整合到组织层面,希望弥补自我决定理论上的研究不足,推进领导力的理论和实践研究。 本文具体包含三个研究:研究一探讨了组织环境中的领导自主支持行为的内容。通过对中国企业员工的访谈及问卷调研,发现信任,尊重员工,为员工的职业生涯规划提供建议和咨询服务,及积极的监测和反馈四种自主支持领导行为。验证性因子分析结果表明本研究所开发的“自主支持领导内容量表”具有较好的信度与效度指标。研究二采用问卷调研方法对基于自我决定理论的自主支持领导的效能进行了验证研究,结果表明领导的自主支持通过影响员工感知到的自主支持,自主性动机,进而激发员工的创造性绩效,在没有削弱个体差异的调节作用下激发员工的创造性绩效,实证了自我决定理论在领导力研究领域中的适应。研究三引入情绪这一中介变量,采用问卷调研方法,对自主支持领导的知觉、自主支持动机、情绪及员工的创造性绩效进行的关系进行了实证研究,结果发现基本心理需求满足、自主支持动机与情绪中介了自主支持领导的知觉与员工创造性绩效之间的关系。 本文研究内容和方法成熟,并具有一定的创新性,对理论和实践都有重要指导意义。研究最后对系列研究进行了分析与讨论,并指出了未来的研究方向。
【关键词】:“领导力” “自主支持” “自我决定理论” “个体差异” “基本心理需求” “工作动机” “创造性绩效”
- Acknowledgements4-6
- Dedication6-7
- 摘要7-8
- Abstract8-16
- 1 Introduction16-18
- 2 Literature Review18-38
- 2.1 Effective Leadership Brief Review18-23
- 2.1.1 Defining Leadership18
- 2.1.2 Leadership Theories18-22
- 2.1.3 Effective Leadership Current Issues22-23
- 2.2 Autonomy-Supportive Leadership Behavior Contents23-29
- 2.2.1 The Concept of Autonomy Support23-24
- 2.2.2 Autonomy Support Research Domains24-27
- 2.2.3 Autonomy-Supportive Leadership Content Status27-29
- 2.3 Autonomy-Supportive Leadership Effectiveness Research29-35
- 2.3.1 The Relationship Between Autonomy-Supportive Leadership Behaviors and Employees' Creative Performance Effectiveness Research29-31
- 2.3.2 The Relationship Between Autonomy-Supportive Leadership and Employees' Perceived Autonomy Support Effectiveness Research31-33
- 2.3.3 The Relationship between Autonomy-supportive Leadership Behaviors and Employees' Autonomous Motivation Effectiveness Research33-35
- 2.4 The Mechanisms of Impact of Autonomy-Supportive Leadership on Employees' Creative Performance35-38
- 2.4.1 Autonomy Support and Creative Performance Mediating Variables Research35-36
- 2.4.2 Autonomy Support and Creative Performance Moderating Variables Research36-38
- 3 Research Questions and Design38-43
- 3.1 Research Existing Questions38-39
- 3.1.1 Autonomy-Supportive Leadership Research Shortage38
- 3.1.2 The Mediating Mechanisms38-39
- 3.1.3 Control Variables Setting39
- 3.2 Research Overall Design39-43
- 3.2.1 Research Objectives39-41
- 3.2.2 Research Framework41-42
- 3.2.3 Research Meaning42-43
- 4 Study 1:Autonomy-Supportive Leadership Behavior Contents43-51
- 4.1 Research Purpose43
- 4.2 Research Method43
- 4.3 Autonomy-Supportive Leadership Behavior Contents Interview Research43-48
- 4.3.1 Interview Process43-45
- 4.3.2 Interview Results45-48
- 4.4 Autonomy-Supportive Leadership Behavior Contents Questionnaire Survey Research48-51
- 4.4.1 Questionnaire Process48-49
- 4.4.2 Survey Results49-51
- 5 Study 2:Autonomy-Supportive Leadership Behavior Effectiveness and itsMechanism Research51-60
- 5.1 Research Objectives and Hypothesis51-52
- 5.2 Research Method52-56
- 5.2.1 Sample Selection and Status52-53
- 5.2.2 Measurement Tools53-55
- 5.2.3 Statistical Analysis Process55-56
- 5.3 Research Results56-60
- 5.3.1 Correlation Analysis56-57
- 5.3.2 Hierarchical Regression Analysis57-58
- 5.3.3 Structural Equation Model Analysis58-60
- 6 Study 3:Perceived Autonomy-Supportive Leadership and its MediatingMechanisms Research60-69
- 6.1 Research Objectives and Hypothesis60-61
- 6.2 Research Method61-63
- 6.2.1 Sample Selection61
- 6.2.2 Research Procedures61
- 6.2.3 Research Tools61-63
- 6.2.4 Statistical Methods63
- 6.3 Research Results63-69
- 6.3.1 Correlations64-65
- 6.3.2 Structural Equation Model65-69
- 7 Research Conclusion and Discussion69-76
- 7.1 The Core Viewpoint69
- 7.2 General Discussion69-72
- 7.2.1 Discuss Autonomy-supportive Leadership Behaviors Nature69-70
- 7.2.2 Discuss Employees'Perceived Autonomy Support and Individual Differences70-71
- 7.2.3 Discuss Autonomy-Supportive Leadership Effectiveness71-72
- 7.2.4 Discuss Perceived Autonomy-Supportive Leadership Effectiveness72
- 7.3 Research Overall Discussion72-74
- 7.4 Research Conclusion74-76
- 8 Research Features and Prospects76-80
- 8.1 Research Features76-77
- 8.2 Research Contributions77
- 8.3 Research Limitations77-78
- 8.4 Research Prospects78-80
- References80-93
- 附录A Autonomy-Supportive Leadership Behavior Scale93-95
- 附录B Employees Perceived Autonomy Support Scale95-96
- 附录C Employees General Causality Orientations Scale96-100
- 附录D Employees Autonomous Motivation Scale100-101
- 附录E Employees Creative Performance Scale101-102
- 附录F Leaders Perceived Autonomy Support Scale102-104
- 附录G Employees Basic Psychological Needs Scale104-105
- 附录H Employees Work Motivation Scale105-106
- 附录I Employees Positive and Negative Affect Scale106-107
- 作者简历及在学研究成果107-110
- 学位论文数据集110
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1 张剑;郭青山;彭长桂;;任务内容选择与创造性绩效关系的情景实验研究[J];人类工效学;2007年01期
2 张剑,郭德俊;内部动机与外部动机的关系[J];心理科学进展;2003年05期