本文选题:农业产业化 切入点:发展战略 出处:《山东农业大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Our country is a big agricultural country, agriculture has the basic position in the development of national economy, the "three agriculture" problem is a key problem in the process of building a well-off society in an all-round way in our country, agriculture is the important foundation of political stability and economic development. If agriculture does not develop steadily, China's economic and social development is bound to be greatly restricted. Shandong Province is a major agricultural province in China. The sustainable development of agriculture has a profound impact on the economic development. This paper discusses the effective mode of agricultural development in Shandong Province from the perspective of industrialization, through observation method, data method, interview method, reference method, case analysis method, etc. In this paper, the specific strategy of agricultural industrialization development in Shandong Province is studied in detail. Firstly, the environment of agricultural industrialization development in Shandong Province is analyzed by using SWOT analysis method, and the opportunities and threats in the process of agricultural development in Shandong Province are explained in detail. Advantages and disadvantages. The results show that, although the development of agricultural industrialization in Shandong Province faces a great threat to product quality, great pressure on environmental protection, difficulty in quality control of agricultural products, short industrial chain of agricultural products, and lack of intensive processing of agricultural products, But there are also favorable factors, such as high degree of policy support, strong financial support, strong support for hardware and software, variety of local characteristic agricultural industries, increasing degree of planting scale, etc. Secondly, by learning from the experiences and lessons of foreign developed countries, such as the United States, Japan and other typical provinces of China, this paper analyzes the strategic thoughts and principles, strategic direction and objectives, respectively. Strategic positioning, determination of specific objectives, strategic focus, This paper puts forward the strategy of promoting the development of agricultural industrialization in Shandong Province from six aspects, such as strategic deployment and implementation steps. Finally, the paper puts forward the implementation measures of the development strategy of agricultural industrialization in Shandong Province. Findings and conclusions, This part includes organizational support, policy guarantee, financial guarantee, technical guarantee, Six aspects of market security and information security are put forward to ensure the implementation of agricultural industrialization development strategy of Shandong Province, the development of agricultural industrialization in Shandong Province is a long process. It is necessary to constantly adjust the specific development strategy according to the actual situation. Based on the analysis of the agricultural development environment of Shandong Province, this paper puts forward the strategic measures for the development of Shandong agricultural industrialization, and puts forward the effective plan for the implementation of the measures. The aim is to promote the healthy and sustainable development of agricultural industry in Shandong Province.
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