本文选题:全球价值链 切入点:加工贸易 出处:《哈尔滨工业大学》2016年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:With the development of economic globalization, the international division of labor form product distribution process, discrete characteristics of cooperative integration, different value chain re division of the layout in the global scope, formed the global value chain. Since the reform and opening up, the trend of China conform to the value chain of the global layout, give full play to the advantages of labor costs, take the processing trade policy, to undertake the transfer of world production and manufacturing center to Chinese, has achieved leapfrog development, has made an important contribution to the development of the national economy. But after the financial crisis, Europe and other developed countries the slow economic recovery, shrinking external demand, domestic factor costs rising, industry and accelerate the development of the outward transfer order. China's processing trade is facing great challenges. At the same time, Europe and other countries to recognize the importance of the manufacturing industry, the United States put forward the "advanced manufacturing Partnership Program "Germany launched the industrial 4, China has also launched a" China 2025> manufacturing strategy. Transformation and upgrading has become the inevitable choice of China's processing trade, China's processing trade transformation and upgrading based on global value chain theory is the urgent problem. The use of the international division of labor theory and value chain theory of existing research results. The upgrading of processing trade in China into the system of global value chain upgrading in the global value chain upgrade, industrial restructuring and upgrading, human capital, technology innovation theory, found in China's processing trade immiserizing growth, the global value chain of economic rent based on the settlement of the smile curve, made in China the transformation and upgrading of processing trade of the goal is to obtain excellent economic rent, the process begins with improving and leading manufacturers of global value chain, upstream suppliers knowledge sharing capability, human cost, industrial matching ability. Send input, key elements of policy system as the impact of processing trade with the upgrade, they will be placed in the same system, and deduce the function framework, path mechanism, study its role. Put the international poverty evaluation standards into evaluation index of China's processing trade, using Passche on processing trade import and export price index are calculated, and the introduction of vertical specialization degree on the terms of trade index is modified, explore the structural causes of China's processing trade conditions are worsening. On the basis of the international market on the demand price elasticity of China's export products, export commodities in the global market share of processing trade on the economic growth contribution, empirical China's processing trade show the immiserizing growth trend. The mechanism of transformation and upgrading of processing trade, the global value chain of knowledge transfer has become the manufacturers The inherent mechanism of transformation and upgrading, labor mechanism, industry environmental factors mechanism, policy mechanism for the external environment factors the mechanism of transformation and upgrading, and the basic path in the mechanism study on upgrading of processing trade in China. By using the method of questionnaire investigation, interview collection and analysis and hypothesis verification on the empirical number. And through the descriptive statistical analysis of the sample, the path model using PLS path model algorithm, get the path coefficient of each factor effect on the upgrading of processing trade transformation, the internal mechanism to explore their effects. Through empirical research we can see that the transformation and upgrading of processing trade in China is too dependent on the policy, does not meet the transformation the growth law of endogenous power system upgrading in global value chain. The labor factor influence on the transformation and upgrading of the weak is not verified, is not The decisive factors. The present situation of labor quality in our country is although degree increased, but the hard degree can not reflect the real quality of the workforce, restricting the transformation and upgrading of the labor force is more technical. The industrial supporting capacity, before the impact of technological innovation platform of China's processing trade transformation and upgrading is the highest in the labor force, one hand that industry China's processing trade supporting ability is obviously improved; on the other hand, processing trade enterprises and departments should change their ideas, change the traditional concept of labor in supporting capacity set. Finally, labor force factor, innovation platform level technology, industry level has obvious direct effect on knowledge sharing, and the impact on the economy rent not directly, so that China's processing trade to obtain excellent economic rent should improve the enterprises to participate in the global value chain of knowledge sharing ability Start with.
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