[Abstract]:The extent to which individuals adopt religious beliefs in their lives, i.e. religiosity, is manifested in the extent to which they believe in religion and act devoutly, and the impact on human society has been widely concerned by all walks of life. The far-reaching influence of religion on individual consumption psychology and behavior has raised a new proposition for the theoretical and practical circles of management: whether the religion of consumers will influence and produce their customer loyalty tendency Although previous studies have found that religion has positive and negative effects on customer satisfaction and brand switching, there is no clear explanation of how religion affects customer loyalty. Moreover, China, a populous country with a significant impact on the global economy and culture, is a country of traditional culture and modern culture. The religion of Chinese consumers (i.e. the extent to which Chinese consumers apply and adopt supernatural factors in their daily lives) is significantly different from that of foreign consumers. However, the religion of Chinese consumers and its influence on daily consumption behavior are seldom discussed in the existing literature. This paper explores and studies the religion of Chinese consumers and its relationship with customer loyalty, trying to reveal the characteristics of Chinese consumers'religion and its impact on customer loyalty. By reviewing and summarizing the literatures about the influence of religion and religion on the psychology and behavior of consumers at home and abroad, this paper puts forward the hypothesis of the relationship between the degree of religion and the loyalty of consumers for the first time in the academic field by logical inference method. Based on the hypothesis of intermediary effect, the hypothesis of intermediary effect of novelty hunting and the hypothesis of moderating effect of religious attribution, a model of the relationship between religion and customer loyalty is established. The scope of application of the new measurement tools is not limited by regions and religious sects. It fills a gap in the development of Chinese religious psychology theory and provides other researchers with operational tools to explore and discover the role of consumers'religious psychological factors in other research fields. In this study, questionnaire survey, random sampling, repeated sampling, cluster analysis, variance analysis, structural equation model analysis and regression analysis were used to analyze the relationship between religion and customer loyalty in monopoly product industry, general fast moving consumer goods industry, general durable consumer goods industry, purchasing durable consumer goods industry. The results show that: (1) the degree of religion of Chinese consumers has a positive impact on their customer loyalty in the above five product industries; (2) the religion of consumers can strengthen their customer loyalty tendency by enhancing their spirituality; (3) the religion of consumers can restrain their hunting. Singularity further strengthens customer loyalty tendency; (4) Religious attribution plays a moderating role in the multi-level mediation model: the religious attribution of intrinsic motivation strengthens the positive role of religious degree and spirituality, customer loyalty; strengthens the negative role of religious degree and curiosity, curiosity and customer loyalty. Religious attribution weakens the positive effects of religion and spirituality and customer loyalty, and weakens the negative effects of religion on consumer novelty hunting, novelty hunting and customer loyalty. The management enlightenment from the multi-dimensional analysis of the intermediary role of the relationship between the two and the moderating role of religious attribution provides the strategies and suggestions from a religious perspective for enterprises to enhance customer loyalty.
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