发布时间:2017-12-28 18:47
本文关键词:机械化种植方式对水稻综合生产力及稻麦周年生产的影响 出处:《扬州大学》2017年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 机械化种植方式 水稻 产量及其结构 温光资源利用 光合物质生产 株型 抗倒伏能力 氮素吸收利用 稻麦周年生产
【摘要】:当前,经济发展迅速,农村劳动力转移加剧,给农业带来一定的负面效应。加快水稻机械化进程,能够实现水稻稳产、增产,为农业生产带来积极的效应。机械化种植是水稻机械化生产的重要环节,也是实现水稻全程机械化高产高效生产的难点和研究的热点。长江下游稻麦两熟地区,目前主流的机械化种植方式有毯苗机插、机械直播和钵苗机插。受前茬小麦生产的影响,不同种植方式有其自身生产的特点及限制。因此,研明高产栽培模式下毯苗机插、机械直播和钵苗机插水稻综合生产力差异与产量形成的生态生理特征,能够为机械化种植方式的合理推广应用及实现水稻全程机械化高产高效生产提供理论参考和数据支持。2014-2015年,本试验于扬州大学农学院校外试验基地江苏省兴化市钓鱼镇进行,选用常规粳稻、籼粳杂交稻和杂交籼稻共6个水稻品种为材料,系统比较研究高产栽培模式下毯苗机插、机械直播和钵苗机插等机械化种植方式下不同水稻品种产量及其构成特征、温光资源利用特征、光合物质生产特征、株型及抗倒伏特征、氮素吸收利用特征、米质性状和稻麦周年生产特征及差异。主要结果如下:1.与机械直播相比,钵苗机插和毯苗机插分别显著增产水稻20.0%和13.1%。其中,籼粳杂交稻和杂交籼稻产量于种植方式间的变化幅度大于常规粳稻。从产量构成因素分析,水稻的结实率和千粒重于种植方式间差异不显著,群体颖花量呈钵苗机插毯苗机插机械直播的显著趋势。进一步分析水稻群体颖花量构成,单位面积有效穗数和穗粒数分别呈钵苗机插毯苗机插机械直播和钵苗机插毯苗机插机械直播的显著趋势。与机械直播相比,钵苗机插和毯苗机插水稻的穗数平均减少4.4%和2.6%,穗粒数平均增加22.1%和13.3%,群体颖花量平均增加16.7%和10.3%。水稻的穗长、着粒密度、单穗粒重、一次枝梗数和粒数、二次枝梗数和粒数、二次枝梗粒数对穗粒数的贡献率及二次枝梗粒数的结实率为钵苗机插毯苗机插机械直播;一二次枝梗数比、一二次枝梗粒数比和一次枝梗粒数对总粒数的贡献率为钵苗机插毯苗机插机械直播。因此,保足穗、争大穗、高颖花量及稳定的结实率和千粒重,是钵苗机插较毯苗机插和机械直播高产的重要特征。2.钵苗机插和毯苗机插水稻播种期较机械直播早28和16 d,致水稻拔节期提前7-13和5-9 d,抽穗期提前7-15和4-10 d,成熟期提前5-15和3-11 d。与机械直播相比,毯苗机插延长水稻生育期5-14 d,钵苗机插延长13-23 d,且生育期延长主要是由于播种至拔节期持续时间延长。籼粳杂交稻和杂交籼稻的日产量呈钵苗机插毯苗机插机械直播的显著趋势,常规粳稻呈毯苗机插高于钵苗机插和机械直播的趋势。最终,产量与生育期和日产量均呈极显著的正相关关系。这说明,水稻生长过程中,延长全生育期和提高日产量均能增加实产。相比机械直播,钵苗机插和毯苗机插增加水稻全生育期有效积温14.9%-19.6%和9.1%-11.6%,增加全生育期太阳辐射积累量16.1%-24.8%和8.3%-14.2%。水稻全生育期日均温度呈钵苗机插毯苗机插机械直播,其中营养生长期(播种至拔节期)为钵苗机插毯苗机插机械直播,生殖生长期(拔节至抽穗期)和灌浆结实期(抽穗至成熟期)为钵苗机插毯苗机插机械直播。受种植方式的影响,营养生长期日均温度低于25.1℃和灌浆结实期日均温度高于20.1℃可攻取高产。因此,长生育期、高温光资源利用、营养生长期较低的日均温度和灌浆结实期较高的日均温度,是钵苗机插水稻高产的重要特征。3.从水稻茎蘖动态分析,钵苗机插呈“缓升缓降”的态势,机械直播呈“急升骤降”的态势,毯苗机插居于二者之间,成穗率为钵苗机插毯苗机插机械直播的趋势。钵苗机插水稻较毯苗机插和机械直播水稻群体干物质积累量大,其差异随生育进程的推进而增大。降低播种至拔节期水稻干物质积累量比例,控制拔节至抽穗期干物质积累量比例,增大抽穗至成熟期干物质积累量比例是钵苗机插较毯苗机插和机械直播积累更多生物产量的重要途径。灌浆结实期水稻单茎茎鞘重和乳熟后单茎茎鞘的二次充实状况均为钵苗机插毯苗机插机械直播。与毯苗机插和机械直播相比,钵苗机插抽穗至乳熟期单茎茎鞘干物质输出率和转运率较大,抽穗至成熟期较小。抽穗后水稻的光合势、群体生长率和净同化率均呈钵苗机插毯苗机插机械直播的显著趋势,极大地提高了钵苗机插水稻植株群体光合生产能力,为水稻高产的形成奠定物质基础。4.与毯苗机插和机械直播相比,钵苗机插使水稻上三叶叶长增长,比叶重增大,叶基角和披垂度减小;使水稻群体高效叶叶面积增加,剑叶叶绿素含量和净光合速率协同增加;使水稻穗型变大,粒叶比提高;并且使水稻株高增高,秆长增长,穗下节间增长。水稻基部1-3节间于钵苗机插方式下,较毯苗机插和机械直播长度缩短,茎秆变粗,茎壁增厚,节间干重增加,充实度变好,抗折力和弯曲力矩增大,倒伏指数显著降低。这说明,钵苗机插更能改善水稻株型,优化水稻群体结构,提升水稻抗倒性能。5.拔节期水稻含氮率为钵苗机插毯苗机插机械直播,抽穗和成熟期为钵苗机插毯苗机插机械直播,差异显著。主要时期水稻植株吸氮量于种植方式间的变化趋势与含氮量一致,但拔节期吸氮量于种植方式间差异不显著,抽穗和成熟期差异显著。拔节后水稻的氮素积累量、积累比例和吸收速率均呈钵苗机插毯苗机插机械直播的显著趋势。水稻百千克籽粒氮素吸收量、偏生产力和氮收获指数为钵苗机插毯苗机插机械直播,而籽粒和干物质氮素生产率为钵苗机插毯苗机插机械直播,差异显著。这说明,钵苗机插水稻氮素生产效率较低。因此,在今后技术研发中应重视氮肥的高效利用,以实现兼顾高产和营养高效水稻机械化生产。抽穗期和成熟期植株叶片、茎鞘和穗部含氮率均为钵苗机插毯苗机插机械直播,抽穗后钵苗机插叶片氮素转运量、表观转运率和转运贡献率均显著大于毯苗机插和机械直播,为籽粒高效的氮素积累提供保障。6.钵苗机插的整精米率比毯苗机插和机械直播分别提高1.6%和4.9%,整精米产量分别提高7.8%和25.9%,改善了稻米加工品质。与毯苗机插和机械直播相比,钵苗机插稻米的垩白米率、垩白面积和垩白度显著增加,对稻米外观品质有不利影响,但钵苗机插精米蛋白质含量较高,有利于稻米营养品质的改良,其精米蛋白质产量分别比毯苗机插和机械直播提高8.7%和28.0%。3种种植方式相比,钵苗机插稻米蒸煮食味品质表现出一定程度的变优趋势,其中,稻米直链淀粉含量、消减值和糊化温度呈钵苗机插毯苗机插机械直播的趋势,胶稠度、峰值黏度、热浆黏度、最终黏度和崩解值呈钵苗机插毯苗机插机械直播的趋势。食味值于种植方式间无显著差异,呈籼粳交水稻和常规粳稻钵苗机插毯苗机插机械直播,杂交籼稻毯苗机插钵苗机插机械直播的趋势。7.试验中,水稻腾茬时间由早到晚依次为钵苗机插、毯苗机插和机械直播。因此,小麦的播种期于钵苗机插水稻茬口早于毯苗机插和机械直播水稻茬口,致小麦生育期、生物学产量和经济产量呈钵苗机插水稻茬口毯苗机插水稻茬口机械直播水稻茬口的显著趋势。水稻机械化种植方式对稻麦周年生产的影响显著。与机械直播水稻-小麦相比,钵苗机插和毯苗机插水稻-小麦分别增加周年经济产量19.3%和12.2%,增加周年生物学产量17.5%和11.2%,增加周年日产量9.1%和7.2%。钵苗机插和毯苗机插水稻-小麦全生育期较机械直播水稻-小麦长32和16 d,其中钵苗机插水稻-小麦全生育期天数超过366 d。水稻周年有效积温积累量、太阳辐射积累量和温光生产效率均呈钵苗机插-小麦毯苗机插水稻-小麦机械直播水稻-小麦的显著趋势。最终,与机械直播水稻-小麦相比,钵苗机插水稻-小麦分别增大周年籽粒和干物质光能利用率15.8%和14.0%,毯苗机插分别增大10.5%和9.5%。由此总结如下,钵苗机插在促进稻麦周年粮食增产增效生产的作用表现在:①攻大穗,高积累,增水稻产量;②提早播种,协调穗粒,提高小麦产量;③缓和稻麦茬口矛盾,延长稻麦生育周期,改善稻麦生长环境,促稻麦周年粮食高产高效生产。
[Abstract]:At present, the economic development is rapid and the transfer of rural labor force is aggravated, which brings some negative effects to agriculture. Speeding up the process of rice mechanization can realize the stable yield and increase production of rice, and bring positive effects to the agricultural production. Mechanized planting is an important link in the mechanized production of rice, and it is also a difficult and hot spot to realize high yield and high efficiency production of whole rice mechanization. At the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, the main mechanized planting methods in the two maturing areas of the lower reaches of the Yangtze River include the inserting of the blankets, the direct sowing of the machinery and the inserting of the seedling machine. Influenced by the wheat production in the previous crop, the different planting methods have their own characteristics and limitations. Therefore, ecological and physiological characteristics of high yielding cultivation mode research under the blanket of mechanical transplanting, mechanical direct seeding and seedling transplanting rice difference comprehensive productivity and yield formation, can provide theoretical reference and data support the production of high yield and high efficiency for reasonable application of mechanized planting mode and achieve full mechanization of rice. In 2014-2015, the experiment was conducted in the fishing town of Xinghua city of Jiangsu Province, Yangzhou University College of agriculture outside the test base, using conventional japonica rice, indica Japonica Hybrid Rice and indica hybrid rice of 6 rice varieties, a systematic comparative study on high yield cultivation mode under the blanket, mechanical direct seeding and Mechanical transplanting seedling transplanting mechanization planting mode the different varieties of rice yield and yield characteristics, temperature and light utilization characteristics, photosynthesis characteristics, plant type and lodging characteristics, nitrogen absorption and utilization characteristics and quality traits of rice and wheat and production characteristics and differences. The main results are as follows: 1. compared with the mechanical direct seeding, the rice seedling inserting and the blanket seedling inserting can increase the yield of rice 20% and 13.1%, respectively. Among them, the yield of Indica and Japonica Hybrid Rice and hybrid indica rice yield was greater than that of conventional japonica rice. From the analysis of yield components, there was no significant difference in seed setting rate and 1000 grain weight between different planting modes. The spikelet size of seedlings showed a significant trend of mechanical seeding with pot seedling machine carpet seedling. Further analysis of the spikelet quantity composition, the effective panicle number per panicle and the number of grains per panicle showed significant trend of mechanical seeding with pot seedling machine carpet, mechanical direct seeding and seedling seeding. Compared with mechanical direct seeding, the number of panicle seedlings and machine transplanted seedlings decreased by 4.4% and 2.6%, and the number of spikelets increased by 22.1% and 13.3%, respectively, and the spikelet number increased by 16.7% and 10.3% respectively. The panicle length, seed setting rate, grain weight per panicle grain density, the contribution rate of the primary branch number and grain number, the two branch number and grain number, the two branch grain number of panicle and two branch grain number for seedling seedling transplanting machine transplanting blanket mechanical direct seeding; one or two branch ratio, one or two branch ratio of grains and a branch grain number of total grain number for the contribution rate of seedling mechanical transplanting machine transplanting machine live blanket. Therefore, Paul foot spike, big spike, high amount of floral organs and stable seed setting rate and grain weight, is a blanket seedling pot seedling of mechanical transplanting machine plug and an important feature of high yield mechanical direct seeding. 2., the seeding time of pot seedling machine transplanting and carpet seedling transplanting rice is 28 and 16 D earlier than that of mechanical direct seeding, which leads to 7-13 and 5-9 D advance at jointing stage, 7-15 and 4-10 D ahead of heading stage, and 5-15 and 3-11 D in advance. Compared with mechanical direct seeding, carpet seedling plug increased the growth period of rice by 5-14 D, and pot seedling transplanting extended 13-23 D, and the extension of growth period was mainly due to the prolongation of seeding to jointing stage. The daily yield of indica Japonica Hybrid Rice and indica hybrid rice is a significant trend of mechanical seeding with pot seedling machine transplanting carpet seedling, and the trend of conventional japonica rice carpet planting is higher than that of pot seedling and mechanical direct seeding. In the end, there was a very significant positive correlation between the yield and the growth period and the daily output. This shows that during the growth of rice, the growth of the whole growth period and the increase of daily yield can increase the yield of the rice. Compared with mechanical direct seeding, pot seedling plug and carpet seedling plug increased the effective accumulated temperature of 14.9%-19.6% and 9.1%-11.6% during the whole growth period of rice, and increased the solar radiation accumulation of 16.1%-24.8% and 8.3%-14.2% during the whole growth period. The average temperature in the whole growth period of rice seedling transplanting seedling transplanting machine blanket live, the vegetative growth stage (from sowing to jointing stage) for seedling machine transplanting seedling transplanting machine blanket live, reproductive growth stage (jointing to heading) and filling stage (from heading to maturity) for pot seedling of mechanical transplanting blanket seedling transplanting machine live. The effects of planting patterns, the vegetative growth stage the average daily temperature lower than 25.1 DEG C and filling stage of average temperature higher than 20.1 DEG C can be captured with high yield. Therefore, long daily growth period, high temperature light resource utilization, low daily growth temperature and higher daily average temperature during grain filling stage are important characteristics of high yield of pot seedling machine transplanted rice. 3., from the analysis of the dynamics of rice stem and tiller, the pot seedling transplanting showed a slow rising and slow descending trend, and the mechanical direct seeding showed a trend of "rapid ascending and descending". The carpet seedling machine Interplanted in two, and the earing rate was the trend of mechanical seeding of pot seedling machine carpet planting machine. The dry matter accumulation of rice seedling machine insert and mechanical direct seeding rice population was larger, and the difference was increased with the advancement of the growth process. Reducing the proportion of dry matter accumulation from sowing to jointing stage, controlling the proportion of dry matter accumulation from jointing to heading stage and increasing the percentage of dry matter accumulation from heading to maturity are important ways to accumulate more biomass than potted seedling transplanter and mechanical direct seeding. The two filling conditions of the single stem sheath weight of rice and the single stem sheath after milk ripening during the grain filling period were the direct seeding of the machine inserted in the seedling machine. Compared with the machine inserting and mechanical direct seeding, the dry matter output rate and transport rate of the single stem sheath of the bowl seedling to the milk ripening stage were larger, and the heading to the mature period was smaller. The photosynthetic potential, population growth rate and net assimilation rate of rice after heading were all significant trend of mechanical seedling direct seeding, and greatly improved the photosynthetic capacity of rice seedlings. 4. and blanket seedling machine insert and