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发布时间:2018-01-14 13:35

  本文关键词:有机物料对宁夏人工草地的改良作用 出处:《宁夏大学》2016年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 有机物料 林木枝条 人工草地 改良效果 宁夏

【摘要】:人工草地是发展现代畜牧业的重要基地。宁夏属于旱半干旱区,为我国沙漠化最严重的地区之一,严重影响了宁夏的草地生态,同时也严重制约当地社会经济全面协调发展。因此,在大面积的沙化区建立人工草地不仅是大力加快宁夏畜牧业发展的需求,也是改善当地生态环境的需要。本研究围绕宁夏防护林等森林资源可以产生相对丰富的林木枝条等有机物料但利用不合理的特点,首先以宁夏最常见的杨树枝条为主要有机物料,2012-2015年研究了林木枝条不同施用方式及灌溉条件对宁夏中部干旱带沙化区人工草地建植前后土壤水肥特征及建植后对紫花苜蓿产量及品质和微生物特性的影响。2014年-2015年设置了模拟试验,对比研究了土壤混施杨树枝条等不同有机物料以及杨树枝条混施量和杨树枝条施用方式对人工草地建植区沙化土壤的改良效果。主要研究结果如下:(1)2012-2015年田间试验结果表明,林木枝条的不同施用方式与对照比较均能有效增加人工草地建植前后土壤的蓄水量,在灌溉区表现为混施粉碎枝条+表施未粉碎枝条混施粉碎枝条表施粉碎枝条对照的趋势,在非灌溉区呈现为混施粉碎枝条+表施未粉碎枝条表施粉碎枝条混施粉碎枝条对照的趋势;对土壤密度、孔隙度和持水量等物理性质的改善、多数养分含量提高及pH值降低的效果而言,灌溉区和非灌溉区均表现为混施粉碎枝条+表施未粉碎枝条混施粉碎枝条表施粉碎枝条对照的趋势;但处理间的全钾含量在试验期间差异均不显著(P0.05),而水解氮含量变化在灌溉区同多数养分变化一致,在非灌溉区表现为混施粉碎枝条+表施未粉碎枝条混施粉碎枝条对照表施粉碎枝条,即表施粉碎枝条有可能激发了微生物固持氮素的现象。(2)2015年田间试验结果表明,林木枝条的不同施用方式对建植后人工草地紫花苜蓿的产量和品质影响不同于土壤理化性质。不论灌溉区还是非灌溉区,紫花苜蓿产量在处理间均为表施粉碎枝条处理下最大;混施粉碎枝条和混施粉碎枝条+表施未粉碎枝条紫花苜蓿的产量在灌溉区与对照无差异,而在非灌溉区低于对照。对品质的影响而言,与对照相比3种改良方式均有效的改善了紫花苜蓿的品质,但3种改良方式对紫花苜蓿品质改善效果的差异不明显。(3)2015年的田间试验结果还表明,不论灌溉区还是非灌溉区,3种施用方式间均以混施粉碎枝条+表施未粉碎枝条处理对提高土壤微生物碳氮和5种酶活性的效果最明显,而表施粉碎枝条和混施粉碎枝条间的指标变化规律不一致,但均优于对照。通过高通量测序对细菌群落结构的研究表明,施用林木枝条可以促进优势门细菌proteobacteria(平均34.5%)和bacteroidetes(平均7.0%)相对丰度的提高,且处理间相对丰度变化依次为混施粉碎枝条+表施未粉碎枝条混施粉碎枝条表施粉碎枝条对照的趋势;另外,protebacteria 和 bacteroidetes与土壤养分含量、微生物碳氮含量及酶活性间呈正相关,而与pH值负相关。(4)2014年模拟试验结果表明,混施不同有机物料(牛粪、小麦秸秆、稻壳、杨树枝条、槐树枝条、榆树枝条、葡萄树枝条)对草地土壤保水能力影响不同,以混施杨树枝条和小麦秸秆表现出最佳的保水性能。进一步对杨树枝条施用效果的研究表明,草地土壤保水能力随着杨树枝条混施比例的增加而提高;从杨树枝条施用方式(表施粉碎枝条、表施不粉碎枝条、混施粉碎枝条、混施粉碎枝条+表施不粉碎枝条)效果看,以直接表施粉碎枝条效果最佳,而田间试验以表旆粉碎枝条+混施不粉碎枝条的保水性最佳,其原因是田间表施不粉碎的枝条厚度远远高于模拟试验所致。(5)2015年对混施杨树枝条等7种有机物料的模拟试验结果表明,混施7种有机物料后均可以提高草地土壤多数的养分含量,但仅除混施牛粪和对照相比对水解氮含量的影响不显著外,其他6种有机物料的混施均普遍对水解氮含量、有效锌含量和有效铜含量具有降低趋势,但混施牛粪大幅度提高了土壤EC值。混施7种有机物料均具有提高土壤呼吸速率、微生物碳含量、微生物氮含量、过氧化氢酶活性及纤维素酶活性,但亦除混施牛粪显著提高了脲酶活性外,其他有机物料均具有降低脲酶活性的趋势。从小麦生长的表现看,小麦秸秆和林木枝条(杨树枝条、槐树枝条、榆树枝条、葡萄树枝条)均能有效促进春小麦光合作用和生物量的积累,但5种材料间变化规律不明显。综合7种有机物料的改良效果,以小麦秸秆、杨树枝条和槐树枝条在改良沙化土壤方面效果最佳。(6)201 5年对杨树枝条混施比例的模拟试验结果表明,随着杨树枝条混施比例的增加(2%-11%),草地土壤的pH值和多数的养分含量(有机质、全氮、全磷、全钾、有效磷、速效钾、有效铁、有效镁、有效锰)呈增加趋势,但水解氮含量和有效铜含量出现减小的趋势;随着杨树枝条混施比例的增加,土壤呼吸、微生物碳、微生物氮、过氧化氢酶活性和纤维素酶活性亦随着增加,而脲酶活性随着杨树枝条混施比例的增加而减小;从小麦的生理生长状况看,随着杨树枝条混施比例的增加小麦的光合速率、气孔导度、蒸腾速率、叶绿素含量、株高、分蘖和生物量出现先升高后降低的趋势,总体上以5%的混施比例对春小麦的生长促进效果最明显。(7)2015年对杨树枝条施用方式的模拟试验结果表明,表施粉碎枝条、表施不粉碎枝条、混施粉碎枝条和混施粉碎枝条+表施不粉碎枝条均降低了土壤EC值、水解氮含量和有效铜含量,而提高了pH值、有机碳含量、全氮含量、全磷含量和全钾含量;但2种表施同时还降低了有效磷、有效钾、有效铁、有效镁和有效锌含量。然而2种表施措施提高微生物活性,而混施粉碎枝条和混施粉碎枝条+表施不粉碎枝条降低了脲酶活性。4种杨树枝条的施用方式均促进了小麦的光合作用和生物量的积累,但表施粉碎枝条和混施粉碎枝条+表施不粉碎枝条的效果最佳。综上所述,林木枝条和秸秆类有机物料是改良宁夏人工草地的良好材料,特别确定出宁夏最常见的杨树枝条改良当地人工草地的理论可行性:以杨树枝条混施土壤方式改良人工草地时,5%的混施量效果最佳;但表施杨树枝条粉碎物对土壤水分的保持能力最佳,且在促进作物生长方面也优于混施,但对土壤物理性质的改善及养分的提高效果不及混施。需要注意的是,施用林木枝条和秸秆类有机物料均可造成土壤碳氮失衡,引起了微生物固持碳素,需要在施用时调节土壤碳氮比。
[Abstract]:Artificial grassland is an important base for the development of modern animal husbandry. Ningxia belongs to arid and semi arid region, China is one of the most serious desertification areas, seriously affected the Ningxia grassland ecosystem, but also restrict the local social and economic development. Therefore, in a large area of desert region to establish artificial grassland is not only to accelerate the development of Ningxia animal husbandry needs, also need to improve the local ecological environment. This study focused on Ningxia shelter forest and other forest resources can produce relatively rich tree branches and other organic materials but with unreasonable, first with the most common Ningxia poplar branches as the main organic materials, 2012-2015 of different application methods and irrigation conditions the tree branches of the Middle Arid Zone of Ningxia desertification areas planting artificial grassland and soil fertility characteristics and planting of Alfalfa Yield and quality and microbial characteristics The effect of simulation experiment in.2014 -2015, a comparative study of the soil mixed application of different organic materials such as poplar branches and branches of poplar and poplar branches mixed fertilizer application methods on planting artificial grassland desertification soil improvement effect. The main results are as follows: (1) the field test results show that 2012-2015. Different application methods were compared with the control tree branches can effectively increase the storage capacity of the soil after planting artificial grassland, in the irrigation area for the mixed application of grinding surface without crushing branches + branches of mixed application of grinding surface grinding control trend of branch branches, in non irrigated areas showed the mixed application of grinding surface without surface grinding + branch branch crushing branches mixed fertilizer control trend of crushing branches; density of soil, improve the soil porosity and water holding capacity and other physical properties, and improve the pH most nutrient content decreases the effect of Irrigation District, and Non irrigated areas were mixed application of grinding surface without crushing branches + branches of mixed application of grinding surface grinding control trend of branch branches; but the content of total potassium treatment differences during the test were not significant (P0.05), while the hydrolysis nitrogen content change with most nutrients in Irrigation District, in non irrigated agricultural area mixed application of grinding surface without crushing branches + branches of mixed application of grinding surface grinding control branch branches, namely the surface grinding branches may stimulate the microbial immobilization of nitrogen (2) in 2015. The field test results show that different application of tree branches on Yield and quality of alfalfa planting artificial grassland in soil different properties. Regardless of irrigation area or non irrigation area, the yield of alfalfa were grown under maximum crushing branches in the treatment of mixed application; crushing branches and mixed fertilizer application without crushing crushing branches + branches Alfalfa Yield in irrigation area and control no difference, while in non irrigation area was lower than that of control. In terms of quality, compared with the 3 kinds of improved methods are effective to improve the quality of alfalfa, but the difference of 3 kinds of improved methods to improve the effect on the quality of alfalfa was not obvious. (3) the field test the results also show that in 2015, regardless of irrigation area or non Irrigation District, the 3 application methods are in mixed application of grinding surface without crushing branches + branches the most obvious treatment to improve soil microbial carbon and nitrogen and 5 kinds of enzyme activity and effect of surface grinding and crushing branches of mixed application of index variation among the branches inconsistent. It was better than the control. Through the study of high-throughput sequencing on the bacterial community structure showed that the application of tree branches can promote the advantages of door of bacterial Proteobacteria (average 34.5%) and Bacteroidetes (average 7%) relative abundance is high, and the treatment The relative abundance changes in mixed fertilizer + surface without crushing crushing branches branches of mixed application of grinding surface grinding control trend of branch branches; in addition, protebacteria and Bacteroidetes and soil nutrient content, microbial carbon and nitrogen content and enzyme activities were positively correlated with pH value, and the negative correlation (4 2014). Simulation results show that the the mixed application of different organic materials (cow dung, wheat straw, rice husk, poplar branches, tree branches, elm branches, vine branches) have different effects on water conservation capacity in grassland soil, mixed fertilization of poplar twigs and wheat straw showed water retention performance best. Further study on the application effect of poplar branches showed that water Paul grassland soil capacity with poplar branches increased the proportion of mixed fertilizer increased from poplar branches; application methods (surface grinding surface not broken branches, branches, mixed application of crushing branches, mixed fertilizer + surface not crushed crushing branches Branches) effect, to direct surface grinding branches is best, and field test to form mixed fertilizer + crushing branches Pennant not crushed branches of water retention, the reason is that the thickness of surface field branches not crushed is much higher than the simulation test result. (5) in 2015 to Yang Shuzhi and other 7 kinds of mixed application of organic materials. Simulation results show that the mixed application of 7 kinds of organic materials can improve the nutrient content in the soil of grassland most, but only the mixed application of cow dung and compared to the control effect on the hydrolysis of nitrogen content was not significant, generally on the hydrolysis of mixed application of nitrogen content of other 6 kinds of organic material, available zinc content and effective copper content has decreased, but the mixed application of cattle manure significantly increased soil EC value. The mixed application of 7 kinds of organic materials can improve the soil respiration rate, microbial carbon content, microbial nitrogen content, catalase activity and cellulase activity, but also in mixed fertilizer Cattle manure significantly increased urease activity and other organic materials could reduce urease activity trends from wheat growth performance, wheat straw and tree branches (Yang Shuzhi, elm tree branches, branches, vine branches) can effectively promote spring wheat photosynthesis and biomass accumulation, but 5 changes the rule of material between the improvement effect is not obvious. The synthesis of 7 organic materials, wheat straw, poplar branches and tree branches in the sandy soil improvement effect best. (6) the simulation results of 2015 when the ratio of mixed poplar branches showed that with poplar branches increased the proportion of mixed fertilizer (2%-11%), grassland soil the value of pH and most of the nutrients (organic matter, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, total potassium, available phosphorus, available potassium, available iron, available mg, Mn) showed an increasing trend, but the hydrolysis of nitrogen and copper content decreased; with Yang The branches of the increase in the proportion of mixed fertilizer, soil respiration, microbial biomass carbon, microbial nitrogen, catalase activity and cellulase activity also increased with the increase of the urease activity with branches of poplar mixed increase application ratio decreases from wheat; physiological and growth situation, with Yang Shuzhi a mixed application of the increase in the proportion of wheat photosynthetic rate. The stomatal conductance, transpiration rate, chlorophyll content, plant height, tillering and biomass increased first and then decreased, in general, 5% of the proportion of mixed fertilizer on spring wheat growth promoting effect is most obvious. (7 2015) of poplar twigs application methods of the simulation test results show that the surface grinding surface not branches. Crushing branches, branches and mixed fertilizer mixed fertilizer crushing crushing branches + branches are not crushed mulching reduced soil EC value, hydrolysable nitrogen and available Cu content, and improve the pH value, organic carbon content, total nitrogen content, total phosphorus content and The total potassium content of 2 kinds of surface; but also reduces the effective phosphorus, available potassium, available iron, available magnesium and zinc content. However, the 2 measures to improve the surface activity of the microorganism, and the mixed application of crushing branches and mixed fertilizer crushing branches + not crushed branches reduced surface urease activity in.4 poplar branches application both promote photosynthesis and biomass accumulation of wheat, but the surface grinding and crushing branches mixed fertilizer + branches surface not crushed branches best. In summary, tree branches and straw organic materials is a good material for the improvement of Ningxia artificial grassland, especially determine the theoretical feasibility of the most common Ningxia poplar branches improved local artificial grassland: the branches of poplar mixed fertilizer soil improved artificial grassland, mixed fertilizer was the best effects of 5%; but the surface poplar branches crushed on soil moisture retention capacity and promote the best. Growth is better than that of mixed fertilizer, but not on the improvement of soil physical properties and nutrient and improve the effect of mixed application. Note that the application of tree branches and straw organic materials could cause soil carbon and nitrogen balance, causing microbial immobilization in carbon, soil carbon and nitrogen application at day.



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7 曹健;有机资源与化肥配施农业模式的农学和环境效应评价[D];中国农业大学;2015年

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