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发布时间:2018-03-20 17:12

  本文选题:大豆 切入点:遗传改良 出处:《沈阳农业大学》2017年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:大豆品种产量遗传改良的评价,将有助于未来产量潜力的进一步提高,为了更加准确地找出我国大豆育种与美国的差距,本研究以祖先亲本相同(均来自Williams和Amsoy),分别在中国辽宁省和美国俄亥俄州(相同纬度)育种程序下育成的代表性大豆[Glycine max(L.)Merr.]品种为试材。通过2012年、2013年的盆栽试验和2011、2013、2014年的大田试验,比较研究了中国辽宁省和美国俄亥俄州不同年代育成大豆品种根系的形态和生理,植株冠层结构与叶片生理,干物质积累与分配,产量性状和品质,以及品种对磷酸二铵施用量的响应。旨在明确大豆在产量提高的同时,品种根系形态和活力,物质生产与分配,以及主要农艺性状的演变趋势,试图为我国未来大豆育种提供借鉴依据。结果如下:1.不同年代育成大豆品种根系形态性状和生理指标的比较随着大豆品种产量的提高,俄亥俄品种和辽宁品种的根系总长度、根系总表面积、根体积、根毛数量、根系伤流量、根系可溶性蛋白质含量、根系活力、根系活跃表面积、根干重和根冠比的改良趋势一致,均随产量的升高呈递增趋势,特别是在鼓粒中期和鼓粒末期,根系形态和活力等指标随育成年代的增加幅度较大。相同年代的品种相比,俄亥俄品种的根系总长度、根系总表面积、根毛数量、根系伤流量、根系可溶性蛋白质和可溶性糖含量、根系活力和根系活跃表面积的改良程度大于辽宁品种。中等施肥(150 mg·kg-1)条件下,根系总长度、根系总表面积、根体积、根毛数量、根瘤数量、根系可溶性蛋白质含量、根系可溶性糖含量、根系伤流量、根系活力、根系活跃表面积和根干重均得到显著增加,降低了根平均直径和根冠比。高肥(300 mg·kg-1)较中肥(150 mg·kg-1)处理,俄亥俄中期品种、辽宁中期品种和辽宁当代品种的根系总长度、根体积、根毛数量、根系可溶性蛋白质含量和根干重显著下降,而俄亥俄当代品种无显著差异;俄亥俄品种的根系可溶性糖含量和根系活力显著增加,而辽宁品种无显著差异。2.不同年代育成大豆品种植株冠层形态性状和叶片生理指标的比较随着大豆品种产量的提高,俄亥俄品种和辽宁品种的株高、植株重量平衡点均呈下降趋势。俄亥俄品种叶型指数随育成年代的推进呈递增趋势,其叶柄长度、茎叶夹角和茎粗呈下降趋势,然而辽宁品种这些性状的改良趋势与俄亥俄品种相反。经过相关分析表明,植株的重量平衡点与倒伏指数呈极显著正相关。中等施肥水平(150 kg·hm~(-2))条件下,辽宁品种的茎叶夹角较不施肥(0kg·hm~(-2))处理显著增加,而俄亥俄品种无显著差异。高肥(300 kg·hm~(-2))条件下,俄亥俄品种的茎粗较中肥处理显著增加,而辽宁品种差异未达显著水平。随着大豆品种产量的提高,俄亥俄品种和辽宁品种的叶面积指数、叶色值和叶片净光合速率均呈增加趋势,尤其在鼓粒中期和鼓粒末期其增幅较大。相同年代的品种相比,俄亥俄品种的叶面积指数、叶色值和净光合速率的改良程度大于辽宁品种。俄亥俄品种不同冠层叶片的叶色值随育成年代的推进均呈递增趋势,而辽宁品种仅下层叶片的叶色值增加。与中肥(150 kg·hm~(-2))处理相比,共同亲本和辽宁中期品种的叶面积指数在高肥(300kg·hm~(-2))条件下显著下降,而俄亥俄品种和辽宁当代品种无显著变化;俄亥俄当代品种叶色值增加,而辽宁当代品种显著下降。3.不同年代育成大豆品种干物质积累与分配的比较俄亥俄品种和辽宁品种的单株生物量随产量的提高均呈增加趋势,尤其在鼓粒中期和鼓粒末期。将大豆不同器官的干物质积累动态进行Logistic曲线模拟,结果表明:随着大豆品种产量的提高,俄亥俄品种和辽宁品种茎秆、籽粒和单株生物量的最大积累速率呈增加趋势,且茎秆、叶片和单株生物量的最大积累速率出现时间在不断提前。相同年代的品种相比,俄亥俄品种叶片和单株生物量最大积累速率,以及叶片、籽粒和单株生物量的平均积累速率均显著大于辽宁品种。随着大豆品种产量的增加,俄亥俄品种和辽宁品种干物质在籽粒中的分配率呈递增趋势;苗期至开花期干物质在叶片中分配率呈下降趋势,而鼓粒末期在叶片中的分配率不断增加。俄亥俄品种干物质在茎秆中分配率随育成年代呈增加趋势,在荚皮中的分配率呈下降趋势,而辽宁品种的改良趋势与之相反。施用适量的磷酸二铵会显著增加植株的最大干物质积累速率、生物积累量,以及干物质在茎秆中的分配率,而降低干物质在荚皮中的分配率。与中等施肥水平(150kg·hm~(-2))相比,高肥(300kg·hm~(-2))处理下俄亥俄品种的生物积累量保持稳定,而辽宁品种显著下降;高肥(300kg·hm~(-2))条件下,辽宁当代品种干物质在荚皮和籽粒中的分配率较低肥(0kg·hm~(-2))处理显著降低,而俄亥俄当代品种无显著差异。4.不同年代育成大豆品种主要农艺性状、产量及品质的比较随着大豆品种产量的提高,俄亥俄品种和辽宁品种的株高降低、节间长度缩短、倒伏指数下降、收获指数增加;俄亥俄品种的分枝数和结荚高度升高,而辽宁品种则下降。单株粒数的改良是俄亥俄品种产量增加的主要原因;而辽宁品种增产的主要原因是百粒重的增加。在品种选育进程中,俄亥俄品种的籽粒蛋白质含量下降,脂肪含量升高;辽宁品种的蛋白质含量增加,脂肪含量无显著变化。与相同年代育成的辽宁品种相比,俄亥俄品种株高矮,节间长度短,抗倒伏能力强;单株荚数、单株粒数、收获指数以及产量明显增加;蛋白质含量极显著降低,而脂肪含量极显著升高。随着施肥水平的增加,俄亥俄品种的株高、节间长度和倒伏指数无显著变化,而辽宁品种的增幅较大。俄亥俄品种的籽粒产量随施肥水平的增加而增加,辽宁品种则在中肥(150 kg·hm~(-2))条件下表现最佳。通径分析表明,大豆籽粒产量与株高、节间长度和倒伏指数呈极显著负相关;与单株荚数、单株粒数和收获指数呈极显著正相关,其中株高、单株荚数、单株粒数和收获指数对产量的直接作用较大;在产量构成因素中,单株荚数对产量的贡献率最高。5.现阶段我国大豆品种遗传改良的策略综合上述的比较研究结果,为了缩短我国大豆育种与美国的差距,今后我国大豆育种的遗传改良重点应该注意以下方面:一方面要注重株高、节间长度和抗倒伏能力的改良,另一方面要注意单株荚数、百粒重和收获指数的选择,最终实现品种产量潜力的提高。
[Abstract]:Evaluation of soybean varieties yield genetic improvement, will help to further improve the future yield potential, in order to more accurately identify gaps in Soybean Breeding in China and the United States, this research takes the same ancestor (both from Williams and Amsoy, respectively) in Liaoning province and Ohio in Chinese (same latitude) breeding program activities as the representative of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] cultivars. By 2012, the pot experiment in 2013 and 201120132014 years of field trials, a comparative study of Liaoning province China and Ohio soybean varieties bred in different ages root morphology and physiology, plant canopy structure and leaf physiology, dry matter accumulation and distribution, yield and quality, and response varieties of diammonium phosphate fertilizer. To clear soybean with the increase of the yield, root morphology and vitality of varieties, matter production and distribution, to The development tendency and the main agronomic traits, trying to provide reference for China's future soybean breeding. The results are as follows: 1. different years of soybean root morphological traits and physiological indexes compared with soybean yield increased, the total length of root varieties in Ohio and Liaoning varieties, root surface area, root volume, root hair number. Root exudates and root activity of soluble protein content, root surface area, root activity, root dry weight and root shoot ratio were consistent improvement trend, with the yield increasing, especially in the grain filling period and grain filling in the end, root morphology and activity index increased with incubation time. Compared with the same age varieties, total root length of Ohio varieties, total root surface area, root number, root volume, root soluble sugar and protein content, root activity and root The improved degree of active surface area is greater than the Liaoning varieties. Moderate fertilizer application (150 mg kg-1) under the condition that the total root length, root surface area, root volume, root number, root nodule number, soluble protein content, soluble sugar content of root, root exudates, root vigor, root active surface area and root dry weight obviously increase, reduce the average root diameter and root shoot ratio. High fat (300 mg kg-1) than in fertilizer (150 mg kg-1), mid Ohio varieties, the total length of root, middle Liaoning varieties and Liaoning contemporary varieties of root volume, root number, root soluble protein content and root dry weight significantly decreased, but no significant difference in contemporary Ohio varieties; Ohio varieties, the soluble sugar content of roots and root activity increased significantly, while the Liaoning.2. had no significant difference in different varieties bred soybean cultivars canopy morphological traits and leaf Compared with the physiological indexes of soybean yield increase, Ohio Liaoning varieties and species of plant height, plant weight balance decreased. Leaf shape index of Ohio varieties with year ofrelease tendency to increase progressively, the petiole length, leaf angle and stem diameter showed a downward trend, however, these traits of Liaoning breed the improvement and development of Ohio varieties instead. After correlation analysis showed that the weight balance were significantly correlated with lodging index. Fertilizer (150 kg - hm~ (-2)) under the conditions of Liaoning, the angle between stem and Leaf Varieties with no fertilization (0kg - hm~ (-2)) treatment significantly increased, while the there was no significant difference between varieties. Ohio high fertilizer (300 kg - hm~ (-2)) under the conditions of Ohio, the stem diameter of variety than in fertilizer increased significantly, while Liaoning varieties without significant differences with the high yield of soybean varieties, varieties and products of Liaoning Ohio The leaf area index, leaf color value and net photosynthetic rate increased, especially in the mid and late grain filling drum the larger increase. Compared to the same time varieties, leaf area index of Ohio varieties, leaf color value and net photosynthetic rate of improvement is greater than Liaoning leaf color varieties. Ohio cultivars with different canopy leaf values with year ofrelease propulsion were increased, while the leaf color of Liaoning varieties only lower layer leaves increased. With the fertilizer (150 kg - hm~ (-2)) as compared to common parent and mid Liaoning varieties of leaf area index in high fat (300kg - hm~ (-2)) under the condition of decreased significantly, while Ohio and Liaoning varieties of contemporary varieties had no significant change; Ohio contemporary varieties of leaf color value increases, while Liaoning contemporary varieties bred in different ages of.3. significantly decreased dry matter accumulation and distribution of soybean varieties and varieties of Liaoning in Ohio The biomass yield increased with increased, especially in the mid and late grain filling drum in different organs of soybean. The accumulation of dry matter dynamic Logistic curve simulation, the results show that with the increase of the yield of soybean varieties, cultivars and varieties in Ohio of Liaoning, the maximum accumulation rate of grain and biomass per plant were increased the trend, and the stem, the maximum accumulation rate of leaf and plant biomass of the time in advance. In the same time compared to Ohio varieties, varieties and plant biomass maximum accumulation rate and the average accumulation rate of leaf, grain and plant biomass were significantly higher than the Liaoning varieties. With the increase of soybean yield, distribution of material in the grain rate showed an increasing trend in Ohio Liaoning dry varieties and varieties; dry matter distribution rate decreased in leaves at seedling stage to flowering stage, and grain filling At the end of the proportion of leaves increase. The distribution rate of dry matter with year ofrelease showed an increasing trend in the stem of Ohio varieties, distribution in the pod rate decreases, and the improvement trend of Liaoning varieties on the contrary. Proper application of diammonium phosphate could significantly increase plant maximum dry matter accumulation rate. The biological accumulation and distribution of dry matter in the stem of the rate, and reduce the distribution of dry matter in the pod rate. And fertilizer (150kg hm~ (-2)) compared to high fertilizer (300kg hm~ (-2)) under the Ohio varieties processing biomass remained stable, while the varieties in Liaoning decreased significantly; the high fertilizer (300kg hm~ (-2)) under the condition that the distribution of material in the pod and seed in the low rate of dry fertilizer for current Liaoning cultivar (0kg - hm~ (-2)) decreased significantly and the current Ohio cultivar.4. had no significant difference with years of main agronomic soybean varieties Traits, yield and quality of soybean yield increased compared with Ohio and Liaoning varieties, varieties of lower plant height, internode length is shortened, the lodging index decreased, harvest index increased; the number of branches and pod varieties in Ohio were highly elevated and Liaoning varieties decreased. The improved seed number per plant is the main reason for Ohio yield increase the main reason for Liaoning; and the yield is 100 grain weight increase. In the process of breeding, grain protein content decreased in Ohio varieties, the fat content increased; increase the protein content of Liaoning varieties, the fat content showed no significant changes. Compared with the same age Liaoning bred varieties, Ohio varieties, plant height, internode length in short, the lodging resistance ability; pod number, grain number per plant, harvest index and yield increased significantly; the protein content decreased significantly, while the fat content increased significantly . with the increasing fertilization level, Ohio varieties of plant height, internode length and lodging index had no significant change, while Liaoning varieties increased significantly. The grain yield of Ohio varieties increased with the fertilizer level, Liaoning varieties in fertilizer (150 kg - hm~ (-2)) best path conditions. The analysis shows that the soybean grain yield and plant height, internode length was negatively correlated with lodging index; and the number of pods per plant, significantly positive correlation with the grain number per plant and harvest index, plant height, pods per plant, the direct effect of grain number per plant and harvest index to yield larger; in yield components the pod number, the rate of contribution to yield the highest.5. of Soybean Cultivars in China at the present stage of the strategy the results of the comparative study, in order to shorten the gap between China and the United States of soybean breeding, the future genetic improvement of soybean breeding in China should focus on Pay attention to the following aspects: on the one hand, we should pay attention to the improvement of plant height, internode length and lodging resistance. On the other hand, we should pay attention to the selection of pods per plant, 100 grain weight and harvest index, and ultimately achieve the improvement of yield potential of varieties.



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