发布时间:2018-04-24 00:28
本文选题:光谱分子结构 + 营养代谢特性 ; 参考:《东北农业大学》2016年博士论文
【摘要】:国产双低菜籽粕(Co PR)、加拿大双低油菜籽粕(Co PC)和豆粕(Co PS)的营养利用率,及其作为主要蛋白质来源饲料原料添加到奶牛日粮中的饲喂效果存在很大差异,并且这一差异可能与饲料分子结构中的化学功能团有关。本研究的主要目的是:(1)比较两种双低菜籽粕和豆粕的分子结构、化学组成、代谢特性及其添加到反刍动物日粮中的饲喂效果,为合理搭配奶牛日粮提供科学依据;(2)建立饲料在分子水平的内部构造与常规营养特性和生产性能的相关性,为饲料营养分析和评定提供新的研究方法和思路。试验1:双低菜籽粕和豆粕的常规营养特性比较本试验利用传统营养分析方法,测定国产双低菜籽粕、加拿大双低菜籽粕和豆粕的化学成分,利用CNCPS体系对蛋白质和碳水化合物各组分进行剖分,同时采用NRC-2001对真消化率和能值进行估测。结果表明:Co PC的总碳水化合物含量最高,Co PS最低(P0.05);Co PR和Co PC的中性洗涤纤维(NDF)、酸性洗涤纤维(ADF)、酸性洗涤木质素(ADL)、半纤维素和纤维素含量都显著高于Co PS(P0.05);Co PS的粗蛋白(CP)含量平均为52.6%DM,显著高于Co PR(44.1%DM)和Co PC(38.4%DM)(P0.01)。在CNCPS组分方面,Co PS的可溶性纤维CB2含量最高,Co PR最低(P0.05)。Co PR和Co PC的总不可降解CHO组分都显著高于Co PS(P0.05)。Co PS的不可利用蛋白组分最低(P0.05)。Co PC和Co PS的总可消化非纤维性碳水化合物(td NFC)含量显著高于CoPR(P0.05)。Co PS的总可消化粗蛋白质(td CPc)含量显著高于Co PR,Co PC的含量最低(P0.05)。与Co PS相比,Co PR和Co PC的总可消化NDF(td NDF)和总可消化养分(TDN1x)含量较高,差异显著(P0.05)。在能值方面,Co PS的1倍维持消化能(DE1x)、维持净能(NEm)、生长净能(NEg)、3倍维持消化能(DE3x)、三倍维持代谢能(ME3x)和产奶净能(NELP)含量显著高于Co PR和Co PC(P0.05),Co PR和Co PC在可预测能值含量方面差异不显著(P0.05)。试验2:双低菜籽粕和豆粕的消化代谢特性比较本试验采用瘤胃尼龙袋法测定DM和CP瘤胃降解参数,采用三步体外法测定瘤胃不可降解蛋白的小肠消化率。结果表明,与Co PS相比,Co PR和Co PC的过瘤胃干物质含量较高(P0.05),并且瘤胃可降解干物质含量较低(P0.05)。Co PR和Co PC的潜在可降解蛋白组分(D)显著低于Co PS(P0.05),但是不可降解蛋白组分(U)显著高于Co PS(P0.05)。Co PR的瘤胃不可降解蛋白比例显著高于Co PC和Co PS(P0.05),但是瘤胃有效降解蛋白比例显著高于Co PC和Co PS(P0.05)。Co PS和Co PC的过瘤胃蛋白比例较高,可以为小肠消化吸收提供更多的过瘤胃蛋白。Co PS的瘤胃不可降解蛋白的小肠消化率最高,Co PR最低(P0.05)。Co PS的小肠可消化蛋白含量显著高于Co PR和Co PC(P0.05)。Co PS的总可消化蛋白含量最高(498 g/kg DM),CoPC含量最低(335 g/kg DM)(P0.05)。试验3:利用NRC-2001模型和DVE/OEB模型评定双低菜籽粕和豆粕的饲料价值本试验分别利用nrc-2001模型和dve/oeb模型比较三种蛋白源饲料原料的饲料价值。结果表明:在nrc-2001模型中,cops的小肠真可吸收蛋白(amcpnrc)和小肠可吸收瘤胃不可降解蛋白(arup)含量显著高于copr和copc(p0.05)。小肠中总代谢蛋白的含量对于泌乳量至关重要,cops的总代谢蛋白(mp)含量显著高于copr和copc(p0.05),copr和copc之间差异不显著(p0.05)。在dve/oeb模型中,cops的小肠真可吸收微生物蛋白(dvme)、小肠真可吸收非降解蛋白(dvbe)和小肠总真可吸收蛋白(dve)含量显著高于copr和copc(p0.05),copr和copc之间差异不显著(p0.05)。试验4:不同蛋白来源日粮对奶牛生产性能、消化代谢及代谢蛋白合成的影响本试验采用3×3拉丁方设计,选取健康荷斯坦奶牛6头,2头一组,分别饲喂以copr、copc、cops作为主要蛋白源的等能等氮日粮。试验结果表明:与奶牛日粮中添加国产双低菜籽粕(tmrcopr)和豆粕(tmrcops)作为主要蛋白来源相比,以加拿大双低菜籽粕(tmrcopc)作为主要蛋白源可以显著提高乳产量(36.63vs.34.77vs.32.09kg/d;p0.05)。在瘤胃发酵特性方面,饲喂tmrcops组日粮奶牛瘤胃液中总挥发酸浓度显著高于tmrcopc组(p0.05),但是二组均与tmrcopr组之间差异不显著(p0.05),此外,饲喂tmrcopr组日粮瘤胃液中丙酸比例显著高于tmrcopc组和tmrcops组(p0.05)。饲喂tmrcopr和tmrcopc组奶牛干物质和有机物的采食量显著低于tmrcops组,但是ndf和adf的采食量显著高于tmrcops组(p0.05)。cp、dm、om、ndf和adf的全肠道表观消化率均是tmrcops组最高,tmrcopr组最低,tmrcopc组居中(p0.05)。饲喂tmrcops日粮组微生物蛋白的合成量、小肠可吸收微生物蛋白量以及代谢蛋白的合成量都显著高于tmrcopr日粮和tmrcopc日粮组(p0.05),tmrcopr日粮和tmrcopc日粮组之间差异不显著(p0.05)。试验5:三种饲料原料及其作为主要蛋白源的日粮的光谱分子结构特点比较利用atr-ft/ir技术测定三种饲料原料以及将三种饲料原料作为主要蛋白源的日粮的蛋白质和碳水化合物光谱结构。三种饲料原料光谱分析结果显示:在蛋白质相关光谱区段(ca.1720-1482cm-1),copr和copc的酰胺i带和酰胺ii带的总峰面积、酰胺i带的峰面积和酰胺ii带的峰面积值显著低于cops(p0.05)。copc的蛋白质结构中α-螺旋和β-折叠的峰高比值最高,copr居中,cops最低(p0.05)。copr和copc在光谱区域ca.1482-1188cm-1的结构性碳水化合物相关峰的峰面积显著低于cops(p0.05)。三组日粮光谱结构分析结果表明,tmrcopr日粮和tmrcops日粮的h_α-helix和h_β-sheet都显著高于tmrcopc日粮(p0.05)。但是,tmrcops日粮和tmrcopc日粮的α-螺旋和β-折叠的峰高比值却显著低于tmrcopr日粮(p0.05)。tmrcopr日粮分子结构中的结构性碳水化合物与总碳水化合物的比值显著高于tmrcopc日粮和tmrcops日粮(p0.05)。试验6:饲料蛋白质和碳水化合物光谱分子结构与饲料营养组成、代谢特性和生产性能的相关性分析采用sas9.3软件的proccorr模块进行相关性分析和procreg模块进行多元回归分析。三种饲料原料的相关性分析结果显示:三种饲料原料α-螺旋和β-折叠峰高比值与蛋白质瘤胃不可降解组分u呈负相关(r=-0.68,p0.05),此外也与nrc-2001模型和dve/oeb模型中的微生物蛋白和代谢蛋白的含量有相关性(P0.05)。总可消化蛋白TDP(g/kg DM)与酰胺I带和酰胺II带的峰面积比以及蛋白质二级结构α-螺旋和β-折叠密切相关,并可建立回归方程。在碳水化合物分子结构特性与干物质瘤胃降解参数之间的相关性方面,结构性碳水化合物峰面积(A_STCHO)(r=0.93)、纤维复合物峰面积(A_CELC)(r=0.85)、结构性碳水化合物与总碳水化合物的峰面积比(A_STCHO/A_CHO)(r=0.73)和纤维复合物与总碳水化合物的峰面积比(A_CELC/A_CHO)(r=0.77)均与干物质可降解组分D呈较强正相关(P0.05),并且与干物质不可降解组分U呈负相关(P0.05)。三组日粮的相关性分析结果显示:日粮蛋白质光谱分子结构中的酰胺I带和酰胺II带的峰高比与DM(r=0.83,P=0.006)、OM(r=0.79,P=0.011)、NDF(r=0.89,P=0.001)、ADF(r=0.91,P=0.001)的全消化道表观消化率呈正相关,并且与CP表观消化率有正相关趋势(r=0.64,P=0.063)。日粮蛋白质二级结构中的α-螺旋、β-折叠峰高与瘤胃不可降解蛋白小肠消化率呈正相关(P0.05)。此外,日粮碳水化合物特征光谱中的结构性碳水化合物和总碳水化合物相关区域峰面积的比与日粮干物质瘤胃降解参数中的瘤胃培养不可降解部分(U)(r=0.68,P=0.044)、过瘤胃干物质(BDM)(r=0.73,P=0.027)呈正相关,与瘤胃培养可溶部分(S)(r=-0.71,P=0.034)、和瘤胃可降解干物质(EDDM)(r=-0.73,P=0.027)呈负相关。综上所述,本研究得出以下结论:(1)加拿大双低菜籽粕和国产双低菜籽粕在蛋白质和碳水化合物营养物质组成方面未有明显差异。(2)豆粕和加拿大双低菜籽粕可提供更多的小肠可吸收过瘤胃蛋白,并且豆粕可以为微生物生长提供较多的瘤胃可降解干物质。此外,豆粕具有较高的代谢蛋白,但豆粕和国产双低菜籽粕的降解蛋白平衡数值较大,造成了氮在瘤胃降解中的浪费。(3)豆粕营养物质在奶牛体内的消化率较高,可为微生物蛋白合成提供能量,从而提高乳蛋白含量。饲喂加拿大双低菜籽粕组日粮奶牛具有较高的产奶量,二者是优于国产双低菜籽粕的奶牛蛋白质饲料。(4)三种饲料原料具有各自独特的碳水化合物和蛋白质吸收光谱,饲料分子结构的差异与其营养组成、在反刍动物体内的消化代谢密切相关。(5)不同蛋白质来源日粮的光谱分子构成也存在很大差异,这一结构差异也影响着日粮的消化率和奶牛的生产性能。
[Abstract]:The nutritional utilization ratio of Canadian double low rapeseed meal (Co PR), Canadian double low rapeseed meal (Co PC) and soybean meal (Co PS), and their feeding effects as the main source of protein source feed to dairy diet, may be related to the chemical functional groups in the feed substructure. The main purpose of this study is the main purpose of this study. (1) to compare the molecular structure, chemical composition, metabolic characteristics and feeding effects of two kinds of double low rapeseed meal and soybean meal, and the feeding effect added to Ruminant Diet to provide scientific basis for rational collocation of dairy cattle diet. (2) to establish the correlation between the internal structure of the feed at the molecular level and the conventional nutritional characteristics and production performance, for feed nutrition analysis. The conventional nutritional characteristics of 1: double low rapeseed meal and soybean meal were compared in this experiment. The chemical components of domestic double low rapeseed meal, Canadian double low rapeseed meal and soybean meal were determined by traditional nutritional analysis. The components of protein and carbohydrates were dissected by the CNCPS system. The true digestibility and energy value were estimated with NRC-2001. The results showed that the total carbohydrate content of Co PC was the highest, Co PS was the lowest (P0.05); the neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid washing fiber (ADF), acid detergent lignin, and cellulose and cellulose content were significantly higher than that of Co PR and Co PC. 52.6%DM, significantly higher than Co PR (44.1%DM) and Co PC (38.4%DM) (P0.01). In CNCPS component, Co PS soluble fibrous CB2 content is the highest. The content of carbohydrates (TD NFC) was significantly higher than that of CoPR (P0.05).Co PS. The content of total digestible protein (TD CPc) was significantly higher than Co PR, and the content of Co PC was the lowest. DE1x, net energy (NEm), growth net energy (NEg), 3 times the maintenance of digestive energy (DE3x), three times the metabolic energy (ME3x) and milk net energy (NELP) content were significantly higher than Co PR and Co PC (P0.05). The rumen degradation parameters of DM and CP were measured by the rumen nylon bag method, and the digestibility of the small intestine of the rumen non degradable protein was measured by three steps in vitro. The results showed that compared with Co PS, the content of the rumen dry matter of Co PR and Co PC was higher (P0.05), and the degrading dry matter content of the rumen was lower (P0.05).Co PR and the potential degradable protein component of Co PC ( D) was significantly lower than that of Co PS (P0.05), but the ratio of non degradable protein component (U) was significantly higher than that of Co PS (P0.05).Co PR. The intestinal digestibility of the rumen non degradable protein for more rumen protein.Co PS was the highest, and the lowest Co PR (P0.05).Co PS was significantly higher than Co PR and Co PC (P0.05) was the highest (498) and the lowest (335). The model evaluation of the feed value of double low rapeseed meal and soybean meal was made by using the nrc-2001 model and dve/oeb model to compare the feed value of three kinds of protein source feed materials. The results showed that in the nrc-2001 model, the content of cops's small intestine absorbable protein (amcpnrc) and the intestinal absorbable tumor gastric non degradable protein (Arup) content was significantly higher than that of COPR and C. OPC (P0.05). The content of total metabolic protein in the small intestine is very important for milk secretion. The total metabolic protein (MP) content of cops is significantly higher than that of COPR and COPC (P0.05). The difference between COPR and COPC is not significant (P0.05). In dve/oeb model, the small intestine of the small intestine can absorb microorganism white, and the small intestine can really absorb non degradable protein and the intestine is really possible. The content of ABSORPTIN (DVE) was significantly higher than that of COPR and COPC (P0.05), and there was no significant difference between COPR and COPC (P0.05). The effects of dietary dietary protein on dairy cow production performance, digestion and metabolism and metabolic protein synthesis were designed with 3 x 3 Latin squares, 6 healthy Holstein cows and 2 heads, respectively, fed COPR, COPC, cops, respectively. As the main protein source of equal energy nitrogen diet, the experimental results showed that the high milk yield (36.63vs.34.77vs.32.09kg/d; P0.05) could be significantly raised with Canadian double low rapeseed meal (tmrcopr) and soybean meal (tmrcops) as the main protein source in the diet of dairy cows. The rumen fermentation was significantly elevated in the rumen fermentation. The total volatile acid concentration in the diet of tmrcops diet cows was significantly higher than that in tmrcopc group (P0.05), but there was no significant difference between the two groups and the tmrcopr group (P0.05). In addition, the proportion of propionic acid in the diet of tmrcopr group was significantly higher than that in the tmrcopc group and the tmrcops group (P0.05). The dry matter of the tmrcopr and tmrcopc group was fed and the milk was fed in the tmrcopr group. The intake of organic matter was significantly lower than that of the tmrcops group, but the intake of NDF and ADF was significantly higher than that of the tmrcops group (P0.05).Cp. The total intestinal apparent digestibility of DM, OM, NDF and ADF were the highest in the tmrcops group, and the lowest in the tmrcopr group. The synthetic amount of metabolic protein was significantly higher than that of tmrcopr diet and tmrcopc diet group (P0.05), and there was no significant difference between tmrcopr diet and tmrcopc diet group (P0.05). The spectral molecular structure characteristics of three feed raw materials and the diet as the main protein source were tested by comparing the determination of three feed raw materials by atr-ft/ir technology and three kinds of feed by atr-ft/ir technology. The spectral analysis of the protein and carbohydrates of the diet material as the main protein source. The results of spectral analysis of three kinds of feed materials showed that the total peak area of the amide I band and amides II band of COPR and COPC, the peak area of the amido I band and the peak area of the amido II band were significantly lower than cops (p0.). 05) the peak ratio of alpha helix and beta fold in the protein structure of.Copc is the highest, COPR is middle, and the lowest Cops (P0.05).Copr and COPC in the spectral region ca.1482-1188cm-1 is significantly lower than cops (P0.05). The three diet spectrum structure analysis shows that tmrcopr diet and tmrcops diet are h_ alpha Both X and h_ beta -sheet were significantly higher than those of tmrcopc diet (P0.05). However, the ratio of alpha helix and beta fold of tmrcops diet and tmrcopc diet was significantly lower than that of tmrcopr diet (P0.05).Tmrcopr diet. The ratio of structural carbohydrates to total carbohydrates in the molecular structure of tmrcopr diet was significantly higher than that of tmrcopc diet and tmrcops diets. The correlation analysis between the molecular structure of 6: feed protein and carbohydrate and the nutritional composition of feed, the metabolic characteristics and the production performance was analyzed by the correlation analysis of the proccorr module of sas9.3 software and the multiple regression analysis of the procreg module. The correlation analysis results of the three feedstuff materials showed that three kinds of feed raw materials were alpha helix and The ratio of beta fold peak height was negatively correlated with protein rumen non degradable component U (r=-0.68, P0.05), and also correlated with the content of microbial protein and metabolic protein in nrc-2001 model and dve/oeb model (P0.05). The peak area ratio of total digestible protein TDP (g/kg DM) and amide I band and amide II band and protein two stage structure alpha snail There is a close correlation between rotation and beta folding, and a regression equation can be established. Structural carbohydrate peak area (A_STCHO) (r=0.93), fiber complex peak area (A_CELC) (r=0.85), peak area ratio of structural carbohydrates to total carbohydrates (A_) in the relationship between structural characteristics of carbohydrates and the parameters of dry matter rumen degradation (A_) STCHO/A_CHO) (r=0.73) and fiber complex and total carbohydrate peak area ratio (A_CELC/A_CHO) (r=0.77) have strong positive correlation with dry matter biodegradable component D (P0.05), and negative correlation with dry matter non degradable component U (P0.05). The correlation analysis of three groups of diets showed that the molecular structure of dietary protein was amidous I. The peak alimentary ratio of the band and amides II band is positively correlated with the apparent digestibility of the whole digestive tract of DM (r=0.83, P=0.006), OM (r=0.79, P=0.011), NDF (r=0.89, P=0.001), ADF (r=0.91). The alpha helix, beta fold peak and rumen non degradable protein in the two grade protein structure of the diet protein The intestinal digestibility was positively correlated (P0.05). In addition, the ratio of structural carbohydrates and total carbohydrates in the carbohydrate characteristic spectrum of the diet was positively correlated with the rumen culture non degradable part (r=0.68, P= 0.044) and BDM (r=0.73, P=0.027) in rumen culture of the diet dry matter degradation parameters. S (r=-0.71, P=0.034) and rumen degradable dry matter (EDDM) (r=-0.73, P=0.027) were negatively correlated with rumen culture. To sum up, the following conclusions were drawn as follows: (1) there was no significant difference in the composition of protein and carbon and water compounds in Canadian double low rapeseed meal and domestic double low rapeseed meal. (2) soybean meal and Canada Double low rapeseed meal can provide more small intestine to absorb rumen protein, and soybean meal can provide more ruminal degrading dry matter for microbial growth. In addition, soybean meal has a high metabolic protein, but the degradation protein balance of soybean meal and domestic double low rapeseed meal is larger, resulting in the waste of nitrogen in the rumen degradation. (3) soybean meal. Nutrients have high digestibility in the cow's body, which can provide energy for microbial protein synthesis and increase milk protein content. Feeding Canadian double low rapeseed meal diet cows have higher milk yield. The two is a cow protein feed that is superior to domestic double low rapeseed meal. (4) three kinds of feed materials have their own unique carbon hydration. The absorption spectrum of material and protein, the difference of the molecular structure of feed and its nutritional composition are closely related to the digestion and metabolism of the ruminants. (5) the spectral molecular composition of the diet of different protein sources also varies greatly, and this structural difference also affects the digestibility of the diet and the production performance of the dairy cows.