NSFC基金分析链接: 领域对比 历年对比 单位对比 专家对比 单位历年对比 查询基础版 高级分析版
负责人周宝利 教授
批准金额30 万元
关键词 嫁接茄子 根系分泌物 香草醛和肉桂酸 化感作用 分子机理
中文摘要 针对茄子连作障碍中的化感作用,采用化感原理与嫁接技术相结合的方法,以茄子根系分泌物中两种主要化感物质(香草醛和肉桂酸)为切入点,探讨这两种酚酸在土壤中积累变化规律,明确化感物质积累与作物生长及连作年限的关系;探讨外源香草醛和肉桂酸的化感作用(种内自毒、种间他感和微生物化感),揭示化感物质对不同受体对象(茄子自身、其他作物以及黄萎病菌)的影响特点和规律,阐明化感作用与连作障碍形成的关系;研究嫁接对香草醛和肉桂酸分泌量的影响以及对化感作用的调控效果,综合评价嫁接对茄子化感作用调节的有效性、多效性和关联性;研究嫁接对化感自毒物质胁迫下茄子叶片抗氧化系统调节机制、根系膜系统酶系保护效应机制以及根际土壤生物学活性的影响,阐明嫁接对化感自毒物质胁迫的调节机理和分子机制,为利用嫁接技术有效防止连作障碍提供理论依据。
英文摘要Abstract:Based on the two main allelochemicals in eggplant root exudates,Vanillin and Cinnamic acid,the rules of the two phenolic acids' accumulation and variety in the soil were discussed and the relation between the allelochemicals accumulation and the crop growth and continuous cropping years were ascertained by aiming at the allelopathy of the eggplant continuous cropping obstacle and introducing the way of combining allelopathy principles with grafting technique. The character and rule of the allelochemicals having effects on different objects including eggplants and other crops and verticillium wilt were investigated ,and the relation between allelopathy and continuous cropping obstacle were disclosed by discussing allelopathy of exogenous Vanillin and Cinnamic acid including autointoxication and allelopathy among species and microorganism allelopathy. Validity, multiple effect, relation of grafted eggplants regulating allelopathy were overall valuated by studying the graft regulating effects on the exudate amount of Vanillin and Cinnamic acid and allelopathy.The regulation and molecular mechanism of graft were clarified by studying the effect on the regulation mechanism of antioxidant system of eggplant leaves and the protective effects mechanism of enzyme system in eggplant root's membrane and biological activity of rhizosphere under the autotoxic substances stress.This study can provide theoretic basis for effectively preventing continuous cropping obstacle by utilizing graft technique .