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发布时间:2018-05-13 21:14

  本文选题:杉木 + 早期选择 ; 参考:《福建农林大学》2016年博士论文

【摘要】:杉木因其速生,材质优良、耐腐,而被广泛应用于建筑、造船、造纸等多个邻域,对中国南方及其周边国家的林业生产和木材资源供给有着极为重要的意义。随着杉木人工林的大面积推广,一些问题随之而来,如在越南,因其人工造林模式还十分落后,优良种质资源收集繁育、推广利用等工作进展缓慢,造成杉木林生长不均、产量不高等问题,限制了杉木的发展。因此,中国和越南联合开展杉木种源试验,不仅能丰富杉木遗传资源,也促进了中国先进的杉木研究经验在周边国家的推广应用,提高杉木适生区内其林分质量的整体水平,对整个东南亚地区的木材战略供给具有重要的意义。本研究从越南9个县(种源)中选择杉木优良母株,在越南北部谅山省杉木适生区中人工育苗,并对各种源幼苗生长进行比较测定;同时在越南北部、中部、南部以及中国东南部(福建省福州市)分别设立试验区,对上述9个越南种源与1个中国种源(福建杉木优良种源FS09)开展杉木种源试验,采用生长及生理等指标评价相结合的方法,对其进行早期评价并选择优良种源,为越南不同地区杉木优良种源的筛选奠定基础,也为中国引种越南杉木优良种质资源奠定良好基础。主要获得以下结论:1)越南杉木各种源种子千粒重在7.440 g-9.784 g之间;各种源种子的平均发芽率在47.82%~65.64%之间,最高的发芽率是CL8种源;杉木种子的千粒重与发芽势、发芽指数、根长及发芽活力呈正相关;对种子发芽率Y(%)与种子的千粒重X(g)的相关性拟合方程,方程式为Y-(4.8458+5.7848·X)(R0.835;P0.01)2)苗期生长状况的研究发现,CL2、CL7、CL3、CL6、CL1、CL9与CL8种源(类平均地径、树高分别为0.18cm、19.82 cm)最适应苗圃地实验区条件。3)越南3个实验区杉木幼树(30个月)生长指标聚类分析结果显示:北部实验区中生长较快的种源有CL9、CL2、CL7和CLl(类平均地径5.93 cm、树高283.07 cm、冠幅155.40cm);中部实验区中生长较快的种源有CL4(类平均地径1.38 cm、树高77.29 cm、冠幅60.57cm);南部实验区中生长较快的种源有CL9、CL8与CL2(类平均的地径2.57cm、树高122.19cm、冠幅78.76 cm);幼树期实验区适应性北部南部中部。4)大部分种源幼树生长于苗期生长呈正相关,但也有部分种源幼树生长不受苗期生长的影响。5)杉木在其年生长中,于不同季节有不同的生长势,据此将杉木幼树年生长划分为生长初期、生长盛期、生长后期和休眠期4个生长期。其中,叶片的光合能力在不同生长期中有不同表现,生长盛期与生长后期有较强的光合能力;同时,不同种源间的叶绿素含量与光合作用能力等光合指标存在显著差异,且与生长速度呈正相关。6)不同种源叶片结构研究显示,越南杉木叶片平均长度为42.90±7.33mm,最长达48.46 mm;叶片的平均宽为2.81±0.36 mm,最宽达3.02 mm。种源间叶片形态差异与幼树生长状况有关:一般情况下,叶片长度较小、宽度较大、厚度较小、叶面积大小适宜,则杉木幼树生长较快。叶片显微与超微结构分析结果表明,各种源叶片的叶表皮厚、叶机械厚、栅栏组织厚、维管束厚、维管束宽、木质部厚、木质部宽、韧皮部厚、韧皮部宽等成分结构大小不同,且幼树生长没有显著的相关性。本研究发现CL7和CL9两个种源叶片有3个树脂道(1个大树脂道分布于中部,两侧各分布1个小树脂道),其生长速度比其它种源快,可推测叶片树脂道数量可能与其生长有关。各种源的平均气孔密度为215.87土19.63个气孔·mm-2,气孔平均长43.36±4.25μm,气孔平均宽为26.30±2.82μm,长宽比为1.65。气孔结构和各种源幼树生长状况有关:叶片气孔长宽较大或气孔密度较多的种源生长较快;反之气孔长宽度较小或气孔密度低的种源则生长较慢。7)杉木对土壤生理生化性质的选择:越南3个实验区引种结果显示,杉木较为适应北部实验区的自然环境条件。该实验区海拔为100m以上,土质为粉砂质粘土,土层厚度80cm,速效N、速效P、速效K、交换Ca、交换Mg·g-1含量相对较高,pH4.5;其土壤质地、土壤养分、水分供给等方面均优于南部与中部实验区,因此认为越南北部的土壤条件有利于杉木的引种工作。越南中部和南部实验区因土质分别为壤粘土和粘壤土,土壤养分偏低,且伴有焚风、干燥等状况,可能对杉木幼树生长造成不利影响。8)各种源叶片的营养元素含量与土样比较结果显示:北部种源叶片的营养元素含量比土样高26.46~314.64倍;中部种源叶片的营养元素含量比土样高13.85~811.77倍;南部种源叶片营养元素含量比土样高2.01~302.82倍。杉木幼树营养元素吸收量最多的为氮元素,其后依次为钾、磷、钙、镁元素。9)不同实验区中生长较优的种源其叶片的氮、磷、钾元素含量也相对较高。以北部实验区生长最快的CL9、CL7、CL1、CL2种源为标准,计算叶片氮、磷、钾、钙、镁平均含量的最适比例,氮:磷:钾:钙:镁的最适比例为1.00:0.09:0.51:0.07:0.03。10)越南各实验区优良种源早期评价与选择的结果表明,北部实验区CL9、CL2、CL7与CL1为优良种源,CL8、CL3、CL6与CL4为一般种源,不适宜种源为CL5种源;中部实验区CL4为优良种源,一般种源包括CL6、CL7、CL2、CL9、CL1与CL3种源,不适宜种源为CL8与CL5种源;南部实验区CL8、CL9、CL2为优良种源,一般种源包括CL3、CL1与CL7种源,不适宜种源为CL6、CL4与CL5种源。11)越南杉木与中国杉木比较分析显示:(1)越南杉木种源种子千粒重与发芽率均高于中国杉木种子;越南杉木种子千粒重和种子发芽率呈正相关,这与中国杉木的研究结果一致;(2)中国种源杉木苗期生长较越南种源快,中国种源苗期平均的苗高与地径分别为19.72 cm与0.38 cm,而不同种源越南杉木苗期平均苗高与地径分别为18.94 cm与0.17 cm;(3)中国种源杉木叶片的总叶绿素(a+b)高于越南种源,表明中国种源杉木可能具有较高的光合作用能力;而越南种源杉木叶片的叶绿素(a/b)比值高于中国种源,表明越南种源杉木较中国种源杉木更喜光;(4)杉木叶长宽变幅较很大,其中越南种源杉木平均叶长较中国种源杉木更长,平均叶宽较中国种源窄。中国种源杉木叶片的厚度、叶表皮厚、叶机械厚、维管束厚、维管束宽与树脂道直径比越南种源杉木大1.10~1.64倍;(5)中国种源杉木2.5年生幼树其树高、地径与冠幅的生长比越南杉木快,越南各种源中仅CL9与CL2种源生长较快,接近中国种源杉木的生长水平。
[Abstract]:Chinese fir is widely used in building , shipbuilding , paper making and so on . It is very important to the forestry production and timber resources supply in the south of China and its surrounding countries .
At the same time , in the north , middle and south of Viet Nam and in the southeast of China ( Fuzhou , Fujian ) , we established a test area to evaluate the above - mentioned nine Vietnamese sources and 1 Chinese Provenance ( FS09 ) , establish a good foundation for the selection of Chinese fir seed sources in different parts of Viet Nam , and lay a good foundation for the selection of excellent germplasm resources of Chinese fir in different parts of Vietnam .
The average germination percentage of various source seeds ranged from 47.82 % to 65.64 % , and the highest germination rate was CL8 seed source .
The 1000 - grain weight of Chinese fir seeds is positively correlated with the germination potential , the germination index , the root length and the germination vigor ;
The equation is Y - ( 4.8458 + 5.7848 路 X ) ( R0.835 ) .
The results showed that CL9 , CL2 , CL7 and CLl in the northern experiment area were CL9 , CL2 , CL7 and CLl ( average diameter 5.93 cm , tree height : 283.07 cm , crown width 155.40 cm ) .
There were CL4 ( 1.38cm in average diameter , 77.29 cm in height and 60.57 cm in crown ) in the middle experiment area .
There were CL9 , CL8 and CL2 in the southern experiment area . CL9 , CL8 and CL2 ( mean ground diameter 2.57cm , tree height 122 . 19cm , crown 78.76 cm ) ;
The growth of young Chinese fir in the middle part of the northern part of the northern part of the northern part of the experiment area was positively related to the growth of the seedling stage , but also some of the young trees were not affected by the growth of the seedling stage .
At the same time , there were significant differences in chlorophyll content and photosynthetic capacity among different sources , and the growth rate was positively correlated . 6 ) The leaf structure of different provenance showed that the average length of the leaves of Chinese fir was 42.90 卤 7.33mm , the longest was 48.46 mm ;
The average pore density of the leaves was 2.81 卤 0.36 mm and the widest was 3.02 mm . The difference of leaf shape between the two sources was related to the growth of young trees . The results showed that there were three resin channels ( 1 big resin channel distributed in the middle and one small resin channel on both sides ) . The average pore density of the leaves was 215.87 卤 4.25渭m , the average width of the stoma was 26.30 卤 2.82 渭m , the length and width ratio was 1.65 . The stomatal structure and the growth of various source young trees were related to the growth of the leaves .
The results showed that Chinese fir was more suitable to the natural environment of the northern experiment area . The experiment area was more than 100m , the soil was silty clay , the thickness of soil layer was 80cm , quick - acting N , quick - acting P , quick - acting K , exchange Ca , Mg 路 g - 1 content were relatively high , pH 4.5 ;
The soil texture , soil nutrient and water supply are superior to the southern and middle experimental areas . Therefore , the soil conditions in the north of Vietnam are favorable for the introduction of Chinese fir . The soil quality in the central and southern provinces of Vietnam is lower than that of the soil samples . The results show that the nutrient elements content in the northern seed leaves is 26.46 - 314.64 times higher than that of the soil sample .
The content of nutrient elements in middle source leaf was 13.85 锝,




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