本文选题:河套灌区 + 遥感 ; 参考:《清华大学》2016年博士论文
[Abstract]:The quantitative evaluation of irrigation water use efficiency and crop water use efficiency in arid areas is the basis for efficient utilization of agricultural water resources. This paper takes the representative irrigation area of arid area-Hetao Irrigation area of Inner Mongolia as the research object, synthesizes the information of remote sensing, field test and field investigation, and makes use of the model of remote sensing evapotranspiration of irrigation area. The remote sensing recognition model and yield estimation model of main crop (maize) planting distribution were analyzed. The temporal and spatial variation of evapotranspiration, maize planting distribution and yield distribution in the study area from 2003 to 2012 were analyzed. Furthermore, the irrigation and crop water use efficiency in irrigated area were evaluated quantitatively. In this paper, two dual-source evapotranspiration models (TSEB model and HTEM model) combined with MODIS data were used to calculate the evapotranspiration process in the main farming areas of Hetao Irrigation area from 2003 to 2012. The accuracy of the model was evaluated from point scale and regional scale. The results show that the HTEM model has higher accuracy in Hetao irrigation area. In order to evaluate the irrigation efficiency of Hetao irrigation area, the evapotranspiration of irrigated land was deducted from the effective precipitation as the effective utilization of irrigation water. The ratio of the effective utilization of irrigation water to the net irrigation water diversion and the total irrigation water diversion is defined as the effective utilization coefficient of irrigation water (畏 N and 畏 I) based on the net water diversion and the total water diversion. The effective utilization coefficient of irrigation water in Hetao irrigation area from 2003 to 2012 was analyzed and evaluated. The results show that the effective utilization coefficient of irrigation water (畏 _ N) based on net water diversion is increasing in recent years, and 畏 _ N increases with the decrease of precipitation and net water diversion, and the effect of net water diversion on 畏 _ N is greater than that of water-saving reconstruction project in irrigation area. In order to further explore the spatial distribution of main crops in Hetao Irrigation area, the NDVI time series of maize was obtained by field investigation and MODIS remote sensing data, and the NDVI time series of maize was fitted by asymmetric Logistic curve. The characteristic values of vegetation index and phenological index are obtained. A maize distributed remote sensing recognition model based on phenological and vegetation index eigenvalues was established. The results show that the model can be used to identify the distribution of maize in multiple years under complex planting structure and has high recognition accuracy. Finally, based on the NDVI time series, the growth period of maize in Hetao irrigation area was determined, and the temporal and spatial distribution of water consumption in the growth period was analyzed. Jensen model of water production function was used to estimate maize yield in the study area, and then to obtain maize water use efficiency in Hetao irrigation area, and to analyze the temporal and spatial variation of maize water use efficiency from 2003 to 2012. The results showed that the maize growth period based on NDVI time series was consistent with the observed results, and the maize yield simulated by Jensen model had high precision. The results show that remote sensing information and model provide an effective and feasible way for quantitative evaluation of irrigation and crop water use efficiency in arid area.
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