本文选题:冬小麦 + 夏玉米 ; 参考:《中国农业大学》2017年博士论文
【摘要】:本研究以华北地区冬小麦7夏玉米周年生产为背景,通过推迟玉米收获和小麦播种及调整灌溉方式,研究确定适合该地区两季种植的最优配置模式,提高周年灌溉水和降水利用效率;通过在双推迟生产模式下水、肥、密度和化控等调节措施,研究构建高产高效作物群体,旨在为该区一年两熟高产高效可持续生产提供理论和实践依据。主要研究结果如下:1玉米晚收小麦晚播对周年产量和水分利用的影响在冬小麦-夏玉米周年生产中,对4种种植模式的耗水特性和产量形成进行了比较。推迟收种10天、推迟收种20天和传统收种模式3个处理之间周年产量无显著差异,然而均显著高于推迟收种30天模式的周年产量。与传统收种模式相比,随冬小麦播种时间的推迟,小麦产量逐渐降低;随夏玉米收获时间的推迟,玉米产量逐渐升高。对于推迟收种10天和推迟收种20天处理,夏玉米产量的增加弥补了冬小麦产量的降低。在周年水分消耗中,4种模式水分消耗量表现为:传统模式推迟收种10天推迟收种20天推迟收种30天。与传统收种模式相比,玉米晚收10天+小麦晚播10天和玉米晚收20天+小麦晚播20天分别净增收495.4 ¥ ha-1和877.0 ¥ ha-1。2限水灌溉对晚播冬小麦根、冠层调控和水分利用效率的影响在冬小麦晚播生产模式条件下,研究了 3种灌溉方式(对照:不灌水;限水灌溉:拔节期灌60 mm水;常规灌溉:返青期、拔节期和开花期各灌60 mm水)对冬小麦水分利用效率和根层冠层生长及土壤储水能力的影响。随灌水量的增加,冬小麦的产量依次增加,但是其水分利用效率降低。3种灌溉方式中,限水灌溉处理冬小麦水分利用效率最高,同时获得了较高的籽粒产量。与常规灌溉相比,限水灌溉处理冬小麦叶面积相对较小,从而降低了蒸腾耗水。此外,限水灌溉处理促进了冬小麦根系下扎,进而促进冬小麦对土壤深层次水分的吸收,从而提高了土壤储水能力,有利于夏季雨水的储存。3增密减氮对晚收夏玉米氮肥利用效率和产量的影响在夏玉米晚收生产模式下,研究了 2种种植密度、3种施肥处理下夏玉米的产量、氮素利用、N2O排放强度和温室气体排放强度的变化。夏玉米种植密度由67,500 plants ha-1提高到90,000 plants ha-1后,玉米籽粒产量、氮肥利用效率、氮肥农学利用效率和氮肥偏生产力分别显著提高了6.6%、3.9%、24.7%和8.8%;N20排放强度和温室气体排放强度分别显著降低了 7.3%和4.3%。夏玉米氮肥施用量由360kg N ha-1降低到180kg N ha-1后,玉米籽粒产量没有降低,但氮肥利用效率、氮肥农学利用效率和氮肥偏生产力分别显著提高了 6.2%、96.0%和98.7%;N2O排放强度和温室气体排放强度分别显著降低了 65.1%和46.2%。夏玉米种植密度90,000 plants ha-1条件下,配施180 kg N ha-1氮肥,提高了夏玉米植株对氮素的吸收和转运,进而提高了氮肥利用率和产量,并降低了环境代价。4喷施复配剂对密植晚收夏玉米茎秆质量和冠层的调控在密植晚收夏玉米生产模式下,选用2种不同抗倒性品种(易倒伏:浚单20;抗倒伏:郑单958),在种植密度90,000 plants ha-1条件下,通过喷施复配化控剂(乙烯利:胺鲜酯=27%:3%;EDAH),研究了化学调控剂对密植玉米茎秆质量和冠层的影响。喷施EDAH后,玉米茎秆质量(包括茎秆穿刺强度、单位长度茎秆干重、茎秆皮层厚度、维管束数目和面积)显著提高,株高、穗位高、植株重心高度和倒伏率显著降低。喷施EDAH后,玉米上部和穗位部叶片叶面积分别减小26.8%和13.3%。此外,喷施EDAH后,玉米穗粒数和千粒重显著提高,进而玉米籽粒产量显著提高14.3%。喷施EDAH后,浚单20品种抗倒指标较郑单958品种增幅大。
[Abstract]:Based on the background of the annual winter wheat 7 summer maize production in North China, the optimal allocation model suitable for the two season planting in the region was studied by postponing the corn harvest and wheat sowing and adjusting irrigation, and the annual irrigation water and precipitation utilization efficiency were improved, and the adjustment measures, such as water, fertilizer, density and chemical control, were adopted in the dual push late production model. The main research results are as follows: 1 the effect of late sowing of late harvest wheat on annual yield and water use in winter wheat and summer maize annual production, the water consumption characteristics and yield formation of 4 kinds of planting patterns in the 4 kinds of planting patterns. There was no significant difference in the annual yield between the delayed harvest of 10 days, the delayed harvest of 20 days and the traditional harvest mode, but the yield was significantly higher than that of the delayed harvest of 30 days. Compared with the traditional harvest mode, the yield of wheat decreased with the delay of winter wheat sowing time and the delay of summer corn harvest time. The yield of maize increased gradually. The increase of summer maize yield made up for the decrease of winter wheat yield for 10 days and 20 days of delayed harvest. In the annual water consumption, the 4 patterns of water consumption showed that the traditional model postponed the harvest for 10 days and delayed the harvest for 20 days for 30 days. Compared with the traditional harvest model, the corn late harvest was 10. 10 days and 20 days of wheat late sowing and 20 days of late harvest of corn and 20 days of late sowing of wheat, respectively, 495.4 RMB HA-1 and 877 RMB ha-1.2 irrigation for late sowing winter wheat root, canopy regulation and water use efficiency, under the condition of winter wheat late sowing production mode, 3 kinds of irrigation methods were studied: no irrigation, water limiting irrigation: jointing period 60 mm The effect of 60 mm water on water use efficiency and root layer growth and soil water storage capacity of winter wheat. With the increase of irrigation water, the yield of winter wheat increased in turn, but the water use efficiency reduced the water use efficiency of Winter Wheat by water limiting irrigation in.3 irrigation methods. At the same time, higher grain yield was obtained. Compared with conventional irrigation, the leaf area of winter wheat was relatively small, which reduced the transpiration water consumption. In addition, water limiting irrigation promoted the root ligation of winter wheat and promoted the absorption of deep soil water in winter wheat, thus improving the water storage capacity of the soil, which was beneficial to the soil water storage. The effect of.3 density and nitrogen reduction on the nitrogen use efficiency and yield of Summer Maize in summer was affected by summer maize. Under the late harvest model of summer maize, 2 planting densities and 3 kinds of fertilizer treatments were studied. The yield of summer corn, nitrogen use, N2O emission intensity and greenhouse gas emission intensity were changed. The planting density of summer maize was raised from 67500 plants HA-1. After 90000 plants HA-1, maize grain yield, nitrogen fertilizer utilization efficiency, nitrogen fertilizer utilization efficiency and nitrogen fertilizer partial productivity increased by 6.6%, 3.9%, 24.7% and 8.8% respectively, N20 emission intensity and greenhouse gas emission intensity decreased significantly 7.3% and 4.3%. summer maize nitrogen fertilizer application amount decreased from 360kg N HA-1 to 180kg N HA-1, Rice grain yield did not decrease, but nitrogen fertilizer utilization efficiency, nitrogen fertilizer utilization efficiency and nitrogen fertilizer partial productivity increased by 6.2%, 96% and 98.7% respectively, N2O emission intensity and greenhouse gas emission intensity decreased significantly by 65.1% and 46.2%. summer maize planting density 90000 plants HA-1, and 180 kg N HA-1 nitrogen fertilizer was improved. The absorption and transport of nitrogen in summer maize plants increased nitrogen utilization and yield, and reduced the environmental cost of.4 spraying compound on the stem quality and canopy of late harvest Summer Maize in dense planting. Under the model of late harvest summer corn in dense planting, 2 kinds of different resistant varieties (easy lodging: dredging 20, lodging resistance: Zhengdan 958) were planted in the plant. Under the condition of density 90000 plants HA-1, the effects of Chemical Regulators on the stalk quality and canopy of dense planting corn were studied by spraying compound control agent (ethephon: amine fresh ester =27%: 3%; EDAH). After spraying EDAH, the quality of corn stalk (including stem puncture strength, stem stem weight per unit length, stem cortex thickness, vascular bundle number and area) was significant. After spraying EDAH, the leaf area of the upper and ear parts of maize decreased by 26.8% and 13.3%. respectively. After spraying EDAH, the number of grain and 1000 grain weight of maize increased significantly, and then the maize grain yield was significantly higher than that of 14.3%. spraying EDAH, and the resistance index of the 20 varieties was 9 than Zhengshan 9. The growth of 58 varieties is large.
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