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发布时间:2018-06-07 01:20

  本文选题:宁夏 + 禽网状内皮组织增殖症 ; 参考:《甘肃农业大学》2017年博士论文

【摘要】:禽网状内皮组织增殖症(Reticuloendotheliosis,RE)是由禽网状内皮组织增殖症病毒群(Reticuloendotheliosis virus group,REV)引起禽类的一群病理综合征,包括免疫抑制、急性致死性网状内皮细胞瘤、矮小综合征及淋巴组织和其他组织形成的慢性肿瘤等。该病是继鸡马立克病(Marek's Disease,MD)、鸡淋巴细胞白血病(Avian Leukosis,AL)之后,发现的第3种病毒性肿瘤病。目前在我国家禽中REV检测阳性率达20%~30%,该病的宿主范围广,REV感染不仅能引起肿瘤,还可以引起免疫抑制,导致多种疫苗的免疫反应效应降低以及对其他疫病的易感性增加,给养禽业造成严重的经济损失。REV易污染生物制品,可以造成该病广泛传播。为了解宁夏地区规模场鸡群RE流行和发病情况,本论文对宁夏地区5个市3个种禽场、19个商品鸡场共采集了1116份血清(种禽场546份、商品代鸡血清570份),通过ELISA方法进行了REV抗体检测,同时对检出REV抗体的阳性场(群)样品,采用HI试验开展禽流感H9亚型和新城疫(New Castle disease,ND)抗体水平检测。检测结果表明3个种鸡群REV抗体检测均为阴性;商品鸡群REV抗体阳性场率78.9%(15/19),个体阳性率为3.3%~96.7%,个体平均阳性率为28.6%;对商品鸡群开展的AI-H9亚型和ND抗体水平检测结果表明AI-H9亚型和ND抗体水平效价均为25以上,这表明感染REV阳性场的鸡群,AI-H9亚型和ND抗体的产生受到的免疫抑制不明显。为了解宁夏鸡场中禽网状内皮组织症病毒(REV)与禽白血病病毒(ALV)和马立克病病毒(MDV)的混合感染现状,本论文就宁夏规模商品鸡场近3年16个场疑似RE肿瘤病例,分别采集了不同临床表现和剖检病理变化的病料样品,如血清、羽髓、肛门拭子、蛋清和病变器官等。RE的分子生物学检测、病理组织学检测和了禽白血病P27抗原ELISA检测、马立克氏病病原琼脂凝胶免疫扩散试验和病理组织学检测,对3种疾病加以鉴别诊断。结果显示,送检的宁夏地区鸡群RE病毒PCR、RE血清学以及病理组织学观察结果均显示RE阳性。16个规模鸡场中未见单一感染RE病例,RE发生的同时都伴有MDV或者ALV的混合感染。RE和MD 2种肿瘤病混合感染的病例数为12例(12/16),RE、MD和AL 3种肿瘤病混合感染的病例数为2例(2/16),MD和AL混合感染的病例数为2例(2/16)。调查结果表明宁夏地区鸡群肿瘤病例中,普遍存在RE感染(14/16),其中以RE和MD混合感染的情况最易发生,RE、MD和AL 3种肿瘤病的共感染以及MD和AL 2种共感染的发生率的肿瘤病例中,未见发生单一感染的肿瘤病,16个肿瘤病例样品中均有马立克病感染,感染率达100%。
[Abstract]:Reticuloendotheliosis-Reticuloendotheliosis-Reticuloendotheliosis (virus) is a group of pathological syndromes, including immunosuppressive, acute and lethal reticuloendothelioma, which is caused by avian reticuloendotheliosis virus group (Reticuloendotheliosis virus group rev). Dwarf syndrome and lymphoid and other tissue formation of chronic tumors. The disease is the third viral oncology discovered after Marek's disease (Marekhos disease) and Avian Leukosissis (ALL) of Chicken Lymphocytic Leukosisus (ALL). At present, the positive rate of REV detection in domestic poultry reaches 20%, and the host range of the disease is wide range, which can not only cause tumor, but also cause immunosuppression, reduce the immune response effect of various vaccines and increase susceptibility to other blight diseases. The poultry industry causes serious economic losses. Rev is easily polluted biological products, which can cause widespread spread of the disease. In order to understand the prevalence and incidence of RE in chicken farms in Ningxia region, 1116 serum samples were collected from 3 fowl farms and 19 commercial chicken farms in 5 cities of Ningxia region. ELISA method was used to detect REV antibody in 570commercial chicken serum samples. HI test was used to detect the H9 subtype of avian influenza and the level of NDV antibody in the new Castle disease of Newcastle disease. The results showed that the REV antibody was negative in all three breeds. The positive rate of REV antibody in commercial chickens was 78.9 / 19, the positive rate of individual was 3.3 / 96.7and the average positive rate was 28.6.The results of AI-H9 subtype and ND antibody level of commercial chickens showed that the titer of AI-H9 subtype and ND antibody level were above 25. This indicated that the immune suppression of AI-H9 subtype and ND antibody was not obvious in chickens infected with REV positive farm. In order to understand the current situation of mixed infection of avian reticuloendotheliosis virus (Rev) with avian leukemia virus (ALV) and Marek's disease virus (MDV) in Ningxia chicken farm, 16 suspected RE tumor cases in Ningxia scale commercial chicken farm in recent 3 years were studied in this paper. Samples of different clinical manifestations and pathological changes, such as serum, plume, anal swabs, egg white and diseased organs, were collected for molecular biology, histopathology and ELISA detection of P27 antigen of avian leukemia. Agar gel immunodiffusion test and histopathological examination were used to differentiate the three diseases of Marek's disease. The results show that The results of serological and histopathological observation of RE virus in chickens from Ningxia area showed that RE was positive. No single infection of RE occurred in 16 farms and all of them were accompanied by mixed infection of MDV or ALV. There were 12 cases of mixed infection of two kinds of oncology, 12 cases of mixed infection of 12 / 16% REMD and 2 cases of mixed infection of AL and 2 cases of mixed infection of 2 / 16 / 16 of MD and 2 / 16 of AL. The results showed that RE infection was common in 14 / 16 cases of chicken tumors in Ningxia area. Among them, the co-infection of RE and MD was most likely to occur in the co-infection of REMD and AL, and the incidence of co-infection of MD and AL was the most common. There was no oncology with single infection. Marek's disease was found in 16 tumor cases, and the infection rate was 100%.


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