[Abstract]:Muscle tenderness is an important factor affecting the quality of meat quality. At present, pig breeding will improve muscle tenderness as one of the important breeding targets. However, as a candidate gene, Prdx6 and Prdx2, an important candidate for muscle tenderness, the molecular mechanism of tenderness is not clear. This paper mainly studies the transcription regulation of these two bases, and the muscle and fat thin. The molecular mechanism of cell differentiation was explored. The main results were as follows: (1) the tissue expression profiles of porcine Prdx6 gene were analyzed, and the transcriptional starting site of the pig Prdx6 gene was determined by 5 'RACE, and the adenine site at the upstream of the translation start site was located, and the site was defined as +1. (2) cloned the 5' end of the pig Prdx6 gene. The upstream regulatory sequence 1684bp, using bioinformatics to predict the pig Prdx6 promoter region, found a number of transcription factors binding, and 4 GC-box. near the proximal end of the muscle fat development related transcription factor C/EBP beta, MyoD, CREB, and GC-box Sp1 binding sites were found to have multiple sequence alignment in different species. Through the construction of 6 deletion vectors, three eukaryotic cells were transfected to determine the main active region of the promoter, and then through the further construction of the 4 segment deletion vector of the active region, the transfected cells were transfected, and the minimum unit of the transcriptional activity was determined to be HSF binding site. (3) the transcription factor C/EBP beta, MyoD, CREB, Sp1 and HSF1 Co transfection with the corresponding promoter, determined that these transcription factors could improve the activity of Prdx6 promoter and verified by site directed mutagenesis. After overexpression of various transcription factors, quantitative and Western methods were used to verify the expression of transcription factors and target genes, and that C/EBP beta and CREB could promote the expression of Prdx6 genes. The interference of C/EBP beta and CREB could decrease the expression of Prdx6 gene. The EMSA and ChIP experiments showed that C/EBP beta and CREB could bind to the corresponding transcription factor binding site of the promoter region of the Prdx6 gene. The interaction of the transcription factor C/EBP beta and Prdx6 at the protein level was found by the immunoprecipitation experiment, while CREB was not interacted with Prdx6. (4) analysis. The expression profile of porcine Prdx2 gene was determined by 5 'RACE, and the transcriptional starting site of the pig Prdx2 gene was located at the guanine loci in the upstream of the ATG translation start site. A total of the upstream regulation region of the 5' terminal of the pig Prdx2 gene was cloned, and a number of transcription factor binding sites were found by bioinformatics analysis, and the TATA frame was found. And GC-box. transfection of three eukaryotic cells through the construction of 9 deletion vectors, determined the main active region of the promoter, and then transfected cells through the further construction of the 4 segment deletion vector of the active region, and determined the core region of the gene as TATA frame. (5) the Prdx6 and Prdx2 genes were analyzed by quantitative method in muscle and fat cells by quantitative method. In the process of differentiation, the two genes were determined to be related to the differentiation of muscle fat cells. Quantitative and Western methods were used to verify the effect of overexpression and interference of Prdx6 gene on the differentiation marker genes of C2C12 cells. (6) the content of reactive oxygen species in cells of different stages of differentiation of C2C12 cells was detected and the ROS level was found with the cells. The addition of antioxidant NAC in vitro can reduce the ROS. produced in cell differentiation through overexpression and increase the level of endogenous antioxidant Prdx6 and reduce ROS content. Interference causes the decrease of Prdx6 level in cells to increase the level of cell ROS. This study analyzed the basic transcriptional modulation of the candidate gene for tenderness, Prdx6 and Prdx2. Control mechanisms suggest that Prdx6 gene provides a theoretical basis for further study of the role of these two genes in the development of muscle fat by interacting with C/EBP beta or by regulating reactive oxygen species (ROS) and regulating the molecular mechanisms of fat or muscle development.
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