发布时间:2018-07-22 10:34
【摘要】:猪源4型戊型肝炎病毒(sHEV-4)已经成为重要的人兽共患病原,但用于sHEV-4跨种间感染研究的动物模型种类较少且主要采用非自然感染途径——静脉注射,无法客观重现自然的感染过程。sHEV-4跨种间感染的动物模型的缺乏已成为制约HEV发病机理研究的瓶颈。本研究以新西兰兔作为实验动物构建了经腹腔注射和灌胃两种途径的sHEV-4跨种间感染的动物模型,采用组织病理学、免疫组织化学及分子生物学等方法系统地研究了两种sHEV-4感染模型中试验兔排毒过程、器官病理损伤及HEV分布和复制位点的异同。同时初步探讨了肠道黏膜免疫在这两种不同感染过程中的作用。本研究的结果如下:1.sHEV-4经腹腔注射,灌胃和肠道注射感染兔急性试验:HEV经腹腔注射感染后,可在感染后24h和48h的门静脉血和肝脏中检测到HEV RNA,不同时间点肝脏病毒载量无显著差异;sHEV-4经灌胃和肠道注射感染后24h和48h均只在肠道组织中检测到HEV RNA,肠道注射组肠道的病毒载量高于经灌胃感染。灌胃和肠道注射途径感染24和48h圆小囊(SR)的淋巴细胞活性显著升高(P0.05),提示HEV经灌胃和肠道注射途径感染激活了肠道黏膜免疫的应答反应。2.sHEV-4经腹腔注射感染兔的观察结果:载量为6.63×107copies/mL的病毒悬液经腹腔注射连续感染7d,感染后粪便和咽拭子的HEV RNA检出率分别为8/8和3/8,病毒的排出呈间断性。定量结果显示粪便排毒量呈先增多后减少的趋势。血清转氨酶在28dpi和49dpi均显著升高(P0.05)。血清HEV抗原总检出率为3/8。42dpi时,血清首次检测到HEV抗体(1/8)。感染后兔的肝脏和肾脏出现明显炎性损伤。在肝脏(8/8)、肠道(7/8)等多种组织器官中检测到HEV RNA,肝脏和肠道组织中的病毒载量最高。免疫组化结果显示HEV ORF2主要位于感染器官的上皮组织细胞及淋巴组织中的树突状细胞和巨噬细胞胞浆内。HEV负链RNA和ORF3蛋白的检测显示,病毒可以在肝脏、肠道、唾液腺、扁桃体、淋巴结及脾脏等器官中复制。与对照组相比,sHEV-4感染可以引起肠道黏膜上皮内淋巴细胞(iIEL)和杯状细胞数量增多(P<0.05)。圆小囊和蚓突中T细胞总数及CD4和CD8T细胞亚群数量在28和49dpi均显著增多(P0.05)。肠道浆细胞数量和肠道IgA水平在感染后随时间延长显著增多(P0.05),提示HEV经腹腔注射感染后机体的肠道黏膜免疫水平升高。3.sHEV-4经灌胃途径感染兔的观察结果:相同病毒载量的悬液经灌胃感染7d,感染后粪便和咽拭子中的HEV RNA检出率分别为4/8和1/8。与腹腔注射途径相比,经灌胃感染粪便的病毒排出延迟、持续时间短,而且病毒的载量低。血清转氨酶水平在49dpi时显著升高(P0.05),到63dpi时回落到正常水平,但总体低于经腹腔注射感染。血清HEV抗原和抗体的检出率分别为2/8和5/8,抗体出现后持续性升高。感染后肝脏和肾脏出现炎性损伤,但程度低于腹腔注射感染。HEV RNA在组织器官中的分布的种类及数量少于腹腔注射感染,主要在肝脏(5/8)和肠道(4/8)中分布。感染后HEV主要在肝脏中复制,肠道、扁桃体、唾液腺和脾脏等器官中有少量复制。HEV感染后引起了肠道中iIEL的数量显著升高(P0.05),脾脏白髓和淋巴结中淋巴小结的直径显著增大(P0.05)。感染后49dpi和63dpi,圆小囊和蚓突中T细胞总数及CD4和CD8T细胞亚群数量显著增多(P0.05)。同时肠道、脾脏和淋巴结中浆细胞的数量也显著增多(P0.05),肠道IgA水平升高且高于腹腔注射组(P<0.05)。结果提示经灌胃感染时也可激活机体的肠道黏膜免疫反应,但HEV的感染效率和HEV对机体造成的损伤作用低于腹腔注射感染轻,而反映体液免疫反应和肠道黏膜免疫反应状况的IgG和SIgA水平却高于腹腔注射感染组。上述研究结果表明,sHEV-4经腹腔注射和灌胃两个途径感染新西兰兔,引起感染兔典型的病毒性肝炎的病理变化,并可造成多种肝外器官的损伤。sHEV-4经腹腔注射感染兔的阳性率高,但是灌胃途径感染能更客观反应在自然感染状况下病毒进入机体的过程和造成的损伤。由于病毒在唾液腺和扁桃体中的分布,sHEV-4感染兔后能在唾液中排出。此外,病毒能在感染兔的多种组织中分布和复制,其中肝脏和肠道是主要场所。HEV经灌胃感染能更有效的激发机体的肠道黏膜免疫和体液免疫反应,HEV感染后引起的肠道黏膜免疫的早期应答可能是灌胃感染时粪便及组织中阳性检出率低于腹腔注射组的原因。本研究结果表明新西兰兔可以作为sHEV-4跨种间感染的动物模型。
[Abstract]:The results of this study were as follows : 1 . The results of the study were as follows : 1 . The results of the study were as follows : 1 . The results of the study were as follows : 1 . The results of the study were as follows : 1 . The results of the study were as follows : 1 . The results were as follows : 1 . The results of the study were as follows : 1 . The results of the study were as follows : 1 . The results of the study were as follows : 1 . The results of the study were as follows : 1 . The results of the study were as follows : 1 . The results of the study were as follows : 1 . The infection of HEV RNA was detected by intraperitoneal injection of HEV - 4 . The results suggest that the infection efficiency of HEV is higher than that in abdominal cavity injection group ( P < 0.05 ) , but the infection efficiency of HEV is higher than that in abdominal cavity injection group ( P < 0.05 ) .
[Abstract]:The results of this study were as follows : 1 . The results of the study were as follows : 1 . The results of the study were as follows : 1 . The results of the study were as follows : 1 . The results of the study were as follows : 1 . The results of the study were as follows : 1 . The results were as follows : 1 . The results of the study were as follows : 1 . The results of the study were as follows : 1 . The results of the study were as follows : 1 . The results of the study were as follows : 1 . The results of the study were as follows : 1 . The results of the study were as follows : 1 . The infection of HEV RNA was detected by intraperitoneal injection of HEV - 4 . The results suggest that the infection efficiency of HEV is higher than that in abdominal cavity injection group ( P < 0.05 ) , but the infection efficiency of HEV is higher than that in abdominal cavity injection group ( P < 0.05 ) .
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1 吴桥兴;猪源HEV-4人工感染新西兰兔的研究[D];中国农业大学;2017年