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发布时间:2018-07-23 17:55
【摘要】:松科树种是中国森林系统的重要组成部分,在林业生产中占主导地位,尤其是松属树种(Pinus spp.)对木材工业、景观生态,环境保护和水土保持具有重要作用,雪松(Cedrus deodara)是重要的园林绿化树种,也是南京的市树。植物寄生线虫(PPN)每年可造成农林业损失高达800亿美元以上,其中,松材线虫(Bursaphelenchus xylophilus)被认为是最具破坏性的线虫之一,对世界各国的松林系统构成严重威胁。松材线虫于1982年首次在南京紫金山上发现,因此本文系统研究了南京紫金山地区松属树种和雪松的线虫多样性、种群动态以及与松树土壤性质之间的关系。采集南京紫金山地区松属树种和雪松的根际土壤样品,采用贝尔曼漏斗法分离线虫,对线虫群体进行形态学和分子生物学特征鉴定。此外,对宁波口岸进境松属木质材料中截获的线虫种类也进行了鉴定。根据形态学特征,共鉴定出7个科的22种线虫,包括纽带科(Hoplolaimidae)的六种线虫,双宫螺旋线虫(Helicotylenchus dihystera)、短尾盾线虫(Scutellonema brachyurus)、肾形肾状线虫(Rotylenchulus reniformis) 以及三种盘旋属线虫未知种 (Rotylechus spp.):环科(Criconematidae) 的五种线虫,加利福尼亚半轮线虫(Hemicriconemoides californianus)、奇伍德半轮线虫(H. chiwoodi) 、金谷半轮线虫(H.kanayaensis)、大针异环线虫(Xenocriconemella macrodora)以及一种环线虫属未知种(Criconemasp.);半穿刺线虫科(Tylenchulidae)的两种线虫,南京针线虫(Paratylenchus nanjingens) 和深圳针线虫(P. shenzhenensis) :滑刃科(Aphelenchoididae)的五种线虫,拟安东尼伞滑刃线虫新种(Bursaphelenchus parantoniae n. sp),沙特伞滑刃线虫新种(B. saudi n.sp.)、树皮象伞滑刃线虫(B.hylobianum)、拟小松伞滑刃线虫(B. parapiasteri)和滑刃线虫属一未知种(Aphelenchoides sp.);长针科(Longidoridae)的2种剑线虫未知种(Xiphinema spp.),以及粒线虫科(Anguinidae)的一种茎线虫未知种(Ditylenchussp.)和新垫刃科(Neotylenchidae)的一未知种Deladenus sp.。对这22种线虫进行分子特征分析,共获得了核糖体DNA (rDNA)的28SD2-D3区序列21条,18S区序列10条,ITS1/2区序列11条。从GenBank下载相关序列并进行比对,采用邻接法(Neighbor-joining)分别构建了基于28SD2-D3区、18S区和ITS区序列的系统进化树。从进化树可以看出,本文鉴定出的各线虫种类,分别与它们的已知线虫种或近似线虫种聚类在同一分支上,各分支明显聚类,为形态学鉴定结果提供了强有力辅证。对南京紫金山的马尾松(P. massoniana)、火炬松(P. taeda. )、黑松(P.thunbergii)和雪松(C. deodara)的线虫种群动态进行了全年的系统调查。结果发现,螺旋属线虫(Helicotyenchus) ,盾属线虫(Scutellonema),针属线虫(Paratylenchus),异环属线虫(Xenocriconemella)和剑属线虫(Xiphinema)是黑松、马尾松、火炬松和雪松上的常见线虫类群。在为期一年的调查中,发现线虫种群数量出现两个高峰,一个是在春季,另一个是在晚秋时节,且一直持续到12月,冬季的线虫种群数量保持着一种稳定的趋势。此外,结果还显示,黑松上的线虫种群密度较高,雪松上的线虫种群密度较低,表明线虫的种群密度可能受季节性波动和地面植被覆盖的影响。对四种松科树种的线虫群落进行综合分析的结果显示,马尾松的香农指数(Shanon index, H')较高而黑松的较低:雪松的植物寄生指数(plant parasitic index,PPI)较高,而马尾松的较低;雪松的线虫通路比值(nematode channel ratio,NCR)较高而黑松的较低:所有树种的物种均匀度(species evenness,J')几乎是相似的,但是黑松的相对较低;马尾松的营养多样性(trophic diversity, TD)较高,而黑松的较低。在四种植物中,马尾松有着较健康的土壤生态,有较高的香农指数和营养多样性,而雪松根围土壤具有较强的分解能力,线虫通路比值较高。对土壤的理化性质和线虫营养类群的季节相关性进行研究,结果表明,在一年的四个季节里,土壤PH值和水分含量与植物寄生线虫(PPN)、食真菌线虫(Fu)和食细菌线虫(Ba)的种群数量呈负相关,而与捕食性线虫(Pr)和杂食性线虫(Om)的种群数量呈正相关。而土壤中的总氮量和有机质含量与植物寄生线虫(PPN)、食真菌线虫(Fu)的种群数量呈正相关,低浓度的氮和有机质会导致捕食性线虫(Pr)和食细菌线虫(Ba)的种群数量减少,而在较高浓度下,杂食性线虫种群(Om)数量会增加。在所有季节里,土壤中的磷含量与植物寄生线虫(PPN)和食真菌线虫(Fu)的种群数量呈负相关,却与捕食性线虫和杂食性线虫的种群数量呈正相关。在各季节中,有效的磷含量与植物寄生线虫(PPN)、食真菌线虫(Fu)和杂食性线虫(Om)的种群数量呈负相关,而与食细菌线虫(Ba)和捕食性线虫(Om)的种群数量呈正相关;总钾含量和有效钾含量,与植物寄生线虫(PPN)和食真菌线虫(Fu)的种群数量呈负相关,而与捕食性线虫(Pr)和杂食性线虫(Om)的种群数量呈正相关。在春季和夏季,总钾含量与食细菌线虫(Ba)的种群数量呈负相关,而在秋季和冬季则呈正相关。在四个季节里,有效钾含量与食细菌线虫(Ba)的种群数量都呈正相关。这些研究表明,土壤理化性质对自然条件下的线虫营养类群有明显的影响。
[Abstract]:Pine tree is an important part of China's forest system, which plays a dominant role in forestry production, especially the Pinus spp. (pine tree species) plays an important role in wood industry, landscape ecology, environmental protection and soil and water conservation. Cedrus deodara is an important greening tree, and also a city tree in Nanjing. Plant parasitic nematode (PPN) each The annual loss of agroforestry is up to more than 80 billion US dollars, of which pine wood nematode (Bursaphelenchus xylophilus) is considered to be one of the most destructive nematodes and poses a serious threat to the pine forest system in the world. Pine wood nematode was first developed in Nanjing Zijin Mountain in 1982. Therefore, this paper systematically studied the Pine Mountain Area of Nanjing. The nematode diversity, population dynamics and the relationship with the soil properties of pine trees were collected from the species and cedar, and the rhizosphere soil samples of the Pinus and cedar in Nanjing Zijinshan area were collected, the nematodes were separated by the Behrman funnel method, and the morphological and molecular biological characteristics of the nematode population were identified. In addition, the entry of pine trees at the Ningbo port. The species of nematodes intercepted in the material were also identified. According to the morphological characteristics, 22 nematodes in 7 families were identified, including six nematodes of Hoplolaimidae, Helicotylenchus dihystera, Scutellonema brachyurus, Rotylenchulus reniformis and three species of kidney like nematodes (reniformis) and three species of nematodes. Unknown species of nematode (Rotylechus spp.): five species of nematodes in Criconematidae, Hemicriconemoides californianus in California, H. chiwoodi, H.kanayaensis, Xenocriconemella macrodora, and an unknown species of the genus circadian (Cricon). Emasp.); two nematodes (Tylenchulidae) of the family nematodes (Tylenchulidae), Paratylenchus nanjingens and P. shenzhenensis (P. shenzhenensis): the nematodes (Aphelenchoididae), the new species of the quasi Anthony parasitic nematode (Bursaphelenchus parantoniae n. SP), the new species of the Saudi Arabian parasitic nematode (B.), the bark of the tree. B.hylobianum, B. parapiasteri and an unknown species of the genus nematode (Aphelenchoides sp.); 2 unknown species of the nematode (Xiphinema spp.) of the family (Longidoridae), and an unknown species of nematode (Ditylenchussp.) and the family (Neotylenchidae) of the family nematodes (Anguinidae). The molecular characteristics of the 22 species of nematodes were analyzed by an unknown species of Deladenus sp... a total of 21 28SD2-D3 region sequences of ribosome DNA (rDNA), 10 18S region sequences and 11 ITS1/2 sequences were obtained. The correlation sequence was downloaded from GenBank, and the adjacency method (Neighbor-joining) was used to construct the 28SD2-D3 region, 18S region and ITS region sequence respectively. Phylogenetic tree. From the evolutionary tree, we can see that the species of nematodes identified in this paper are clustered on the same branch with their known nematode species or similar nematodes, and the branches of each branch are clustered, which provide a strong auxiliary evidence for the results of morphological identification. The P. massoniana in Zijin Mountain, Nanjing, P. taeda., black pine (P.) Thunbergii) and the nematode population dynamics of C. deodara (C. deodara) were systematically investigated throughout the year. The results showed that the helix nematode (Helicotyenchus), the genus nematode (Scutellonema), the genus nematode (Paratylenchus), the heterocyclic nematode (Xenocriconemella) and the sword nematode (Xiphinema) were the common lines on Pinus Pinus, Pinus massoniana, loblolly pine and cedar In one year, the number of nematode populations found two peaks, one in the spring and the other in the late autumn, and continued until December. The number of nematode populations kept a stable trend in winter. In addition, the nematode population density on the black pine was higher, and the nematode population on cedar was dense. The population density of the nematode may be affected by seasonal fluctuations and ground vegetation coverage. The results of a comprehensive analysis of the nematode communities of four species of pine trees showed that the Shannon index (Shanon index, H') of Pinus massoniana was higher and the black pine was lower: the plant parasitic index of cedar (plant parasitic index, PPI) was higher, and the cauda cauda was the cauda cauda. The ratio of the nematode channel ratio (NCR) is higher and the black pine is lower: the species evenness of all species (species evenness, J') is almost similar, but the black pine is relatively low; the nutrient diversity of Pinus massoniana (trophic diversity, TD) is higher and the black pine is lower. Among the four plants, Pinus massoniana is found. With the healthier soil ecology, there is a higher Shannon index and nutrient diversity, while the soil has a strong decomposition ability and the ratio of nematode pathway is high. The seasonal correlation of soil physical and chemical properties and nematode nutrition groups is studied. The results show that in the four seasons of a year, the pH value and water content of soil and plants are in the plant. Parasitic nematode (PPN), Fu and Ba had a negative correlation, but a positive correlation with the population of predator nematode (Pr) and omnivorous nematode (Om). The total nitrogen and organic matter content in the soil was positively correlated with the number of plant parasitic nematodes (PPN) and the population of the nematode eating nematode (Fu), low concentration of nitrogen and the population of the nematode nematode (Fu). The population of Pr and Ba decreased, while at higher concentrations the population of the omnivorous nematode population (Om) increased. In all seasons, the phosphorus content in the soil was negatively correlated with the population of parasitic nematode (PPN) and nematode eating nematode (Fu), but with predatory nematodes and omnivorous nematodes. In each season, the effective phosphorus content was negatively correlated with the number of plant parasitic nematode (PPN), Fu and Om, but a positive correlation with the population of bacterial nematode (Ba) and predator nematode (Om); total potassium and available potassium content, and plant parasitic nematodes (PPN) and fungi eating fungi. The population of Fu was negatively correlated with the population of predatory nematode (Pr) and omnivorous nematode (Om). In spring and summer, the total potassium content was negatively correlated with the population of Ba, but in the autumn and winter. In the four seasons, the effective potassium content and the number of Ba populations of the bacterial nematode (Ba) The results showed that soil physical and chemical properties had significant effects on nematode trophic groups under natural conditions.




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