[Abstract]:The sparse forest grassland with Ulmus pumila L. as the main dominant species is the top community adapted to the vegetation succession in Hun Sandan sandy land. The elm forest ecosystem has high habitat diversity, biodiversity and structural diversity, and plays an irreplaceable role in maintaining the ecological stability and ecological security of the region. The land desertification is of great significance in the late.20 century. Under the influence of climate change and human activities (farming, grazing), the elm trees in Hun DAQ sandy land have been destroyed, the population of elm trees has been greatly restricted. The vegetation coverage and species diversity of the elm tree sparse forest ecosystem are also reduced. Elm tree sparse forest ecology is also reduced. The problem of degradation has affected the ecological pattern and economic security of the whole region. Therefore, it is urgent to carry out a study on the spatial distribution of the elm tree and its influencing factors in Hun Sandan sandy land and provide theoretical support for the protection and recovery of elm trees in Hun DAQ sandy land. By studying the spatial distribution characteristics of elm trees in natural elm trees, the reasons for the formation of the spatial pattern, the potential ecological processes and the interference factors are discussed. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) the age structure of the elm population presents 2 peaks, and there is a serious fault, which belongs to the decline population. In the eastern region, The elm trees of the first age class (DBH5 cm), the third age class (10 cm < DBH15 cm) and the fourth age class (15 cm < DBH20 cm) are more; in the north, the southern and western regions, the first instar (DBH5cm), the 5th instar (20 cm < < DBH25 cm) and the sixth instar of the elm are more. The population decline is more serious. The population of Ulmus elm has the dynamic characteristics of sharp decline, mid term stability and later decline. The key period of the elm population regeneration is stage II (5 cm < DBH10 cm). The key to promote the development of elm population is the key to promote the development of elm population. (2) the main woody plants in elm tree sparse forest. Elm, columbine (Spiraea aquilegifolia Pall.) and Caragana microphylla (Caragana microphylla Lam.) showed significant aggregation characteristics on small scales, and shrubs had larger aggregation scales relative to trees. Seed diffusion restriction, tillering reproduction and habitat heterogeneity may affect the spatial distribution of woody plants. The main function factor of the sign is that the elm trees of different ages show a significant mutual promotion on the small scale, and the adult elm and elm seedlings present the intraspecific relationship of "asylum and sheltered". The elm have an independent interspecific relationship with the Columbine and the Caragana microphylum on all scales (0-50 m) respectively. The elm and 2 shrubs occupy different spatial positions and do not produce direct interspecific competition. (3) the population density of elm is the highest in the eastern region, the lowest in the southern region and the middle in the northern and western regions. This has the same spatial distribution as the annual average temperature in the region, and the temperature may affect the spatial distribution of the elm population. Important environmental factors. The population density of elm tree has the opposite spatial distribution with the breast diameter, the tree height and the crown, indicating that the elm population has a "self sparse" phenomenon. With the growth of the elm individual, the population density gradually decreases. The density of the elm population and the density of the shrub community shows a significant negative correlation, indicating the elm species. The spatial distribution patterns of the herd and the shrub communities were in the opposite direction. The herbaceous community and the spatial distribution of soil physical and chemical properties were in good agreement. The physical and chemical properties of the soil may be the main factors affecting the spatial distribution of the herbaceous community. (4) the sand dunes have significant influence on the spatial distribution of the vegetation and soil physical and chemical properties of elm trees. There are significant differences in the indexes of the tree layer, shrub layer and herbaceous layer among the micro terrain. The vegetation of the leeward slope is the most abundant and the windward slope is the most sparse. The soil physical and chemical properties of each index are gradually decreasing gradually from the mound, the leeward slope, the top to the upwind slope. The water status of the hills, the soil structure and the nutrient status are the most. Well, the upwind slope is the worst. (5) grazing is an important disturbance factor that leads to the degradation of the stand structure. With the increase of grazing intensity, the number of woody plants gradually decreases. The effect of grazing activities on the spatial pattern of elm population is mainly in the destruction of young trees and seedlings, and the grazing activities reduce the spatial aggregation scale of the elm population and accelerate the grazing activities. "Self thinning" process. After long overgrazing, the reduction of grazing pressure may be an important factor in the invasion of shrubs. (6) the elm trees significantly affect the spatial distribution of the soil and soil physical and chemical properties under the crown. Elm trees and herbs have a good symbiotic relationship. Elm may adjust the soil by adjusting the soil. In the process of water redistribution, the light environment under Wacom can promote the growth of herbaceous plants and the improvement of soil physical and chemical properties. There is an obvious fertile island effect in the area centered on the isolated elm tree. Under the present climate conditions, the existence of shrubs has not made a direct impact on the growth of elm trees, but the study found that the climate is dry with the climate. The number of elm trees may continue to decrease, and the number of shrubs (such as drought resistant Caragana Caragana) may continue to increase. If no effective protection measures are taken, the elm dominated sparse forest grassland may gradually degenerate into a shrub based forest land type. It is suggested that the natural conservation should be established by regulating grazing intensity. Protective measures and other measures to restore the vitality of the whole elm sparse forest ecosystem.
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