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发布时间:2018-08-05 10:09
【摘要】:胖大海(Sterculia lychnophora Hance)属梧桐科(Sterculiaceae)苹婆属(Sterculia Linn),为东盟和东亚国家的亚热带森林生态系统中的落叶高大乔木。在越南,胖大海主要分布在西原地区及从北中部到东南部的天然次生林中,是一种濒危植物。胖大海在森林生态系统中有十分重要的作用,是森林生态演替的重要组成部分。同时,对于发展中国家来说,胖大海在减贫赈灾中发挥了重要的作用。通过对全国胖大海种群的自然分布进行复查,在不同区域进行测定胖大海种群的物候学和比较分析,进而以最具代表性的东南部天然常绿阔叶林和半落叶林为研究对象,描述胖大海林分特点,测定种群的特征,探讨主要生态环境因素对胖大海幼树幼苗的影响,同时以天然森林条件下胖大海的生物生态学特性的研究结果为基础,进一步在苗圃条件进行检验,掌握主要因素对胖大海苗期生长特点的影响,测定生态因素最适度、耐受范围限制,找到较好的苗圃育苗技术等。主要研究结果如下:(1)在越南胖大海种群自然分布主要有5个区域:北中部、南中部、东南部、西原区和西南部。主要分布在各个国家森林公园、自然保护区的亚热带天然常绿阔叶林、亚热带天然次生常绿阔叶林、天然次生湿润半落叶阔叶林等,只有少部分在各林场;2014年,全国胖大海林分的面积有2.6万hm2左右,不均匀地分布在5个区域,东南部区域胖大海林分面积为15190.1 hm2,占58.8%,在东南部区域胖大海林分主要分布在同奈天然文化自然保护区和吉仙国家森林公园;3个不同优势度等级林分的面积有差异,胖大海高优势度林分的面积是5959.7 hm2(占23.1%);中优势度林分的面积是10908.8 hm2(占42.26%)和低优势度林分的面积为8943.2 hm2(占34.5%);越南胖大海林分的质量不高,几年来,胖大海种群因人为干扰而面临危机,如普遍砍伐母树采取果实、采取未成熟的果实等,特别是西原区和南中部区域尤为严重。(2)不同区域胖大海的物候期有差异,在南中部区域中大部分物候期均开始很早,北中部和南中部中胖大海开花、结果、果实成熟和落地期时间比其余区域早30~40 d。胖大海萌动期时间较短,每年平均7月5日到19日开始;展叶期,每年平均7月10到8月20日开始,持续到次年6月10日左右;叶变色期,每年平均5月10~25日开始,持续27.6d;落叶期,每年6月10~25日开始,持续17.2 d;开花期很短,平均时间是9.2 d,每年4月8日到29日开始;结果期,每年平均从4月10~30日开始,持续45.5 d左右;每年6月5日到15日胖大海果实开始落地,落果期时间持续13.6 d左右。(3)对于不同优势度林分的物种多样性特点的研究,结果显示,研究区域不同胖大海优势度次生林的物种组成较丰富,9块标准地乔木层内共有39科83属130种,特有和珍稀濒危物种共有16种,现存5种植物是同奈区域的特有物种,常见的群丛类型主要有4个,胖大海是越南珍稀濒危植物之一;在各优势度林分中胖大海占绝对优势,为群落优势种,也是建群种,’重要值变动范围为15.41%-36.81%,不同优势度林分的多样性指数表现为D2大于D1和D3。不同胖大海优势度林下更新层乔木树种共有31科62属77种植物,重要值最高的大部分为胖大海,物种多样性指数的平均值均表现为林分D3D2D1。(4)对于不同胖大海优势度等级林分林木直径分布规律的研究,结果显示,3个胖大海优势度等级林分林木直径分布存在明显差异,主要为单峰分布和近似递减分布,在D3林分中,直径分布基本接近单峰分布曲线,在D2和D1林分中,直径分布成典型的近似反“J”分布;林分密度由大到小依次为D2、D3、D1林分,直径分布范围D3大于D1和D2林分;(5)不同优势度等级林分中胖大海直径分布特征。胖大海直径D3D2D1, D3中胖大海生长最佳、为优势种;林分内胖大海的直径分布曲线表现为递减状态并且递减速度较慢,胖大海林木直径分布呈现反“J”型。(6)在不同优势度下胖大海幼树幼苗的空间分布型呈聚集分布型;统计随机偏离度的F检验方法检验表明,1waoX=X'回归方程,结果符合a0,β≈1,TaylorS2=X回归函数,结果均符合a1,b≈1的聚集分布型,种群内部开始出现竞争,但这种竞争不太激烈,还没有达到使种群自疏至均匀分布或随机分布的程度,即表明种群中的物种是稳定共存的。(7)不同优势度林分对胖大海幼树幼苗更新在不同树高阶段有极显著性影响,胖大海第1阶段在D1的Ey大于D2和D3;第2阶段,在D1的Ey小于D3、与D2没显著差别;第3阶段,在D1的Ey小于D2和D3;胖大海第1阶段,在Ca1的Ey小于Ca2和Ca4,大于Ca3;第2和第3阶段,在Ca1的Ey均大于Ca2和Ca3,小于Ca4。胖大海的Ey与其生物学和生态学特性有关,不同生长阶段的胖大海对光照强度的要求不同,胖大海更新阶段基本适应高郁闭度林分,对光照强度要求较低。(8)不同优势度等级林分的林隙特点对胖大海幼树幼苗更新的特征呈显著的影响,在D1林分胖大海种群的生存量均比D2和D3少,在D1和D2林分的胖大海幼树幼苗从SL1到SL2c的死亡率比D3林分高、速度增加快,胖大海年龄达到SL3时逐渐稳定、死亡率低,以后能够继续生长发育进入乔木层;胖大海幼树幼苗空间分布格局基本属于聚集分布型,在D1和D2林分整个种群的空间分布符合聚集分布型,但在D3林分胖大海幼树幼苗种群分布型开始出现均匀型的趋势;不同优势度等级林分的林隙内胖大海幼树幼苗的更新情况不相同,随着林隙面积的增大,胖大海更新密度也产生相应的变化,当林隙面积在401~500 m2范围时,大部分幼树幼苗更新情况最佳,幼树幼苗密度达到峰值,随后开始减小,虽然,胖大海幼树幼苗是耐荫树种需要光照强度较低,但林隙面积过小,光照强度太弱也不利于幼树幼苗发育。(9)草本灌木的特点对胖大海幼树幼苗更新密度也有影响,灌木盖度较大不利于胖大海幼苗幼树的定居存活,在各优势度林分中灌木盖度从一级到五级,SL密度单调下降,平均密度呈现出D1D3D2林分的分布规律;不同灌木高度等级与SL的数量呈显著正相关,不同灌木盖度和高度等级与SL密度也均呈显著相关,灌木高度增高、盖度水平逐渐下降是SL生存以及密度增加的有利条件。反之,会不利SL生存,导致SL密度降低;在草本盖度水平较低等级如Un、So1、Sp等级中SL的密度较高,草本盖度增加使得幼树幼苗密度逐渐下降。草本盖度和灌木盖度因素综合作用与SL密度存在显著负相关关系,即在草本和灌木盖度较大的林下SL的数量较少。(10)胖大海幼树幼苗天然更新在3个阶段的出现频率与优势度等级、表层土壤湿度、pH值、全氮、全磷和全钾元素均有关系,这个关系能够通过Logit Gauss模型进行模拟。胖大海不同树高阶段对表层土壤湿度、pH值、全氮、全磷和全钾元素的要求有差异,SLj的表层土壤湿度、pH值、全氮、全磷和全钾元素5个因素最适度依次为68.2%、4.6、2.351g·kg-1、0.292 g-kg-1和13.088 g·kg-1;SL2的表层土壤5个因素最适度分别为:湿度是72.8%、pH值是5.1、全氮元素是3.023 g-kg-1、全磷元素是0.338 g-kg-1和全钾元素是15.104 g·k-1;SL3的表层土壤5个元素最适度依次为73.3%、5.5、3.347 g-kg-1、0.380 g·kg-1和15.581g·kg-1;随着年龄增加对表层土壤湿度、pH值、全氮、全磷和全钾元素的要求逐渐增加;各森林类型状态的变化会影响到森林生态环境因素的变化和影响到幼树幼苗不同阶段的发生与发展过程,胖大海幼树幼苗在D3中的更新比D2或D1好,绝大部分幼树幼苗的出现频率在D3D2D1,林分的高优势度或者林分的高稳定性具有更适合胖大海幼树幼苗天然更新的环境。(11)胖大海母树径级对种子的发芽率有很大的影响,母树的直径50~60 cm提供的种子质量最佳,发芽时间极快且相对均匀,播种2d到5d后大部分种子开始发芽,幼苗生长健康、苗根有黄蓝色。冰箱0℃中贮藏的胖大海种子平均发芽率高于冰箱-5℃及常温条件下的种子。胖大海种子的发芽率随贮藏时间延长其活力和发芽率逐渐下降,如果将种子发芽率控制在50%以上,则在冰箱-5℃和常温条件下贮藏时间不能超过180 d,冰箱0℃下不能超过300 d。在不同的温度中,贮藏30 d后种子的平均发芽率达到80.17%,360 d后平均发芽率快速下降,只有25.75%。(12)遮荫强度对胖大海幼苗的生长指标和成活力有极显著的影响。胖大海6月生幼苗需要遮荫,胖大海苗期阶段是喜阴树种。遮荫强度在50%~75%处理下能够促进6月生幼苗的地径、苗高和生物量生长,能够提供高质量的幼苗。遮荫强度过高不利于胖大海幼苗的生长和发育。(13)NPK复合肥浓度在0%~6%的水平对胖大海幼苗均有显著的影响,胖大海6月生幼苗需要NPK复合肥。胖大海6月生幼苗地径生长的NPK复合肥最适度是3.38%,苗高生长的NPK复合肥最适度是3.23%,NPK复合肥浓度在2%~4%处理下胖大海幼苗能够正常生长,3.2%~3.4%最有利于幼苗生长和发育。NPK复合肥浓度过高(5%~6%)不仅不利于幼苗生长而且危害幼苗,并使生产成本增加,污染水土环境。(14)P肥浓度0%~6%处理下对胖大海幼苗地径和苗高生长均存在差异的影响。胖大海幼苗需磷量较低,P肥在1%-3%处理中幼苗生长良好,在4%~6%下生长差,在2%处理下幼苗生长最好。地径生长需要的P肥最适度为2.6%,苗高为3.3%,育苗中将P肥含量控制在2.4%~3.3%之间最合理。P肥浓度过高时幼苗生长很差甚至死亡,而且破坏水土环境,增加生产成本。(15)胖大海6月生幼苗需要较高的粪肥含量,粪肥有利于胖大海幼苗地径、苗高的生长,及生物量的增加。粪肥含量控制在12.4%~15.4%最为合适,最有助于地径生长的含量是15.4%,苗高是14.5%。粪肥能有效改善育苗的基质,主要表现在增加土壤的空隙度,增加蓄水能力,提高营养成分,增加土壤肥力等,粪肥能够降低对水土资源的污染。特别注意使用古老冲积土和森林灰化土播种时需要使用合理的粪肥。(16)粪肥和NPK复合肥两种肥料配比对胖大海6月生幼苗的生长量指标均有显著的影响。粪肥含量从15%-20%配合NPK复合肥浓度从1%~3%促进胖大海幼苗正常发育。其中,粪肥20%与NPK复合肥2%促进幼苗发育较好,粪肥20%与NPK复合肥2.21%配比幼苗地径生长最好,粪肥20%与NPK复合肥2.69%配比幼苗苗高生长最好。(17)容器基质对胖大海幼苗的生长量有显著的影响。一般黄红壤、棕红壤、森林灰化土和古老冲积土4个土壤种类均能作为容器育苗的基质。使用森林灰化土和古老冲积土作容器育苗的基质时需要注意改善土壤的理化性质,通过增加有机肥与NPK复合肥配比来提高其土壤肥力和营养物质。使用黄红壤和棕红壤作容器育苗的基质时需要积极改善土壤的疏松度,提高其矿物质和腐殖质含量,通过施加粪肥和椰糠能有效改善土壤的黏性。(18)容器尺寸对胖大海幼苗的地径和苗高生长量指标均有显著的影响。随容器尺寸的变大幼苗的生长指标逐渐增加。对于短周期(6个月到12个月)育苗,容器尺寸15 cm×18 cm(L3)最合适,对于长周期(1.5年到2年)育苗,容器尺寸18cm×22 cm(L4)最合适。
[Abstract]:Pang Dahai (Sterculia lychnophora Hance) belongs to the genus Sterculia Linn (Sterculia Linn), which is a large deciduous tree in the subtropical forest ecosystem of ASEAN and East Asia. In Vietnam, Pang Dahai is mainly distributed in the West original area and from the north central to the south of the natural secondary forest. Pang Dahai is a kind of endangered plant. The forest ecosystem plays an important role and is an important part of the forest ecological succession. At the same time, for the developing countries, the fat sea plays an important role in reducing poverty relief. By rechecking the natural distribution of the country's fat Sea population, the phenology and comparison of the population of the fat sea are measured in different regions. In this analysis, the most representative natural evergreen broad-leaved forest and half forest forest in the southeast are studied. The characteristics of the fatty sea stand are described, the characteristics of the population are measured, and the effects of the main ecological environment factors on the young tree seedlings are discussed, and the results of the bioecological characteristics of the fat and big sea are based on the results of the study on the bioecological characteristics of the fat sea under natural forest. The main research results are as follows: (1) the main research results are as follows: (1) there are 5 regions in the natural distribution of the fat Sea population in Vietnam: in the north, in the South and in the southeast, Western yuan and southwest are mainly distributed in each country Forest Park, the subtropical natural evergreen broadleaved forest in the nature reserve, the subtropical natural secondary evergreen broad-leaved forest, the natural secondary humid semi deciduous broad-leaved forest and so on, and only a few in each forest farm; in 2014, the area of the national fat and big Hailin is about 26 thousand Hm2, unevenly distributed in 5. The area of the southeast region is 15190.1 Hm2, accounting for 58.8%. The fatty sea forest in the southeast region is mainly distributed in the natural cultural nature reserve of Tong Nai and the Forest Park in Jixian state; the area of the 3 different dominance grade stands is different, the area of the high potential forest of the fat sea is 5959.7 hm2 (23.1%); The area of the potential stand is 10908.8 hm2 (42.26%) and the low dominance forest area is 8943.2 hm2 (34.5%), and the quality of the fat sea forest in Vietnam is not high. In the past few years, the fat Sea population is facing the crisis because of the interference of people, such as the widespread cutting of the fruit and the unripe fruit, especially in the West and the South and central regions. (2) there is a difference in phenology of the different regions. Most of the Phenophase in the southern and central regions begin early, and the fat sea in the middle and south middle of the region is blooming. As a result, the fruit ripening and landing time is 30~40 D. earlier than the rest of the other regions, and the average time is shorter from July 5th to 19. The average from 10 to August 20th July, lasting to about June 10th of the next year; the leaf discoloration period begins with an average of 10~25 days of May, 27.6d, the deciduous period, 10~25 days of June and 17.2 D; the flowering period is short, the average time is 9.2 D, every year from April 8th to 29, and the result period, the average from 10~30 days April to April, continues 45.5. From June 5th to 15, the fruit of the fat sea began to fall to the ground from June 5th to 15, and the fruit setting time lasted about 13.6 D. (3) study on the species diversity of the different dominance forest species. The results showed that the species composition of the secondary forest with different sea dominance in the study area was rich, and 130 species of 39 families and 83 genera in the 9 standard tree layers. There are 16 species of rare and endangered species, and 5 species are endemic to the Nai region. There are 4 common cluster types, and the fat sea is one of the rare and endangered plants in Vietnam. The diversity index showed that there were 31 families, 62 genera and 77 species of trees with 31 families and 62 genera under the different Pang Dahai dominance forest, and the most important value was Pang Dahai. The average value of the species diversity index was D3D2D1. (4) for the forest tree diameter distribution law of different Pang Dahai dominance grade forest. The results show that there are obvious differences in the diameter distribution of the forest trees in the 3 dominance grade of the sea. The distribution of the diameter is basically close to the single peak distribution curve in the D3 stand. In the D2 and D1 stands, the diameter distribution is a typical approximate inverse "J" distribution, and the stand density from large to small is D2, D3, D1 in turn. The diameter distribution range of D3 was greater than that of D1 and D2 stand; (5) the distribution of the diameter of the fat sea in the stand of different dominance grade. The diameter of the fat sea was D3D2D1, and the growth of the fat sea was the best in D3, and the diameter distribution curve of the fat sea in the stand showed decreasing state and slowed down, and the diameter distribution of the fat sea forest was opposite " J "type. (6) the spatial distribution pattern of young tree seedlings of fat sea seedlings under different dominance, and the F test of statistical random deviation showed that the result of 1waoX=X'regression equation accorded with A0, beta 1, TaylorS2=X regression function, the results all conformed to the aggregation distribution of A1 and B 1, and the competition within the population began to appear, but this competition was not competitive. It is too fierce to achieve the degree of homogeneously distributed or random distribution of the population, that is, the species in the population is stable. (7) the seedling regeneration of the young trees of the fat sea has a significant effect on the height of different trees. The first stage of the fat sea is more than D2 and D3 in the D1, and the second stage, Ey in D1 is less than D3, There is no significant difference from D2; in the third stage, the Ey in the D1 is less than D2 and D3, and the first stage of the fat sea is less than Ca2 and Ca4 in the Ca1, which is larger than Ca3; the second and third stages are larger than those of the Ca1 and the biological and ecological characteristics. The sea renewal stage basically adapts to the high canopy density stand, and the demand for light intensity is low. (8) the gap characteristics of the stand of different dominance grades have a significant influence on the characteristics of young tree seedling regeneration. The survival of the fat Sea population in the D1 stand is less than that of D2 and D3, and the mortality from SL1 to SL2c in the seedlings of D1 and D2 forest from SL1 to SL2c It is higher than the D3 stand, the speed increases quickly, the age of the fat sea is stable when the age reaches SL3, the death rate is low, and the growth and development will continue to enter the arbor layer. The spatial distribution pattern of the young trees of the sapling of the fat Sea belongs to the aggregation distribution pattern, the spatial distribution pattern of the whole population in the D1 and the D2 stands, but the young tree seedlings of the fat sea in the D3 stand. The population distribution pattern began to be homogeneous, and the regeneration of young tree seedlings in the forest gap in the forest gap of different dominance grade was different. With the increase of the gap area, the regeneration density of the fat sea also changed correspondingly. When the space area was 401~500 m2, the seedling regeneration of most young trees was the best, the young tree seedlings were the best. The density reached the peak, and then began to decrease. Although the seedlings of the young tree were low in light intensity, the area of the gap was too small and the light intensity was too weak. (9) the characteristics of herbaceous shrubs also affected the regeneration density of young tree seedlings, and the large shrub coverage was not conducive to the young trees. The coverage of shrubs from the first to five levels, the SL density decreased monotonously and the average density showed the distribution of the D1D3D2 stand; the height of the shrubs had a significant positive correlation with the number of SL, and the coverage and height of different shrubs were also significantly correlated with the density of SL, and the height of shrubs increased and the coverage level was higher. Gradual decline is a favorable condition for the survival of SL and the increase of density. On the contrary, it will detrimental to the survival of SL and decrease the density of SL; the density of SL is higher in the lower level of the lower level of the herbaceous coverage, such as Un, So1 and Sp, and the increase of the herb coverage makes the young tree seedling density gradually decrease. The comprehensive effect of the herbaceous cover and shrub coverage and the density of the SL is obvious. There is a negative correlation, that is, the number of SL is less under the coverage of herbaceous and shrubs. (10) the frequency of natural regeneration of young tree seedlings in the 3 stages is related to the soil moisture, pH, total nitrogen, total phosphorus and all potassium, which can be simulated by the Logit Gauss model. There are differences in surface soil moisture, pH value, total nitrogen, total nitrogen, total phosphorus and total potassium in the height of the tree. The most appropriate 5 factors in the surface soil moisture, pH, total nitrogen, total phosphorus and total potassium in SLj are 68.2%, 4.6,2.351g. Kg-1,0.292 g-kg-1 and 13.088 G. Kg-1, and the humidity is 72.8%, pH value, respectively, respectively. It is 5.1, the total nitrogen is 3.023 g-kg-1, the total phosphorus is 0.338 g-kg-1 and the total potassium is 15.104 G. K-1; the most appropriate 5 elements in the surface soil of SL3 are 73.3%, 5.5,3.347 g-kg-1,0.380 G. Kg-1 and 15.581g. Kg-1. With the increase of age, the requirements for the surface soil moisture, pH value, total nitrogen, total phosphorus and total potassium are gradually increased; the various Sen The change of forest type state will affect the change of forest ecological environment factors and the development and development process of young tree seedlings in different stages. The regeneration of young tree seedlings in D3 is better than that of D2 or D1. Most of young tree seedlings appear in the D3D2D1, the high dominance of the stand or the high stability of the stand is more suitable for fat. The natural regeneration environment of the young tree seedlings (11) the size of the fat sea mother tree has a great influence on the germination rate of the seeds. The seed quality of the mother tree with the diameter of 50~60 cm is the best, the germination time is very fast and relatively uniform. After sowing 2D to 5D, most of the seeds begin to germinate, the seedlings grow healthy and the seedlings are yellow and blue. The fat stored in the fridge at 0 degrees centigrade is fat. The average germination rate of the sea seed was higher than that of the refrigerator at -5 and normal temperature. The germination rate of the fat sea seeds decreased gradually with the storage time. If the germination rate was controlled above 50%, the storage time could not exceed 180 d under the condition of the refrigerator at -5 and normal temperature, and the refrigerator could not exceed 300 D. at 0. In the same temperature, the average germination rate of the seeds reached 80.17% after 30 d storage and the average germination rate decreased rapidly after 360 D. Only 25.75%. (12) shading intensity had a very significant influence on the growth index and vitality of Pang Dahai seedlings. The seedlings of Pang Dahai in June were shaded and the Pang Dahai seedling stage was a shade shade tree. The shade intensity was 50% to 75%. The ground diameter, seedling height and biomass growth of the seedlings in June could be promoted to provide high quality seedlings. The high shade intensity was not conducive to the growth and development of the seedlings of the fat sea. (13) the concentration of NPK compound fertilizer at 0% to 6% had a significant effect on the seedlings of chubby sea, and the young seedlings of chubby sea needed NPK compound fertilizer in the fat and big sea. The fat sea was born in June. The most appropriate NPK compound fertilizer for seedling growth was 3.38%, the most suitable NPK compound fertilizer was 3.23%, and the concentration of NPK compound fertilizer could grow normally under the treatment of 2% ~ 4%. 3.2% ~ 3.4% was the most beneficial to the growth and development of the seedlings (5% to 6%), which was not only unfavorable to the growth of the seedlings and harmful to the seedlings. The cost of production increased, and the environment of soil and water pollution. (14) the effects of P fertilizer concentration 0% ~ 6% on the growth of the seedling height and height of the seedlings were different. The seedlings of the fat sea seedlings needed low phosphorus, the P fertilizer had good growth in the 1%-3% treatment, the poor growth of the seedlings under the 2% treatment and the best growth of the seedlings under the treatment of 2%. The optimum for the growth of the ground diameter was 2.6%, The seedling height is 3.3%. The seedling growth is very poor and even death when the content of P fertilizer is controlled between 2.4% ~ 3.3% and the most reasonable.P fertilizer concentration is too high. And it destroys the soil and water environment and increases the production cost. (15) the seedlings of the June seedlings of fat sea need higher manure content, manure is beneficial to the height of the fat and big sea seedlings, the growth of seedling height, and the increase of biomass. The optimum fertilizer content was 12.4%-15.4%. The optimum fertilizer content was 15.4% and the seedling height was 14.5%.


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