[Abstract]:Crop disease is a worldwide problem affecting food safety. This problem can be effectively, economically and environmentally friendly by using disease-resistant varieties. The rational utilization of disease-resistant resources requires a comprehensive understanding of the evolution of plant disease-related genes and regulatory elements. In this study, the evolution of plant disease resistance genes and related regulatory small RNA was discussed in detail. First, resistance genes of four species of Gramineae were identified. All resistance genes were mapped to the rice genome by comparative genomes. Resistance genes are frequently lost and translocated, showing diversity among different species. The linearity of flanking sequence of disease resistance gene was lower. We extend the study to 70 genomes and cluster resistance genes into resistance gene families. At the overall level, there are more resistant families in Gramineae than in other plants. Resistance genes of Gramineae and Cruciferae have more heterologous gene pairs in genome. The highly duplicated N gene and Form-2 gene family in other genomes have very low or absent copy numbers in these two families, which is consistent with the high heterogeneity of these two genomes. Secondly, the relationship between disease resistance gene and target resistance gene miRNA was analyzed. Highly replicated resistant genes have a higher probability of producing miRNA. Genes commonly targeted by miR482/2118 do not replicate effectively in Gramineae and cruciferous families. The miRNA sequence of target resistance gene is conserved with the first and second position of codon, and the third position has diversity, suggesting that the selection of diversity from protein level can regulate multiple resistance genes. We summarize the co-evolutionary model of miRNA and disease resistance genes: the replication of disease resistance genes to produce miRNA to regulate highly replicated resistance genes and then control the cost of disease resistance genes. Finally, GC content of small RNA loci and peripheral sequences of Arabidopsis thaliana and rice were systematically analyzed. The edge of the small RNA locus fluctuated sharply, while the GC fluctuation within the small RNA locus was lower. In addition, the GC content of the microtransposon is consistent with the abundance of producing small RNA. The phase fraction of the. PhasiRNA site is correlated with the GC fluctuation. In conclusion, the high GC content and GC fluctuation of small RNA are associated with the expression of small RNA. These results can be used to improve the silencing efficiency of RNAi or VIGS.
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