[Abstract]:In this paper, four experiments were conducted in two parts to study the mode and mechanism of MEL regulating cashmere growth. Part one: Liaoning cashmere goats were planted in spring (twice in March and May, 3 in March, May and July), and in winter (twice in October and December). The effects of MEL implantation on cashmere production in October, December and February were studied in Inner Mongolia Cashmere Goat (April and June, 2 times in April and June respectively), and the effects of MEL implantation on cashmere production in the whole year (March 2012 to March 2013) were studied respectively in Inner Mongolia Cashmere Goat (Nei Mongol Cashmere Goat). Effects of MEL on Cashmere Goat production after single implantation in June and late Placement (in December and February) in Cashmere Goats. The results were as follows: (1) at present, most of Liaoning cashmere goats had the characteristics of perennial long velvet, and planting in spring, winter and whole year could increase the growth rate of perennial cashmere wool in spring, winter and whole year, but only the whole year planting group could increase the yield of cashmere (P0.05). Except in October and December, the other groups had different degrees of early delamination. (2) MEL implantation in non-long cashmere period of Inner Mongolia Cashmere Goat could promote the growth of cashmere in advance. The induced cashmere growth was effectively connected with the natural cashmere growth, and there was no early delamination. The yield and length of cashmere were increased by 16.2% and 17.3% respectively in April and June (P0.05). MEL implantation only increased the growth rate of villus in March, but did not prolong the period of long velvet, and had no effect on the yield and length of wool. In addition, Mel implantation had no effect on the growth and reproduction performance of cashmere goats, nor on the fineness of cashmere. The second part: Liaoning Cashmere Goat was selected to study the effects of MEL on blood hormone and hair follicle density in Cashmere Goat in spring (twice in March and May, 3 times in March, May and July). The effects of MEL implantation in April and June on the production, blood hormone and RORa gene expression of Cashmere Goat were studied in Inner Mongolia Cashmere Goat (Inner Mongolia Cashmere Goat). The results showed that: (3) implantation of MEL in spring increased the concentration of MEL in blood and decreased the concentration of PRL (P0.05), but had no effect on IGF-1T _ 3 and T _ 4. In addition, the density of secondary hair follicles was increased (P0.05), and the number of primary hair follicles reached stable in advance. (4) MEL implantation twice in April and June made the time of villus germination advance (P0.05), the long cashmere period prolonged 37 days (P0.05), cashmere yield and length of cashmere were prolonged by 37 days (P0.05). The velvet fineness was increased by 34.5% and 21.3% (P0.05), and the velvet fineness was decreased by 4.4% (P0.05). Implantation of MEL significantly increased the concentration of MEL in blood during day and night, decreased the concentration of PRL, and increased the expression of RORa gene in skin (P0.05). The results showed that: most of Liaoning cashmere goats have the characteristics of perennial long velvet. Mel implantation can promote the growth of perennial cashmere wool, but it has little effect on the increase of cashmere yield, so it can be avoided by adjusting the planting time. MEL implantation in non-long cashmere period of Inner Mongolia cashmere goat in April and June is an effective control mode. MEL implantation in late cashmere period can not prolong the growth period of cashmere, which also indicates that it is not feasible to realize long cashmere sheep in season. Exogenous MEL can increase the concentration of MEL, decrease the concentration of PRL, increase the density of secondary hair follicles, and increase the expression of RORa gene, thus prolonging the long cashmere period to promote cashmere production.
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