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发布时间:2018-09-07 18:39
[Abstract]:In this paper, the coupling effect of water and Fertilizer on Tomato irrigation system under drip irrigation under mulch in Northeast China solar greenhouse was studied, and a set of irrigation and fertilization system was formed, which considered tomato yield, fruit quality, plant morphology, photosynthesis, water use efficiency and soil nutrient content. Through drip irrigation under mulch, the law of tomato water consumption was summarized, and the tomato water production function model was established to monitor tomato morphological index, quality index, photosynthesis index and yield index. With the plan as the main line, the large ridge and double row planting pattern was adopted, combined with drip irrigation under mulch, the meteorological index, soil index, tomato yield and fertilizer utilization efficiency were monitored, and the optimum water and fertilizer management model was established for greenhouse tomato. Controlling soil moisture content is beneficial to plant height, stem diameter and leaf area growth when field moisture content is 70%-75%; at flowering and Fruit-setting stage, appropriate water deficit is beneficial to stem diameter growth; when soil moisture content is controlled in field moisture content is 60%-65%, the stem is thicker; when soil moisture content is controlled in field moisture content is 75%-80%, it is beneficial to plant height and leaf area growth. During the fruiting period, when the soil moisture content was controlled in the range of 80%-85%, tomato plant height, stem diameter and leaf area grew well. At the later stage, tomato plant basically stopped growing. (2) Through the analysis of tomato fruit quality indicators, we can see that different water treatments on Tomato soluble sugar, vitamin C, organic matter. The content of soluble sugar reached 16.71%, the content of vitamin C reached 16.91 mg/g and the ratio of sugar to acid reached 39.79 when the soil water content was controlled at 70%-75%, 60%-65%, 80%-85% and 75%-80% of field water holding capacity. The content of soluble protein was the highest at 70% ~ 75%, 75% ~ 80%, 80% ~ 85%, 60% ~ 65%, and the content of organic acid was the highest at 0.053 mg/g and 0.57% at different growth stages. This indicated that the appropriate water deficit at flowering and fruiting stages was conducive to the accumulation of soluble sugar, vitamin C content and high sugar-acid ratio. The results showed that stomatal conductance had no significant difference at flowering and fruiting stages, and the change of soil moisture content had little effect on stomatal conductance, and it was helpful to control the soil moisture content at 60% - 65% field water holding capacity during the fruiting period. High stomatal conductance; at flowering and fruiting stages, soil moisture content had significant effects on the net photosynthetic rate of all treatments. When soil moisture content was controlled at 75% - 80% of field water holding capacity, it was helpful to increase the net photosynthetic rate at flowering and fruiting stages, and when soil moisture content was controlled at 80% - 85% of field water holding capacity, it was helpful to increase tomato plants at fruiting stage. (4) Principal component analysis was used to evaluate tomato yield, water use efficiency and quality index comprehensively, and the irrigation regime of Sunlight Greenhouse Tomato during the whole growth period was obtained under drip irrigation under mulch film: irrigation twice at seedling stage, irrigation quota 15-16 mm; irrigation three times at flowering and fruiting stage, irrigation quota 15-17 mm; Results The irrigation quota was 10-13mm and 190-220mm in the later period, respectively. (5) Jensen model, Minhas model, Stewart model and Singh model were established by analyzing the water sensitive index of Tomato in different growth stages. The results showed that the fitting degree of Jensen model was higher than that of other models. (6) The optimum water and fertilizer dosage of Tomato in solar greenhouse was 565 kg/hm2, 375 kg/hm2, 150 kg/hm2, and irrigation quota was 200 mmm. The yield of tomato could reach 50 000 kg/hm2 under different water and fertilizer coupling treatments. Greenhouse temperature and soil moisture content are two important factors in the growth process of Tomato in solar greenhouse, which have a close relationship with improving the growth environment of tomato, and have a great correlation with the direct effect. (8) The speed between different water and fertilizer coupling treatments. The spatial distribution of available nitrogen was basically the same, and the total distribution of available nitrogen was 45 degrees slant, and the residual amount of available nitrogen in soil was positively correlated with the amount of nitrogen applied. The residual amount of available phosphorus in 0-60 cm was similar, but with the deepening of soil layer, the content of available phosphorus increased: the residual potassium content in soil profile was distributed in space. On the whole, there was a "S" type, and the difference between the treatments was small, and the law was basically the same.


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