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发布时间:2018-09-12 08:40
[Abstract]:Photosynthetic rate is an important index to evaluate the photosynthetic superiority of crops, which has always been attached importance to by researchers. The photosynthetic efficiency of crops directly affects the yield of photosynthesis and biological yield. Jilin Province is one of the dominant provinces in maize breeding and production in China. It is of great significance to explore the genetic laws of maize hybrids and their parents in order to broaden the genetic background of breeding materials and realize the mining and reuse of breeding materials. The leaf photosynthesis rate and related physiological characteristics of 8 maize inbred lines and 16 F1 hybrid combinations were studied in this study. The main conclusions were as follows: the Pn,SPAD value of leaf photosynthesis rate, soluble sugar, soluble protein and PEPCase activity of ear leaf of 8 inbred lines and their 16 crosses had a wide range of variation. The differences of photosynthetic physiological traits of inbred lines and hybrid combinations were significant (0.01P0.05) or extremely significant (P0.01), which indicated that the photosynthetic genetic basis of these breeding materials was more extensive. The result of cluster analysis of photosynthetic rate of eight parents showed that the inbred line Chang7-2J1401 belongs to the high photozygosity type (H type), PH6WCCnJ1146-J1204 belongs to the low photosynthetic rate type (L type), and the middle type (M type) is: A87NJ1207S122, which belongs to the low photosynthetic rate type (L type) of the inbred line Chang7-2NJ1401, which belongs to the high photozygosity type (H type) and belongs to the low photosynthetic rate type (L type). The genetic tendency of 5 physiological indexes related to photosynthesis in 16 F1 generations of 8 inbred lines was further analyzed. The proportion of H type or L type inbred lines as female parent of F 1 was 42.85, indicating that leaf photosynthesis was the highest. The rate of (Pn) was greatly affected by the inheritance of maternal traits. However, the inheritance of leaf soluble protein (SP), PEPCase activity, (PEP) and other physiological indexes related to photosynthesis was also influenced by maternal traits. Soluble sugar (SS) was significantly affected by male parent. The (GCA) variance of general combining ability and the special combining ability (SCA) of hybrid combinations were significant or extremely significant, which indicated that there were real differences among these effects. The additive effect of different parents on photosynthetic rate is different, and the parent J1146 is the largest. Secondly, PH6WC and J1204, which indicated that the three inbred lines were important parents for breeding the progenies with high photosynthetic rate. The phenotypic values of photosynthesis rate of the parents with higher GCA and their hybrid combinations were analyzed. The average value of F _ 1 hybrids with Chang 7-2 as female parent was less than that of 16 hybrid combinations. The average values of F _ 1 hybrids with male parent J1204 and J1401 were 20.70 渭 mol m-2 S-1 and 19.80 渭 mol m-2 S-1, respectively, which were significantly higher than that of 16 crosses, and the difference was significant, indicating that the inbred lines with high combining ability were used as male parents. The progeny line. 5 with higher phenotypic characters may be obtained. Further, the heritability of photosynthetic rate and soluble protein content was 91.02% and 75.34%, respectively, which indicated that the heritability of the two traits was higher. Environment had little effect on it, while the other traits had lower heritability, which indicated that these traits were greatly affected by environment. The correlation analysis further showed that there was a significant positive correlation between leaf net photosynthetic rate and leaf SPAD value (r = 0.9103). Therefore, SPAD value and PEPCase activity were used as auxiliary reference indexes in selecting photosynthetic index of maize. It is beneficial to improve the efficiency of selection.


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