[Abstract]:Viral infection and host versus virus are a game process: after many viruses infect the host, the pathogen-associated molecular patterns of the virus are recognized by the host's pattern recognition receptor, thus activating the host type I interferon (IFN) signaling pathway. It results in hundreds of interferon stimulating gene (ISGs) transcription, providing antiviral defense for the body; At the same time, the virus has evolved a variety of efficient escape strategies to resist the host synthesis of IFN, signal transduction and the antiviral function of ISGs. ISGs is an important antiviral effector. It plays an important role in host defense and elimination of exogenous pathogens infection. Therefore, the study of antiviral ISGs is of great significance in the control and treatment of viral infection. Swine fever (CSF) is an acute and acute infectious disease, which is prevalent in many countries and has caused huge economic losses to the pig industry in China and the world. Classical swine fever virus (CSFV) is the pathogen of CSF, which belongs to the family Flavovirus.After CSFV infects the host, it activates the type I IFN signaling pathway and produces anti-virus ISGs.. Compared with other members of the yellow virus family, there are few studies on anti-virus ISGs, especially on the molecular mechanism of ISGs anti-CSFV infection. The study of anti-CSFV ISGs not only helps to understand the mechanism of host anti-virus, but also provides clues for CSFV to escape from host anti-virus. Therefore, the study of anti-CSFV ISGs has both theoretical significance and great application value. In this study, we constructed 20 lentivirus-mediated PK-15 cell lines that overexpression porcine ISGs. Screening of ISGs, resistant to CSFV by overexpression Cell Line and expression of Fluorworm luciferase Reporter Swine Fever virus (rCSFV-Fluc) six ISGs significantly inhibited rCSFV-Fluc replication, GBP1,GBP2,CD47,ZNF313,OASL and OAS1., respectively. The selected overexpression GBP1,CD47,ZNF313 and OASL cell lines were infected with parental virus CSFV Shimen strain. The results showed that the overexpression of these molecules could inhibit the replication of parental virus, indicating that the four ISGs molecules were ISGs. resistant to CSFV. We preferentially selected guanylate binding protein 1 (GBP1) for further study. The results show that overexpression of GBP1 inhibits CSFV replication, whereas RNA silencing endogenous GBP1 against GBP1 can promote CSFV replication. In addition, the anti- CSFV effect of GBP1 mainly occurred in the early stage of viral replication, and in a dose-dependent manner inhibited the translation efficiency of (IRES), the ribosomal entry site of CSFV. CSFV infection with porcine or PK-15 cells could induce the up-regulation of GBP1 expression at the transcriptional level. In the aspect of the molecular mechanism of GBP1 anti-CSFV, it has been proved that GBP1 can not activate IFN- 尾 and NF- 魏 B signaling pathway, and its anti-CSFV is dependent on its GTPase activity. CSFV has antiviral effect on host GBP1, and it interacts with GBP1 by using self-synthesized NS5A protein. By inhibiting the GTPase activity of GBP1 and then antagonizing the CSFV activity of GBP1. Interestingly, our study also found that GBP1 (K51A) mutants lost GTPase activity and did not inhibit CSFV replication. The results of immunoprecipitation and GST pulldown tests showed that the N-terminal GTPase domain of GBP1 and the C-terminal functional region of NS5A were the key regions of GBP1-NS5A interaction. In conclusion, in this study, six candidate molecules against CSFV ISGs were obtained by using the high throughput screening strategy of report virus and overexpression cell lines. It was confirmed that GBP1 was an antiviral ISG, of CSFV and that its antiviral action depended on its own GTPase activity, while CSFV used its NS5A protein to interact with GBP1 to inhibit GTPase activity of GBP1, thus antagonizing the antiviral function of GBP1.
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