[Abstract]:The global climate change has had a far-reaching impact on the forest ecosystem since the twenty-first century. Mountain forest ecosystem is more fragile and is more sensitive to climate change, so it is of great significance to study the response of mountain forest ecosystem to global climate change. Nanling is the largest mountain range in the southern part of China. It is also one of the north and the south of China. It is a typical mountain forest ecosystem. The unique landforms and the widely distributed primitive forests provide unique conditions for the study of the response of forest to climate change. The systematic study of the tree-year-round climatology is beneficial to the deep understanding of the impacts of climate change on the forest ecosystem in the Nanling Mountain and the distribution pattern of the future vegetation. In this paper, Pinus massoniana (Pinus massoniana), Pinus kangtungensis Chun and Abies beshanzuensis var. Ziyuanensis was used as the research object.4 masson pine sampling points,4 south china five-needle loose sampling points and two fir sampling points are respectively arranged, and the tree core samples are collected and corresponding annual tables are established. The radial growth and climatic factors of tree species, age, latitude and altitude were studied by correlation analysis and response function analysis and characteristic year analysis. The monthly mean temperature, monthly average maximum temperature and monthly mean minimum temperature of tree species, age, latitude and altitude were studied. Based on the meteorological data of the study area in the last 60 years, the response of the radial growth of the trees to the climate factors is analyzed, and the three historical climate sequences of the Nanling Mountain are reconstructed, and the characteristics of the climate change are analyzed. The main results are as follows:1. The radial growth of different species is different to the response of the climatic factors. The radial growth of Pinus massoniana and the five-needle pine in South China has a tendency to be consistent with the increase of the temperature, while the radial growth of the fir is a decreasing "separation" with the increase of the temperature. The positive response to the hydrothermal condition is the key to the consistency of the width and temperature of Pinus massoniana and South China's five-needle pine. The water stress caused by the temperature increase is an important factor which causes the change of the annual wheel width and the temperature change trend of the resource fir. There is a negative correlation with the precipitation in the growth season, but is mainly influenced by the temperature. Young-age trees are sensitive to the temperature and precipitation response of the year's growth season, while the old trees are more sensitive to climate change at the end of the last year's growth season. The age of the sample contained in the annual table is different, and its response to climate change is also different, and the age span of the sample contained in the annual table is large, it is easy to mask the characteristics of the different age trees to the external climate change reaction. The altitude gradient has an important influence on the relationship between the radial growth of the five-needle pine in South China and the climatic factors. At the low altitude of the lower limit of the forest, the radial growth of the trees is affected by the growth season temperature and the precipitation of the year, but in comparison, the rainfall is mainly affected by the precipitation, and the sufficient precipitation in the growing season is favorable for the growth of the trees, and the temperature is high and the formation of the narrow wheels is easy. With the increase of altitude, the effect of temperature on the growth of trees is enhanced, and the effect of precipitation on the growth of trees is weakened. In the middle and high altitude, the effect of precipitation is mainly from the fall of the previous year. The sufficient precipitation is favorable to the formation of the wide wheel, and the high temperature of the growing season is unfavorable to the growth of the trees. At the upper forest limit of high altitude, the growth of the trees is affected by the temperature and the precipitation of the year, but is mainly influenced by the temperature, the temperature of the growth season is higher than the formation of the wide wheel, and the growing season of the precipitation is easy to form a narrow wheel. The effect of latitude on the relationship between the radial growth of masson pine and the climatic factors is different. the radial growth in the northern region is mainly affected by the temperature of the winter and the summer, and the increase of the temperature in the winter and the summer promotes the radial growth of the masson massoniana; the radial growth of the masson pine in the central region is mainly influenced by the temperature of the winter and the summer, and the rise of the temperature in the winter promotes the radial growth of the masson pine, But the rise of summer temperature can restrain the radial growth of masson pine to a certain extent, the radial growth of masson pine in the south is mainly affected by the summer temperature, and the increase of the summer temperature inhibits the growth of the masson pine. The effect of precipitation on the radial growth of Pinus massoniana is related only to the southern region, and the radial growth of the masson pine in the central region is related to the precipitation in October of the previous year. In the early 1940s, the climate was mainly cold, with the lowest temperature in May-July was 1892,1952 and 1845, and the highest temperature in three years was 2007,2005 and 1988. The 11-year sliding average was carried out on the reconstruction sequence, and in the early 1940s, the climate was mainly cold, and the reconstructed temperature series had four distinct cold periods (1840-1866,1879-1902,1914-1924,1932-1940), and three distinct warm periods (1869-1877,1905-1913 and 1925-1930). In the late 1990s, there was a marked increase in temperature. The results of the simulation and reconstruction of the mean temperature in the middle part of the mountainous area of the Nanling Mountains show that the temperature changes over the past 120 years, in which the lowest three years in the period of 2 to March were 1957,1945 and 1893, while the highest temperature was in 2007,2002 and 1960. There are three distinct cold periods (1892-1906,1918-1922,1944-1957) and 3 distinct warm periods (1909-1917,1959-1968 and 1998-2010). The results of the simulation and reconstruction of the precipitation from 9 to 10 in the southern part of Nanling Mountain show that in the past 114 years, the lowest three-year rainfall in September to October was 1957,1945 and 1893, and the three years of precipitation were in 2007,2002 and 1960. The reconstruction sequence is subjected to 11-year sliding average, and the reconstructed precipitation sequence has three partial dry periods (1913-1921,1941-1968,1978-1988) and 4 wet periods (1897-1912,1922-1940,1969-1977,1989-2010). The mean value of the mean value appears in 1922 with a value of 152.7 mm from the mean of the precipitation-off-wet period; the minimum value of the mean value appears in 1961, with a value of 97.5 mm, from the average of the precipitation-off period. The longest wet period was 1922-1940 and lasted for 19 years; and the longest dry period was 1941-1968 and lasted for 28 years.
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