[Abstract]:The issue of food security has been one of the main challenges and problems to be solved in the sustainable development of human society. The precipitation is small, the time-space distribution is not uniform, and the soil fertility is low, and the water use efficiency and the productivity of the crops are greatly limited. How to improve the water use efficiency becomes an important direction of agricultural research in the region. The corn-soybean intercropping can utilize the nitrogen fixation of the soybean to provide the nitrogen fertilizer for the corn, improve the yield and the water use efficiency, and simultaneously reduce the use amount of the fertilizer. Therefore, the corn-soybean intercropping has the potential to improve the water-deficient and fertilizer-free status of the crop region, so as to provide theoretical basis and practical guidance for crop cultivation in the region. In this study, field experiments were conducted to study different crop varieties (maize: Zhengdan 958 and Yuyu 22; soybean: medium yellow 24 and medium yellow 13), density gradient (low, medium and high), planting ratio (single cropping of corn, corn: soybean = 2:2; corn: soybean = 2:4; corn: The effects of soybean = 4:2; single-cropping soybean) on the growth and development, physiological characteristics, yield, economic benefit, nutrient and water utilization of maize-soybean, and provide the basis for the selection of reasonable planting methods of the crops and the sustainable development of agriculture. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) The land equivalent ratio of maize-soybean intercropping under different varieties, density and planting ratio is between 0.90 and 1.29. In addition to the 2:2 intercropping of the maize and the soybean in 2014, the land equivalent ratio of the other intercropping is greater than 1, indicating that the reasonable corn-soybean intercropping can improve the intercropping yield and the efficiency of the land use, and has the intercropping advantage. (2) The competition index (the occupation force and the competition ratio) of the corn were higher than that of the soybean, indicating that the corn-soybean intercropping system was the dominant species. The actual yield loss (AYL) in the intercropping system was positive, indicating that the yield of the maize in the intercropping system was increased, while the soybean AYL was negative in most intercropping systems, indicating that the yield of the soybean in the intercropping system was different and the intercropping system AYL was positive, It is shown that maize-soybean intercropping has intercropping advantage in yield. The system productivity index (SPI) is an index to characterize the productivity and stability of intercropping systems. The results show that the intercropping system considered has higher productivity and stability. In the maize-soybean intercropping system, the economic performance of the corn is increased (the intercropping advantage of the corn is IA0), and the soybean performance is the yield reduction (the soybean I0), and the economic benefit advantage of the intercropping system under the comprehensive action (the intercropping system IA0) is formed. The monetary advantage index is positive, indicating that the corn-soybean intercropping system has the economic advantage. Therefore, the intercropping advantage of maize-soybean intercropping is mainly due to the increase of corn yield and the increase of economic benefit. (3) With respect to Yuyu 22 and soybean intercropping, the corn variety Zheng single 958 and soybean variety (middle yellow 24 and medium yellow 13) have better intercropping advantage in the yield and economic benefit. In the intercropping, the AYL, SPI and IA of Zhengdan 958 were higher than that of Yuyu 22, indicating that the drought-resistant variety, Zhengdan 958, was beneficial to the improvement of intercropping. (4) The composition of the yield of corn and soybean decreased with the increase of planting density. The intercropping increased the ear weight, the ear length, the ear length, the ear weight, the number of grains and the 1000-grain weight of the corn, thereby obviously improving the yield of the single plant and the yield of the group of the corn. The number and the number of grains per plant of most of the soybean were not changed or decreased by intercropping, and the yield of single plant and the yield of the population decreased. The corn AYL was positive at all planting rates, indicating an increase in the yield of maize in all intercropping patterns. The majority of the 2:4 ratio of the soybean AYL was positive, while the 2:2 ratio of the soybean AYL was negative, indicating that the 2:4 planting ratio was 2:2 and the yield of the soybean was increased. (5) The intercropping of intercropping has no significant effect on the photosynthetic rate of maize and soybean. the intercropping increases the absorption of the nitrogen and the phosphorus by the corn crops, and the water consumption of the corn and the soybean is influenced by the intercropping through the influence of the water transport capacity of the root system, So as to improve the water use efficiency of the crops. (6) Compared with the average water use efficiency (WUE) of single-cropping soybean and 2 crops, the intercropping of maize and soybean increased the intercropping of WUE, maize and soybean at the ratio of 4:2. Compared with the single cropping system, the intercropping system enlarges the spatial distribution (root length density) of the lateral and longitudinal directions of the root systems of the two crops, changes the morphological characteristics of the root system of the crops, and increases the ecological position of the corn and the soybean root system to absorb water, thereby improving the absorption and utilization of the water by the crops. (7) There was a negative correlation between the root length density and the land equivalence ratio of maize-soybean intercropping. when intercropping with other planting ratios, the corn-soybean produced more roots when intercropping with 2:2, at the expense of the accumulation of the yield in the sacrifice of reproductive growth, This indicates that the main reason for the increase in yield and WUE is that there is a reasonable trade-off between the development of the root system and the formation of the yield between the corn and the soybean.
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