发布时间:2021-07-22 08:53
在中国南方稻区,冬季种植绿肥是改善土壤肥力和提高作物养分吸收的有效措施。研究不同绿肥品种(种类)对土壤养分的利用能力在稻田绿肥应用中有重要意义。传统上,南方稻田冬绿肥主要采用紫云英(Astragalus sinicus L.),对其他绿肥种类关注不多,加之近年来绿肥品种也取得了不少创新,了解不同种类绿肥及新绿肥品种的养分利用能力十分必要。本文选取南方稻区三个典型地点(广西南宁、湖南祁阳、四川南充)开展研究。广西、湖南采用盆栽试验,设置单施磷(P1K0)、单施钾(P0K1)、施磷钾(P1K1)、不施(P0K0)处理,评价了主栽绿肥紫云英对磷钾肥的响应。在三地采用田间微区试验,研究了不同冬季绿肥对土壤磷和钾的吸收能力以及对土壤性状和土壤胞外酶活性的影响。其中,广西和湖南两点包括6个紫云英主栽品种(闽紫6号、宁波大桥、皖紫1号、湘紫1号、弋江籽和余江大叶)以及毛叶苕子(Vicia villosa L.)、箭筈豌豆(Vicia sativa L.);四川设置了光叶苕子(Vicia dasycarpa L.)、毛叶苕子、箭筈豌豆、山黧豆(Lathyrus sativus L.)、紫云英、二月兰(...
【文章页数】:77 页
1.1 Phosphorus(P)and Potassium(K)uptake in green manure
1.2 Effects of green manure on available P and K of soil
1.3 Effects of green manure crops on soil enzymatic activities
1.4 Role of enzymes and its relationship with soil properties
1.5 Existing problem
1.6 Scientific Questions
1.7 Objectives and technical route
1.7.1 Objectives
1.7.2 Technical route
Chapter Ⅱ Materials and Methods
2.1 Experimental designs
2.2 Plant and soil sampling
2.3 Measurements
2.3.1 Determination of soil and plant
2.3.2 Soil enzymatic activities analysis
2.4 Statistical analyses
Chapter Ⅲ Responses of milk vetch to P and K application
3.1 Plant shoots and roots biomass
3.2 P and K uptake
3.3 Soil total nitrogen and mineral nitrogen
3.4 Soil available P and K
3.5 Soil enzymatic activities
3.6 Correlation between soil enzymes and soil properties
3.7 Summary
Chapter Ⅳ Accumulations of biomass and P,K in different green manure crops in different paddy fields
4.1 Plant above-ground biomass accumulation
4.2 Shoots P and K accumulation
4.3 Summary
Chapter Ⅴ Effects of planting green manure crops on soil enzyme activities and soil nutritional properties in different paddy soils
5.1 Soil enzyme activities
5.2 Soil nutritional properties
5.2.1 Soil organic matter and total nitrogen
5.2.2 Soil mineral nitrogen
5.2.3 Soil available P and K
5.2.4 Soil pH
5.3 Summary
Chapter Ⅵ Relationships among soil enzymatic activities and soil properties under planting different green manures in different paddy soils
6.1 Relationship among P,K uptake and soil enzymes
6.2 Relationships among soil properties and soil enzymes
6.3 Relationships among green manure species and soil properties
6.4 Correlation among pH and available P, K concentration of the soil
6.5 Summary
Chapter Ⅶ Discussion
7.1 Milk vetch influenced by P and K fertilization
7.2 P and K accumulation in different green manures in various paddy soils
7.3 Soil enzymatic activities differed in different paddy soils under plantation of different green manures
7.4 Relationships among P and K uptake,soil properties,and enzymatic activities
Chapter Ⅷ Conclusions,innovations,and prospects
8.1 Conclusions
8.1.1 Responses of milk vetch to P and K application
8.1.2 Performances of various green manures in different paddy fields as for P,K accumulation
8.2 Research innovation
8.3 Future research prospects
【文章页数】:77 页
1.1 Phosphorus(P)and Potassium(K)uptake in green manure
1.2 Effects of green manure on available P and K of soil
1.3 Effects of green manure crops on soil enzymatic activities
1.4 Role of enzymes and its relationship with soil properties
1.5 Existing problem
1.6 Scientific Questions
1.7 Objectives and technical route
1.7.1 Objectives
1.7.2 Technical route
Chapter Ⅱ Materials and Methods
2.1 Experimental designs
2.2 Plant and soil sampling
2.3 Measurements
2.3.1 Determination of soil and plant
2.3.2 Soil enzymatic activities analysis
2.4 Statistical analyses
Chapter Ⅲ Responses of milk vetch to P and K application
3.1 Plant shoots and roots biomass
3.2 P and K uptake
3.3 Soil total nitrogen and mineral nitrogen
3.4 Soil available P and K
3.5 Soil enzymatic activities
3.6 Correlation between soil enzymes and soil properties
3.7 Summary
Chapter Ⅳ Accumulations of biomass and P,K in different green manure crops in different paddy fields
4.1 Plant above-ground biomass accumulation
4.2 Shoots P and K accumulation
4.3 Summary
Chapter Ⅴ Effects of planting green manure crops on soil enzyme activities and soil nutritional properties in different paddy soils
5.1 Soil enzyme activities
5.2 Soil nutritional properties
5.2.1 Soil organic matter and total nitrogen
5.2.2 Soil mineral nitrogen
5.2.3 Soil available P and K
5.2.4 Soil pH
5.3 Summary
Chapter Ⅵ Relationships among soil enzymatic activities and soil properties under planting different green manures in different paddy soils
6.1 Relationship among P,K uptake and soil enzymes
6.2 Relationships among soil properties and soil enzymes
6.3 Relationships among green manure species and soil properties
6.4 Correlation among pH and available P, K concentration of the soil
6.5 Summary
Chapter Ⅶ Discussion
7.1 Milk vetch influenced by P and K fertilization
7.2 P and K accumulation in different green manures in various paddy soils
7.3 Soil enzymatic activities differed in different paddy soils under plantation of different green manures
7.4 Relationships among P and K uptake,soil properties,and enzymatic activities
Chapter Ⅷ Conclusions,innovations,and prospects
8.1 Conclusions
8.1.1 Responses of milk vetch to P and K application
8.1.2 Performances of various green manures in different paddy fields as for P,K accumulation
8.2 Research innovation
8.3 Future research prospects