发布时间:2022-01-23 07:54
水稻(Oryza sativa L.)是30亿人口的主要粮食作物,稻田是温室气体(GHG)排放和环境氮素损失的重要来源。稻渔共生系统可以提高农业生产力,提高现有资源的利用率,但对水、土壤质量以及温室气体排放的作用还尚不明确。本研究的目的主要是(i)明确稻蟹共生(RC)系统对提高田间生产力,增加养分吸收和农场收入方面的作用,(ii)探究土壤养分动态变化以及水稻中的养分组成特征,(iii)明确其减少温室气体排放和缓解全球变暖潜力的能力。假设RC系统可以提高稻米的生产率,改善土壤肥力并具有环境可持续性。因此,本研究在盘锦市进行了实地调查,包括水稻单作(RM)和稻蟹共生(RC)2个生态系统。此外,还对不同螃蟹投放密度和饲料投入管理进行了田间试验,试验处理包括:水稻单作处理(RM);投放螃蟹3000只ha-1但无饲料投入处理(RC3000);投放螃蟹6000只ha-1并投入饲料处理(RC6000)和投放螃蟹12000只ha-1并翻倍饲料投入处理(RC12000)。研究结果表明,稻蟹共生系统可以改善农田生产力并提高经济效益。在实地调...
【文章页数】:129 页
CHAPTER 1 Introduction
1.1 Rice-animal co-culture as a need
1.2 Worldwide adoption of rice-animal co-culture
1.3 Environmental factors influencing rice-animal co-culture
1.4 Ecological benefits of rice-animal co-culture
1.5 Greenhouse gas emissions
1.6 Economic benefits of the co-culture system
1.7 Social benefits of the co-culture system
1.8 Constraints and future aspects
CHAPTER 2 Rice-crab co-culture system provides new insights for sustainable agricultural production
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Materials and Methods
2.2.1 Study site and rice-crab system
2.2.2 Field Survey
2.2.3 Field experiment
2.3 Results
2.3.1 Field survey
2.3.2 Field Experiment
2.4 Discussion
CHAPTER 3 Apparent variations in soil nutrient dynamics and their composition in rice under integrated rice-crab co-culture system
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Materials and Methods
3.2.1 Study site description
3.2.2 Field survey
3.2.3 Experimental design
3.2.4 Sample collection
3.2.5 Sample analysis
3.2.6 Translocation of nutrients
3.2.7 Statistical analysis
3.3 Results
3.3.1 Effect of rice-crab co-culture system on nutrient dynamics in soil
3.3.2 Effect of rice-crab co-culture system on the nutrient composition of rice
3.3.3 Translocation of nutrients to grains
3.4 Discussion
CHAPTER 4 Integrated rice-crab co-culture system reduces ammonia volatilization and global warming potential
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Materials and Methods
4.2.1 Study site description
4.2.2 Field survey
4.2.3 Experimental design
4.2.4 Measurement of field water nutrients concentrations
4.2.5 Measurement of field water quality
4.2.6 Measurement of gases emission
4.2.7 Estimation of global warming impact(GWI)
4.2.8 Statistical analysis
4.3 Results
4.3.1 Role of rice-crab co-culture system to influence field water nutrients
4.3.2 Role of rice-crab co-culture system to influence field water nutrients
4.3.3 Effect of rice-crab co-culture system on field water quality
4.3.4 Gases emission
4.3.5 Total/cumulative emission
4.3.6 Global warming impact
4.3.7 Correlation of field water nutrients,water quality and gaseous emission
4.4 Discussion
4.4.1 Rice-crab co-culture system and field water nutrients
4.4.2 Rice-crab co-culture system and field water quality
4.4.3 Rice-crab co-culture system and Gaseous emission
4.4.4 Rice-crab co-culture system and GWI
CHAPTER 5 General Discussion
Author Biography
[1]Research Progress of Rice-Fish Integrated Farming[J]. Shunlong MENG,Gengdong HU,DANDan LI,Liping QIU,Chao SONG,Limin FAN,Yao ZHENG,Wei WU,Jiazhang CHEN,Xuwen BING. Agricultural Biotechnology. 2018(04)
[2]稻虾共作模式的“双刃性”及可持续发展策略[J]. 曹凑贵,江洋,汪金平,袁鹏丽,陈松文. 中国生态农业学报. 2017(09)
[3]Food web structure and trophic levels in polyculture ricecrab fields[J]. 郭凯,赵文,李文宽,赵苑淞,张鹏,张晨. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology. 2015(03)
[4]不同水稻种植模式对氮磷流失特征的影响[J]. 岳玉波,沙之敏,赵峥,陆欣欣,张金秀,赵琦,曹林奎. 中国生态农业学报. 2014(12)
[5]Standards of Ecological Compensation for Traditional Ecoagriculture:Taking Rice-Fish System in Hani Terrace as an Example[J]. LIU Mou-cheng,XIONG Yin,YUAN Zheng,MIN Qing-wen,SUN Ye-hong,Anthony M.Fuller. Journal of Mountain Science. 2014(04)
[6]稻蟹共生系统水稻栽培模式对水稻和河蟹的影响[J]. 徐敏,马旭洲,王武. 中国农业科学. 2014(09)
[7]稻蟹共作对稻田水体底栖动物多样性的影响[J]. 李岩,王武,马旭洲,张云杰. 中国生态农业学报. 2013(07)
[8]传统稻鱼系统生产力提升对稻田水体环境的影响[J]. 丁伟华,李娜娜,任伟征,胡亮亮,陈欣,唐建军. 中国生态农业学报. 2013(03)
[9]不同稻蟹生产模式对土壤活性有机碳和酶活性的影响[J]. 安辉,刘鸣达,王耀晶,闫颖. 生态学报. 2012(15)
[10]不同稻蟹模式对土壤团聚体腐殖质特征的影响[J]. 刘鸣达,郝旭东,安辉,闫颖,王耀晶. 沈阳农业大学学报. 2012(03)
【文章页数】:129 页
CHAPTER 1 Introduction
1.1 Rice-animal co-culture as a need
1.2 Worldwide adoption of rice-animal co-culture
1.3 Environmental factors influencing rice-animal co-culture
1.4 Ecological benefits of rice-animal co-culture
1.5 Greenhouse gas emissions
1.6 Economic benefits of the co-culture system
1.7 Social benefits of the co-culture system
1.8 Constraints and future aspects
CHAPTER 2 Rice-crab co-culture system provides new insights for sustainable agricultural production
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Materials and Methods
2.2.1 Study site and rice-crab system
2.2.2 Field Survey
2.2.3 Field experiment
2.3 Results
2.3.1 Field survey
2.3.2 Field Experiment
2.4 Discussion
CHAPTER 3 Apparent variations in soil nutrient dynamics and their composition in rice under integrated rice-crab co-culture system
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Materials and Methods
3.2.1 Study site description
3.2.2 Field survey
3.2.3 Experimental design
3.2.4 Sample collection
3.2.5 Sample analysis
3.2.6 Translocation of nutrients
3.2.7 Statistical analysis
3.3 Results
3.3.1 Effect of rice-crab co-culture system on nutrient dynamics in soil
3.3.2 Effect of rice-crab co-culture system on the nutrient composition of rice
3.3.3 Translocation of nutrients to grains
3.4 Discussion
CHAPTER 4 Integrated rice-crab co-culture system reduces ammonia volatilization and global warming potential
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Materials and Methods
4.2.1 Study site description
4.2.2 Field survey
4.2.3 Experimental design
4.2.4 Measurement of field water nutrients concentrations
4.2.5 Measurement of field water quality
4.2.6 Measurement of gases emission
4.2.7 Estimation of global warming impact(GWI)
4.2.8 Statistical analysis
4.3 Results
4.3.1 Role of rice-crab co-culture system to influence field water nutrients
4.3.2 Role of rice-crab co-culture system to influence field water nutrients
4.3.3 Effect of rice-crab co-culture system on field water quality
4.3.4 Gases emission
4.3.5 Total/cumulative emission
4.3.6 Global warming impact
4.3.7 Correlation of field water nutrients,water quality and gaseous emission
4.4 Discussion
4.4.1 Rice-crab co-culture system and field water nutrients
4.4.2 Rice-crab co-culture system and field water quality
4.4.3 Rice-crab co-culture system and Gaseous emission
4.4.4 Rice-crab co-culture system and GWI
CHAPTER 5 General Discussion
Author Biography
[1]Research Progress of Rice-Fish Integrated Farming[J]. Shunlong MENG,Gengdong HU,DANDan LI,Liping QIU,Chao SONG,Limin FAN,Yao ZHENG,Wei WU,Jiazhang CHEN,Xuwen BING. Agricultural Biotechnology. 2018(04)
[2]稻虾共作模式的“双刃性”及可持续发展策略[J]. 曹凑贵,江洋,汪金平,袁鹏丽,陈松文. 中国生态农业学报. 2017(09)
[3]Food web structure and trophic levels in polyculture ricecrab fields[J]. 郭凯,赵文,李文宽,赵苑淞,张鹏,张晨. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology. 2015(03)
[4]不同水稻种植模式对氮磷流失特征的影响[J]. 岳玉波,沙之敏,赵峥,陆欣欣,张金秀,赵琦,曹林奎. 中国生态农业学报. 2014(12)
[5]Standards of Ecological Compensation for Traditional Ecoagriculture:Taking Rice-Fish System in Hani Terrace as an Example[J]. LIU Mou-cheng,XIONG Yin,YUAN Zheng,MIN Qing-wen,SUN Ye-hong,Anthony M.Fuller. Journal of Mountain Science. 2014(04)
[6]稻蟹共生系统水稻栽培模式对水稻和河蟹的影响[J]. 徐敏,马旭洲,王武. 中国农业科学. 2014(09)
[7]稻蟹共作对稻田水体底栖动物多样性的影响[J]. 李岩,王武,马旭洲,张云杰. 中国生态农业学报. 2013(07)
[8]传统稻鱼系统生产力提升对稻田水体环境的影响[J]. 丁伟华,李娜娜,任伟征,胡亮亮,陈欣,唐建军. 中国生态农业学报. 2013(03)
[9]不同稻蟹生产模式对土壤活性有机碳和酶活性的影响[J]. 安辉,刘鸣达,王耀晶,闫颖. 生态学报. 2012(15)
[10]不同稻蟹模式对土壤团聚体腐殖质特征的影响[J]. 刘鸣达,郝旭东,安辉,闫颖,王耀晶. 沈阳农业大学学报. 2012(03)