
发布时间:2018-01-12 10:45

  本文关键词:唐蕃使者交聘研究 出处:《中央民族大学》2016年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 唐蕃 使者 交聘

[Abstract]:Since the Tubo tsempo Song Xan Gan Bbu in Tang Zhenguan eight years (634 years) sent to Li Tang, Tang Huichang two years (842 years) the collapse of the Tubo Dynasty, Tang exchanges where more than two hundred years. During the period, the diplomatic envoys reciprocating frequently, although occasionally interrupted, but the main remains and continues. The messenger jiaopin runs through the whole of the relation of as the relation, establishment, development, and change the link balance body, is a condensed history of the relation. With the development of the relation, the angel of jiaopin shows the specialty of different historical stages, with tendency of the development of the relationship between the ups and downs of historical turning point. In the process of diplomatic envoys or, often make the jiaopin diplomatic envoy and interwoven; Tang or friendly development, often make the jiaopin unblocked; or make the jiaopin window, then the jiaopin frequently, and showing a three-dimensional colonization strategy and Tibet engagement and the meeting please The cross of political operation. Tang often makes jiaopin, keeping the overall development of the relation of the Tang Dynasty; the diplomatic envoy in the specific historical period, the relation of balance and stability. The battle angel jiaopin, sharp contradiction to ease the war brings the relation; the angel of the jiaopin, so the relation tends to be stable and the angel of the jiaopin; establishment, inheritance, and continue to maintain the "nephew relationship". The messenger of jiaopin, promote the development and evolution of the relation in time and space on the formation of the Tibetan culture and the introduction of active passive Li Tang culture output pattern. The angel of the diplomatic process, the dynamics of the time, also on the space stereoscopic, dynamic and spatial or time three-dimensional ordered crossover. In view of this, this paper tries to overall collection, classification, sorting, summarizing the literature on the diplomatic envoy, To explore the jiaopin pattern in the Tang emissary three-dimensional dynamic evolution of three-dimensional or multidimensional, and dynamic, three-dimensional display of Tang history angel jiaopin imaging. The first part is the literature review and classification tasks: according to the content and nature of the diplomatic envoys of Tang, Tang OverviewThe often jiaopin Tang often. The jiaopin, both universal characteristic, also has the jiaopin characteristics of Tang emissary case. At the same time, Tang often makes jiaopin in the overall evolution of the relation, the inner regularity of the reveals the relation, also should be done to explore. The second part discusses the diplomatic envoy Tang induction. Overall: basic content and classification overview of Tang on the diplomatic envoy, to Tang and angel, and the angel angel as the object, to explore the dynamic evolution of Tang messenger hired with stereo pattern. And, the Tang and the special envoy to Hire, basic around and what happened to Tang Fan for the resources and regional war, diplomatic envoy Tang Fan Tang Fan with war with natural spatial pattern. The diplomatic envoy Tang Fan Tang Fan ---- ---- Tuguhun scattered in the western regions, Tang Fan -- Helong -- Nanzhao -- Western, Tang Fan, Helong, Guanlong ---- the three western regions a spatial pattern, the pattern of the diplomatic envoy Tang Fan formed its unique three-dimensional view. Dynamic evolution in Tang Fan and then employed three-dimensional space pattern, explore the Tubo Dynasty foreign colonization process, interchange of military strategy and political operation, this is the Tang Fan express jiaopin internal regular Tang Fan showing the relationship. The third part mainly discusses the characteristics and historical influence of Tang Fan's diplomatic envoy: Tang Fan has hired to make some agent fault belt is a special envoy Tang Fan hired in. In addition, in The window period of Tang diplomatic envoy, the jiaopin diplomatic envoy. The frequent reciprocating, inheritance, maintain in time, the continuation of the Tang Dynasty nephew relationship, space, form the Tibet initiative to introduce the Central Plains culture and Li Tang passive cultural output pattern, promote the continuation of Tang politics, economy, military, cultural exchange the last part of the angel. The jiaopin associated problems sorting and preliminary discussion: Reflections on several problems of Tang emissary to hire them; Nanzhao's period of Tibet, and the Li Tang messenger jiaopin discussion; a discussion on Li Tang Dunhuang literature contained in "salute" angel fan; Tang messenger messenger intersection property the phenomenon of seizure hire. In this paper through four parts, trying to do the jiaopin Tang messenger to the full range of presentation, and in particular the diplomatic envoy for the key, as far as possible to explore in depth the angel of jiaopin covered Tang The inherent law of development of relations between the fan.



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