
发布时间:2018-03-06 05:12

  本文选题:策展 切入点:策展人 出处:《西安美术学院》2017年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:The study of Chinese contemporary art curatorial exhibition and its development context is an important part of the construction of Chinese contemporary art history. The art exhibition embodies the modern direction of art. The study of the history of modern art is, in a sense, a study of the history of modern exhibitions. The establishment of art exhibition system marks the self-openness of art to the public sphere. Exhibition planning is a mechanism that comes into being with the modern exhibition system. The curator and curator appear since the end of -20s. An important phenomenon of Chinese contemporary art, It marks the collective rise of the new generation of Chinese critics, It also marks the transition of the new art movement, which was established in 80s and evolved within the system, to a more open field of experimental art exploration. It not only constructs a kind of discourse space outside the system, but also in the domestic realistic context. The alternative culture, which has become a balanced cultural mechanism, is also fighting for the right to speak to the western-oriented international exhibition and dialogue, and becoming the localization mechanism to counterbalance the western centrism discourse. Therefore, a kind of cultural construction with dual resistance is presented. This paper takes the case of exhibition from 1989 to 2000 as the basic research object, and combines the history of Chinese modern to contemporary art, art criticism and art theory. Drawing lessons from the New historicism's Research methods, the thesis aims to analyze and analyze the historical texts of the exhibition through the activities of the exhibition and the ideas and activities of the curators in the historical context. This paper reveals the cultural context and the change of power relations that accompany the change of artistic concept in the course of exhibition planning. The full text is divided into six chapters to examine the concept source of the exhibition, the comparative analysis of independent curators between China and the West and the changes of the exhibition context. It focuses on the causes and effects of the transformation from the Chinese contemporary art criticism activities to the curatorial activities, and classifies and discusses the curators with different cultural identities. Independent curators influence the exhibition mechanism. From the last 10 years of 20th century, we selected 10 representative exhibition cases of Chinese contemporary art, starting from the text study of these cases. Through the analysis of the main ideas of the curatorial exhibition and the mutual influence of the context at that time, the author investigates the cultural power relationship and the game process between the curator and the artist. From the angle of curatorial exhibition, this paper analyzes the influence and enlightenment of the important exhibitions such as "China Modern Art Exhibition" on the development trend of Chinese contemporary art, and further confirms that the curatorial exhibition, as a cultural and ideological activity, contributed to the development of Chinese art in 21th century.




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