
发布时间:2018-03-06 14:20

  本文选题:司马光 切入点: 出处:《中央民族大学》2017年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:This paper from the view of the interpretation of Sima Guang life wisdom research of Sima Guang's philosophy, reflects the meaning of philosophy and way of writing the history of philosophy China, aims to expand China philosophy research text. Sima Guang spread Confucianism, life good books, books with rich themes, Fu, poetry, patent, memorials, chapter table, epitaph and elegiac etc. abide by the Confucian concept of moral standards, he pursued the Confucian ethical philosophy of life ", pragmatic and plain spirit embodied in his be a brilliant man of wide learning, pragmatic aspects, not only in life, is reflected in a solution by the way and the history and research route of the body above the Zizhitongjian < > is the best example for Sima Guang, < > Zizhitongjian is not a simple historical writings, Sima Guang reflects on the times of the drawbacks on the basis of historical choice and evaluation of historical events, He focuses on the works of reference. Sima Guang was the history of a subset of the contents are included in the "use", truly embody the self ruling Confucian pursuit. This is not a purely didactic Sima Guang, he has his own ambition and body force, his ideas and opinions not only on paper is reflected in the behavior, in practice the philosophy of their own, to the transformation of Confucianism as the country to learn its implementation to the social reality, so as to realize the national long period of stability. Sima Guang attainments in academic research and scholarly achievements, for the compilation of Zizhitongjian for < > historians; as a member of "Taoism" Mr. six of the Sima Guang effect on science, although no other five profound, but some concepts of his interpretation of science become more critical terms. This thesis consists of the following parts : the introduction describes the significance of the topic, related research, research methods and innovations. The first chapter makes a necessary generalization of Sima Guang's life and thought, as a scholar, Sima Guang's thought and mode of thinking and traditional Confucianism has the same, but there are also some different, these differences with his background and personal life experience are closely related, these factors include the Northern Song Dynasty suspected by atmosphere, deep roots in the family tradition and teenager's father traveled, including he later had a, understand the life and thought of Sima Guang can better interpret Sima Guang Weirenchushi overall wisdom. For the research of Sima Guang's philosophy has three axes: "honesty" of the pursuit of political party and the way of neutralization. The second chapter focuses on Sima Guang's personality, the personality is a 浜虹殑鎬ф牸,鍘熷垯鍜屼负浜哄浜嬬殑鎬佸害,浜虹殑涓,




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