
发布时间:2018-05-14 11:05

  本文选题:宋代笔记 + 私密性 ; 参考:《复旦大学》2014年博士论文

[Abstract]:The Song Dynasty was the heyday of the development of Chinese notes. The extensive content and perfect structure of the notes symbolized the maturity of the style of notes. But up to now, the research on the notes of Song Dynasty is still focused on the point, correction and arrangement of notes, but the discussion of notebook body seems to be quite insufficient-there are only a few works on the history of notes in Song Dynasty. Although the research on the general history of notes is very brief, some of the contents of the Song Dynasty are weak, which is not helpful for us to have a deeper understanding of the development and evolution of the notes in the Song Dynasty. Therefore, this paper tries to broaden our research horizon and train of thought, and makes some preliminary attempts to promote the development of the research on notes in Song Dynasty. The full text is divided into five chapters, the main points of each chapter are as follows: the first chapter discriminates the concept and scope of notes. At present, there is no conclusion on the definition and scope of notes. This chapter first synthesizes the academic circles' various existing viewpoints on notes, and attempts to make their own views on notes. The second chapter deals with the classification of notes in Song Dynasty. First of all, it examines the classification and classification of the notes in the Song Dynasty. Second, the author will introduce the academic community on the Song Dynasty notes various views. Finally, I try to make a personal classification of the Song Dynasty notes. The third chapter examines the development and evolution process of notebook body in Song Dynasty. Generally summarized as follows: in the early Northern Song Dynasty, the political notes and anecdotal notes of the Tang Dynasty and the five dynasties and Ten Kingdoms were popular, while in the middle of the Northern Song Dynasty, the party contending notes were prevailing, and at the same time, the notes of literature and art and privacy appeared. Before and after the Nandu period, most of the notes reflect patriotic worries and reflect on the history, as well as the notes of the emissary of the State of Jin, the notes of historical materials centered on the thought of ZTE in the period of ZTE, the notes of the envoy and the travel notes are popular. Literati in the late Southern Song Dynasty began to write notes about the urban culture of the Southern Song Dynasty. Chapter four studies the tendency of privacy in the characteristics of notes in Song Dynasty. Up to now, scholars have affirmed that the scholars of the Song Dynasty have shifted their attention from such grand themes as history or court to small subjects such as themselves or around them, recognizing the "private" and "popular" characteristics of notes. However, the summary of its characteristics, the significance of its features and the study of concrete works are blank. It is not a simple problem for the literati to record the details of their life, but it means that the literati begin to realize the private living space, the author no longer exists in the background of the article, but actively makes himself appear in the foreground of the article. From this point of view, this chapter will explore how literati regard themselves as the object of narration, and explore the clues of how to happen and how to develop. Chapter five studies the value and influence of notes in Song Dynasty. Compared with the previous notes, the number and scope of the authors, the number of notebooks and the contents involved in the notes are greatly increased in the Song Dynasty. This paper examines the significance and value of Song Dynasty notes from the perspectives of historiography, literature and scholarship. Secondly, it pays close attention to the influence of the privacy elements of the notes in Song Dynasty on the literature of future generations. Finally, this paper will examine the version of the Song Dynasty notes introduced to Korea, as well as the relationship between the ancient Korean literary works and the Chinese note-taking literature.


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