
发布时间:2018-05-29 07:26

  本文选题:副中央凹加工 + 眼跳目标 ; 参考:《天津师范大学》2016年博士论文

[Abstract]:In the course of reading, the choice of the eye movement, that is, the choice of the saccade target is a basic problem in the reading process. The area of the sub central concave is the next area to be watched, and the processing of the region has a very important influence on the selection of the subsequent saccade targets. This study includes three studies, including 7 experiments. First, the scope of the sub central concave processing that affects the choice of saccade targets is discussed. In the second study, the factors that affect the selection of the target in the secondary recess are discussed. In the third experiment, the selection of the saccade targets by the central concave addition and the sub central concave processing is discussed. There are 3 experiments in a Chinese Communist Party. In Experiment 1, the preview type (target preview and false word preview) in the pair of double words in the sub central concave (target preview and false word preview) is manipulated to test whether the preview of the first and tail words in the sub central concave can affect the selection of the subsequent saccade targets. In the length of the saccade of the central concave word, the length of the saccade under the preview of the target word and the tail word in the sub central concave is significantly longer than the saccade length under the false preview, indicating that the preview type of the double word word and the tail word in the sub central concave will affect the subsequent choice of the saccade target. The preview (target preview and false word preview) of word frequency (high frequency word and low frequency word) and double word tail word N+2 to investigate whether the effect of N+2 preview on the choice of saccade target is regulated by the first word N+1 processing load in the sub central concave. There is no significant difference in the two preview conditions of the N+2, indicating that the preview of the sub central word N+2 does not affect the subsequent choice of saccade targets. In Experiment 3, the word formation (double words and two monosyllabic words) and the preview type of the word N+2 (preview and false word preview) of the two characters in the sub central fovea were manipulated to examine the sub central fovea. The effect of information characteristics on the choice of saccade targets. It is found that the length of the saccade under the preview of the word N+2 target is significantly longer than that of the false word preview, and the distance between the target preview and the false word preview is compared to the false word preview in the first gaze position. The first position of the word is significantly farther; when the sub central concave is two single word words, there is no significant difference in the two preview conditions of the word N+2 in the two preview conditions from the central concave word to the vice central word, indicating that only when the two words in the vice central concave are the word, the preview of the word N+2 is to the subsequent eye jump. In the second study, the influence of the number of strokes of the first word and the word frequency information on the choice of the subsequent saccade target was investigated in the second study. In Experiment 4, the number of strokes previewed by the first word in the vice central fovea (less stroke number preview, preview and multi stroke number preview) were investigated to inspect the pair. It is found that the less the number of strokes in the first word, the longer the length of the saccade in the target area to the target area, the closer the position of the first gaze to the position of the word center and the position of the word head, indicating that the number of strokes of the first word in the sub central fovea affects the subsequent saccade. Target selection. In Experiment 5, the character frequency (high frequency and low frequency) of the first word N+1 (high frequency and low frequency) and preview type (target preview and false word preview) are simultaneously manipulated to investigate whether the word frequency information of the first word in the sub central concave affects the subsequent saccade target selection. The result is that the word N+1 target is found in the saccade length from the central concave word to the vice central word. The length of the saccade under the preview is significantly longer than that of the false word preview. In the first fixation position, the preview of the word N+1 target is significantly farther from the false word preview than the false word preview, while the different word frequency of the first word in the vice central concave is not obvious in the length and the first position of the saccade from the central concave to the vice central word. It shows that the word frequency information of the first word in the sub central concave does not affect the subsequent choice of saccade targets. In the third study, the relationship between the processing of the central concave fixated word processing and the sub central concave processing in the choice of saccade targets was investigated by two experiments. In Experiment 6, the word frequency (high frequency words and low frequency words) of the central concave double words were manipulated at the same time. The preview type (target preview and false word preview) of the first word N+1 in the sub central fovea is used to examine the relationship between the preview of the central concave processing and the preview of the sub central concave word N+1 in the choice of saccade targets. The length of the saccade from the central concave word to the vice central word is significantly longer than the false word preview under the preview of the concave middle word N+1 target. The first fixation position on the sub central concave word under the word N+1 target is far farther from the false word preview; the two factor does not exist significant interaction. The effect of processing on the choice of saccade targets is independent. In Experiment 7, the preview type (target preview and false word preview) of the word frequency (high frequency words and low frequency words) and the middle concave middle tail word N+2 of the central fovea double words were simultaneously manipulated to investigate the relationship between the preview of the central concave processing and the preview of the middle fovea N+2 in the choice of the saccade target. It is found that the central concave high-frequency word condition is significantly longer than the low frequency word condition in the saccade length from the central concave word to the sub central concave word, and the saccade length from the central concave word to the vice central word is significantly longer than the false word preview under the preview of the sub Central concave middle word N+2 target. The effect of jumping target selection is independent. The following three studies can draw the following conclusions: (1) the processing of the Middle Chinese character N+1 in Chinese reading affects the choice of the subsequent saccade target. When the vice central word N+1 and the word N+2 constitute a word, the sub central concave processing of the word N+2 will also affect the subsequent choice of the saccade target; (2) in the secondary center The number of strokes of the word N+1 obtained in the concave processing affects the selection of the subsequent saccade targets, the less the number of strokes of the first word in the sub central concave, the farther the first gaze position from the word head is, the closer to the center of the word; (3) the word frequency information of the first word in the sub central concave does not affect the subsequent saccade target selection; (4) the central fovea gaze. The word frequency affects the choice of the subsequent saccade target, the higher the word frequency, the longer the length of the forward saccade; (5) in Chinese reading, the processing of the central concave fixated words and the processing of the sub central concave in the choice of the saccade target are independent.


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