发布时间:2018-06-26 17:46
本文选题:马来西亚 + 华语 ; 参考:《华中师范大学》2016年博士论文
【摘要】:马来西亚独立至今已约有59年历史。纵然华裔占了大约25%人口,并且依然保留一套完善的华文教育,华裔一般也以华语进行会话、沟通,可是华语并没有因此成为其他族群争相学习的语言。作为第二语言教学,华语的发展总体而言是缓慢的。但是,近年来,中国崛起所带动的汉语热,以及为了找到更好的工作、方便未来在职场上与客户沟通、与说华语的朋友交流等工具性兼融合性的因素,马来西亚正酝酿一股学习华语的热潮。华语作为第二语言教学在国立大学萌芽于20世纪70年代初,始于马来亚大学和国民大学,规模小,学生人数不多。发展至今,马来西亚的20所国立大学均已开设华语课程。不论是政府单位抑或私立机构的语言教学,都需要优质且适用于本土的语言教材。语言学习、语言输出,骨干均在于对该语言字词的掌握。因此,教材的字词选编研究必然对马来西亚学生学习华语的成效起到积极的作用。本文以玛拉工艺大学华语课程所使用的教材《华语入门》第1-3册为研究对象,主要原因是该教材在国立大专院校中是使用人数最多的;也基于该套教材已经过多次修改再版,整体而言是各大专院校所使用的教材中发展相对成熟的。借由深入考察该教材字词选编的合宜性,总结归纳马来西亚华语作为第二语言教材字词选编须要考虑的事项。本研究先为研究对象和参照对象建立语料库,然后使用Sketch Engine进行分词并另外再给予人工干预,最后使用HZ_Freq和Excel进行所有字词统计与比对。主要统计研究对象的字量和字频、词量和词频、汉字和词语的复现与分布;比对的主要是研究对象和参照对象的字种和词种。另外,还给研究对象的汉字进行了构词数的统计。以上都是偏向于量化的研究;描述性的研究是字词选编以外的编撰问题探讨。仅就量的角度而言,研究对象的全套教材总字种数已达覆盖一般书报用字的大约90%。就字种选编的角度来看,全套教材的汉字有90%是适合华语作为第二语言教学的字种,但就字种的级别而言,只有65%的选字是适合初学者的汉字。字种的复现率有利于学生的学习,但分布上还须再稍作安排。全套教材中复现达基本率即复现7次及以上的字种有81%属于最为理想的分布形式,即于三个级别均出现、于第二和第三级出现、于第三级出现的分布;各级教材复现达基本率即复现7次及以上的字种则保持在50%至70%为“分布非常理想”,即第一次出现以后“每一课均出现”以及“间隔一课没出现”的分布形式,显然生字分布方面在各级的把控显得还不够稳定。不过《华语入门》的选字在构词数上是优异的,有57%字种的构词数在《汉字构词能力表》上的统计乃在20或以上,所构的词数高达3万多,占教材所有字种总构词数的89%。总体而言,《华语入门》的选字符合学生在时间有限和语言环境受限的种种条件下,学习最精辟的汉字。鉴于各大词表的标准不一,难以界定研究对象的总词种数是否已经达标,但与其他相关研究所做的统计相比,《华语入门》作为初级水平的教材已达到1000个左右的总词汇量。基于研究对象的分词标准实际上是徘徊于词与词组之间,故无法将之与《词汇等级划分》比对,仅将之与另外两项参照比对,得出《华语入门》的用词与《国小华语》一至五年级的课本只有55%共有词,与《华小华文》一至五年级课本也只有67%共有词,撇除教材的教学对象有成人与儿童之别的因素,推断《华语入门》在选词上还须要作深一层的探讨与筛选。教材的词种复现与分布亦显得不足,主要原因在于复现普遍偏低。教材中的生词均是复现达3次及以上的词种,于全套教材分布最为理想的仅达65%,于各级教材“分布非常理想”的大约仅在44%至55%之间。字词选编以外的编撰问题探讨主要分为两大方面,一是《汉字练习簿》的编写分析:二是课本在选词以外的词语编撰问题,包括本土词处理的探讨。《汉字练习簿》习写汉字的选字兼顾了整体教材的字频、复现率、构词能力,和汉字本身的笔画数与结构,凸显了其作为配套教材的优越性。但在选字以外的编写问题上仍有几点需要留意,主要是各册之间的一致性,以及汉字知识与特点的丰富性。《华语入门》在词汇方面的处理尤以词性标注需要重新检视、修改,硬伤和校对方面的工作亦须加强。词语释义方面可于“注释”一栏补充生词表对语气助词解释的不足。分词疑虑方面虽然表现出分词标准的不统一,但跳出了一般汉语教材的分词框框与局限,更多考虑到词与词之间的搭配,以及词语释义尤其是媒介语释义的方便性。《华语入门》明显大量使用本土词多于非本土习惯用词。多学习本土惯用的词语将更有利于学生与当地华裔的日常会话与沟通,也增加学生听和说的机会。教材在编入词语时尤其须要考虑学生的学习目的与语言环境。透过研究得出教材编写在字词选编上的几点思考:1.教材编写的思路和顺序:先定下主题,再围绕主题选词编写课文等内容,但不能在主题范围内凭空想象会话内容来选词,还是要在预先选定的字词表内选词用字。借由汉字表和词汇表的把关,确保学生即使学习的量小也能最大化地在第二语言语境中理解别人,表达自己。2.汉字表和词汇表的选择:所选的字词表需要具有时效性和代表性。《等级划分》的编写方向与原则符合作为世界各地国际汉语教学进行总体设计、教材编写、课堂教学和课程测试的重要依据。当然,更为理想的是设立马来西亚华语语料库,从该语料库建立属于本土的字频表和词频表。在条件许可的情况下,将具有时效性、代表性、本土性的字词表结合作为字词选编的参考是最理想不过的了。3.字词编写的复现和分布:核心字词、高频字词、中频字词、低频字词之间的比例当略呈梯形,而非如一般文献所呈现的台阶式增加趋势。理论上字词于教材的复现应该渐次拉大距离,尽可能做到螺旋式复现。面对课量相对少的教材,教材编写当尽可能将字词控制在第一次出现以后只间隔一课或最多两课的复现与分布,视课量与课时而定。4.本土词与普通话的取舍:教材编写一开始若已锁定教学对象为当地学生,而学生的学习目的也明显是与当地华裔沟通,语言的主要使用环境亦在本国内,那么编入的词语绝大部分是本土词是合宜的,也是必须的。在处理上,将本土词与普通话略作对比和解说,让学生知道马来西亚和中国大陆在说法上的区别,可增加语言学习的丰富性和趣味性。5.汉字的知识与习写顺序:配套的汉字教材不一定非得根据课的内容顺序编排须习写的汉字,反之依循汉字系统的规律来设计,如按着“笔画——部件——独体字——合体字”的顺序循序渐进,再兼顾笔画多寡、汉字结构的难易度,凸显汉字教学的科学性。适当地编入汉字知识如造字法,既可提高学生对汉字的认识,还可以增加汉字学习的趣味性。6.词语编撰等问题的处理:“词为本,词组为辅”的编撰方式,或令许多词语重复出现,重复释义,且不好标注词性;但词组或短语的展示确实便利了媒介语释义,还无形中给学生提供了词与词之间的搭配。词性标注对词语习得起了很大的作用,尤其是用法上,理当正确标注。愈是抽象的词,如语气词,就更当详细地解释,预先避免偏误。最后,教材的硬伤和校对也不容忽视,毕竟任何语言的输入在语言教学上是教学媒介,也是教学目标。
[Abstract]:Since the independence of Malaysia has been about 59 years old, although Chinese people have accounted for about 25% people and still retain a complete set of Chinese education, Chinese people generally speak and communicate with Chinese in Chinese, but the Chinese language has not become a language for other ethnic groups to learn. As a second language teaching, the development of Chinese language is generally slow. But in recent years, the Chinese boom has been driven by the rise of China, and in order to find better jobs, to facilitate communication with customers in the future on the job, and to communicate with Chinese friends and other tools and fusion factors, Malaysia is brewing a boom in learning Chinese. Chinese language, as second language teaching, sprouted at the National University in the 20 world as a language teaching. In the early 70s, it began at the University of Malaya and the National University, with a small size and a small number of students. Up to now, 20 national universities in Malaysia have set up Chinese language courses. Both government and private institutions need high quality and suitable native language teaching materials. Language learning, language output, and backbone are all right Therefore, the selection and study of the words and words of the textbooks is bound to play a positive role in the effectiveness of the Chinese language learning of Malaysia students. This article is based on the textbook "Introduction to Chinese language", which is used in the Chinese language course of Mara Technology University, as the research object. The main reason is that the textbook is the most used in the national colleges and universities. It is also based on the revised edition of the textbook, which is relatively mature in the teaching materials used by colleges and universities. Through the thorough investigation of the suitability of the selection of the words and words of the textbook, the article summarizes and summarizes the matters to be considered in the selection of the words and words of the second language teaching materials in the Chinese language of Malaysia. Establish a corpus according to the object, then use Sketch Engine to divide the word and give another manual intervention, and finally use HZ_Freq and Excel to carry out all words and words Statistics and comparison. In addition, the number of word formation of the Chinese characters of the object of study is also counted. All the above are the research on quantifying. The descriptive study is the discussion of the compiling other than the word selection. Only on the point of view, the total number of words in the whole set of textbooks of the research object has reached about 90%. of the general book. From the point of view, 90% of the Chinese characters in the complete set of textbooks are suitable for the Chinese language as the second language teaching, but only 65% of the characters are suitable for beginners. The repetition rate of the words is beneficial to the students' learning, but the distribution of the characters must be made a little more. The basic rate of the full set of textbooks is 7 times. There are 81% of the most ideal types of distribution, that is, the emergence of three levels, the emergence of second and third, and the distribution of the third level; the basic rate of the reappearance of the textbooks at all levels, that is, the repetition of the 7 times and above, is kept in the "ideal distribution" from 50% to 70%, that is, "every lesson appears" after the first appearance. It is obvious that the distribution of the word distribution is not stable at all levels. However, the selection of the Chinese introduction is excellent in the number of words, and the number of words in the 57% words is 20 or more in the Chinese word formation ability table, and the number of words is up to more than 30 thousand, accounting for all the words of the textbook. In general, the selection of the total number of words is in accordance with the selection of Chinese words in accordance with the conditions of limited time and limited language environment. In view of the different standard of the major words, it is difficult to define whether the total number of words in the research object has reached the standard, but compared with the statistics of other related studies, < introduction to Chinese language > > As a primary level, the teaching material has reached about 1000 total vocabulary. In fact, the standard of participle based on the research object is in fact wandering between words and phrases, so it is impossible to compare it to the < vocabulary classification > compared with the other two references. There are only 67% common words in the textbooks and the textbooks of grade one to five in China. The teaching object of the textbook has other factors of adults and children. It is inferred that the introduction of the Chinese language should also be a deep discussion and screening. The repetition and distribution of the words in the textbooks are also inadequate. The main reason is that the repetition is generally low. The new words are the words of 3 times and above. The most ideal distribution of the whole set of textbooks is only 65%. The "very ideal distribution" of the textbooks at all levels is about 44% to 55%. The discussion on the compilation of the compiling other than the selection of words is mainly divided into two aspects. One is the compilation and analysis of the Chinese character exercise book: the two is the words other than the selection of the text books. The problem of language compilation includes the discussion of the processing of native words. The selection of Chinese character exercise books has taken into account the character frequency, the repetition rate, the word formation ability, the number and structure of the Chinese character, which highlights its superiority as a supporting textbook. However, there are still several points to be paid attention to in the editing and writing other than the selection of characters, mainly in the books. Conformance, and the richness of knowledge and characteristics of Chinese characters. "Introduction to Chinese language" in terms of vocabulary, especially in terms of word tagging needs to be re examined, revision, hard injury and proofreading need to be strengthened. The standard of the participle is not unified, but it jumps out the frame and limitation of the participle in the general Chinese textbooks, and more consideration is given to the collocation between words and words, as well as the convenience of the interpretation of words, especially the interpretation of the media. The daily conversation and communication with the local Chinese people also increase the opportunity for students to listen and speak. The teaching materials are especially required to consider the students' learning purpose and the language environment. Through the study, some thoughts on the selection of words and phrases in the compilation of the textbook: 1. ideas and order in the compilation of the textbooks: the theme is set first, and then the theme selection is written. Text and other contents, but can not choose words from the content of the conversation in the scope of the subject, or choose words in the list of pre selected words. By the check of the Chinese character table and vocabulary, the students can understand others in the second language context and express their choice of the.2. Chinese character table and vocabulary. The selected word list needs to be timeliness and representativeness. The writing direction and principle of the < grade division > is an important basis for the overall design of the international Chinese teaching in the world, the compilation of textbooks, the classroom teaching and the course testing. Of course, the more ideal is to set up a corpus of Malaysia Chinese language, from which the corpus is established. The word frequency table and word frequency table. Under the condition of conditions, the combination of timeliness, representativeness and native words as a reference for word selection is the most ideal of the repetition and distribution of the writing of.3. words: core words, high frequency words, intermediate frequency words, and the proportion of low frequency words are slightly trapezoid, but not as ordinary words. In theory, the reappearance of the teaching materials should be gradually pulled away from the textbook. In the face of a relatively small number of teaching materials, the writing of the textbooks should be controlled to the repetition and distribution of only one or most of the two courses after the first appearance of the words, depending on the amount and time of the class.4.. If the teaching object is lock-in at the beginning of the textbook, and the students' learning purpose is clearly communicated with the local Chinese, the main use environment of the language is also in the country. A brief comparison and explanation is made to let the students know the difference between Malaysia and the mainland of China. It can increase the knowledge and writing order of the rich and interesting.5. Chinese characters in language learning: the matching Chinese character textbooks do not have to arrange the written Chinese characters according to the sequence of the course content, and on the contrary, the rules of the Chinese character system should be set up. For example, according to the order of "stroke - Part - one - single character - chimerism" step by step, and taking into account the number of strokes, the difficulty of Chinese character structure is difficult, and the scientific character of Chinese character teaching is highlighted. The proper incorporation of Chinese character knowledge, such as word creation, can not only improve students' understanding of Chinese characters, but also increase the interesting.6. words of Chinese learning. To deal with the problems, such as "word - based, phrase - supplemented", or many words repeating, repeating meaning, and not marking word character; but the presentation of phrases or phrases really facilitates the interpretation of media and provides students with the collocation between words and words. Word tagging has played a great role in the acquisition of words and phrases. The more abstract words, such as mood words, should be explained in detail and avoid errors in advance. Finally, the hard injury and proofreading of the textbooks can not be ignored. After all, the input of any language is a medium of teaching and a teaching goal in language teaching.