
发布时间:2018-11-29 09:19
【摘要】:(?)安拉说:"他的一种迹象是:天地的创造,以及你们的语言和肤色的差异,对于有学问的人,此中确有许多迹象" ①。在中国的众多语调研究中,有关英、韩、日等语言的语调研究有很多。可截至目前,有关阿拉伯语的研究都集中在语法层面和词汇层面,而不重视语音方面的研究,特别是阿拉伯语的语调,完全被忽略了。本文根据石锋教授提出的"语调格局"的思路,利用石锋教授提出的语调起伏度的研究方法,使用Cool Edit Pro录音软件和Mini Speech Lab语音分析软件,首先对阿拉伯语陈述句、特指疑问句、语调疑问句以及强调焦点句语句调域、调群调域和调群之间的起伏度表现进行了系统性的定量、定性的描述及分析,并对于实验的语句的调域、调群以及这两者之间的起伏度特征进行了探讨。全文一共分为七章。第一章为绪论部分,第二章到第六章考察阿拉伯语语音和阿拉伯语陈述句、疑问句以及强调焦点句语调的表现,第七章是全文的总结。第一章绪论部分主要介绍了已有汉语语调研究以及本文所使用的理论框架和研究方法。第二章分析对比了阿拉伯语和汉语,针对阿拉伯语与汉语的异同点进行研究,特别是对阿拉伯语与汉语的语音进行相比研究,将为学习汉语的阿拉伯学生提供有益帮助。第三章到第六章依次考察了阿拉伯语陈述句、特指疑问、语调疑问句及强调焦点句语调的表现。考察内容包括句调域、词调域以及起伏度的表现。疑问句和强调焦点句部分还与陈述句语调音高表现进行对比,对其韵律特征进行描述。第七章总结了阿拉伯语语调的不同表现,对比阿拉伯语语调跟汉语语调的相同点和不同点,在此基础上提出了阿拉伯语学生在习得汉语时语调方面存在的主要问题,与中国学生在习得阿拉伯语时语调方面存在的主要问题,并提出了相应的教学策略。笔者希望今后研究者继续就阿拉伯语其他句式,如祈使句、感叹句等以及语调与重音、节奏和句法结构之间的关系等课题做进一步探讨。
[Abstract]:(?) "one of his signs," said Allah, "is that there are many signs of the creation of heaven and earth, and the differences in your language and complexion, for the learned" 1. Among the intonation studies in China, there are many intonation studies on English, Korean and Japanese. Up to now, the researches on Arabic have focused on the grammatical and lexical aspects, but not on pronunciation, especially on the intonation of Arabic. According to the idea of "intonation pattern" put forward by Professor Shi Feng, using the research method of intonation fluctuation proposed by Professor Shi Feng, and using Cool Edit Pro recording software and Mini Speech Lab phonetic analysis software, this paper first introduces the Arabic declarative sentences. The systematic quantitative, qualitative description and analysis of the fluctuation between the intonation sentence, the intonation question sentence and the emphasis focus sentence, the tone field of the experimental sentence, and the quantitative, qualitative description and analysis of the fluctuation degree between the tone field and the tone field of the tone group are carried out. The modulation group and the fluctuation characteristics between them are discussed. The full text is divided into seven chapters. The first chapter is the introduction, the second chapter to the sixth chapter examines the Arabic pronunciation and the Arabic statement sentence, the question sentence as well as the emphasis focus sentence intonation performance, the seventh chapter is the summary of the full text. The first chapter introduces the existing researches on Chinese intonation and the theoretical framework and research methods used in this paper. The second chapter analyzes and compares Arabic and Chinese, and studies the similarities and differences between Arabic and Chinese, especially the comparative study of Arabic and Chinese pronunciation, which will be helpful to Arab students who learn Chinese. From Chapter 3 to Chapter 6, we examine the expressions of Arabic declarative sentences, especially interrogative sentences, intonative interrogative sentences and emphatic focus sentences. The content includes sentence tone field, word tone field and the performance of fluctuation. The interrogative sentence and the emphatic focus sentence are compared with the high intonation of the declarative sentence, and the prosodic characteristics are described. The seventh chapter summarizes the different expressions of Arabic intonation, contrasts the similarities and differences between Arabic intonation and Chinese intonation, and then puts forward the main problems of Arabic students' intonation in the acquisition of Chinese. The main problems of intonation in the acquisition of Arabic with Chinese students are discussed, and the corresponding teaching strategies are put forward. The author hopes that in the future, the researchers will continue to explore other sentence patterns in Arabic, such as imperative sentences, exclamatory sentences, and the relationship between intonation and stress, rhythm and syntactic structure.




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