
发布时间:2018-12-17 23:18
【摘要】:本文以芬兰当代作曲家凯雅·萨里雅霍(Kaija Saariaho)创作于2006年的清唱剧《西蒙妮的殉难》为研究对象,重点对其音高组织、作品结构安排以及音色与配器技术进行深入剖析,并以此为起点,对包括《西蒙妮的殉难》在内的四部戏剧舞台作品进行介绍,对其中的共同性与象征性语汇进行重点解读。萨里雅霍在新世纪以来所创作的戏剧舞台作品,展现了她将丰富的作曲技术与宏大的叙述性的完美结合,并在这些作品的背后表达出对自我的精神属性、对当今社会重大严肃问题的探讨、关注与审视。本文由三部分构成:第一部分为绪论,介绍清唱剧体裁在当今音乐环境下的发展、萨里雅霍在新世纪以来的创作概况以及目前现存的相关研究成果。第二部分包括三章,对《西蒙妮的殉难》中的创作背景、关联性人物、作曲技术(包括音高组织、作品结构安排、音色与配器技术三个方面)、《西蒙妮的殉难》与萨里雅霍戏剧舞台作品的共同性(包括女性角色、音乐中的象征性语汇两个部分)、《西蒙妮的殉难》相关的文化内涵分别进行全面概括、重点分析与总结。第三部分为结论,总结萨里雅霍在《西蒙妮的殉难》中的创作手法以及作品中所表达的精神性、哲理性,探求其对于新时期内戏剧舞台作品创作的启示。
[Abstract]:This paper focuses on the symphonic organization, structure arrangement, timbre and orchestration technology of Simone's martyrdom, written by Finnish contemporary composer Keya Saryajo (Kaija Saariaho) in 2006, with emphasis on its pitch organization, work structure and timbre and orchestration techniques. Taking this as a starting point, this paper introduces four dramatic stage works, including Simone's martyrdom, and interprets the commonality and symbolism of them. The dramatic stage works she has created since the new century show her perfect combination of rich composition techniques and grand narration, and express her spiritual attributes to herself behind these works. Discuss, pay attention to and examine the major serious problems in today's society. This paper is composed of three parts: the first part is introduction, which introduces the development of oratorio genre in today's music environment, the general situation of Saryahoe's creation since the new century and the existing relevant research results. The second part includes three chapters: the background of Simone's martyrdom, the related characters, the composition technique (including pitch organization, structure arrangement, timbre and orchestration). Simone's martyrdom and the commonality of Saryajo's dramatic stage works (including female characters and symbolic words in music) and the cultural connotations of Simone's martyrdom are summarized respectively. Focus on analysis and summary. The third part is the conclusion, summing up Saryahoe's creative technique in Simone's martyrdom and the spirit and philosophy expressed in his works, and seeking his inspiration to the stage works of drama in the new period.




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