发布时间:2021-08-28 22:56
指示语是语言形式关联语境最直接的表现,故向来是语义学与语用学的重要研究课题。在指示语研究范畴中,动词是相对涉足较浅的领域。对指示动词(deictic verbs)的研究大多集中在运动动词如come和go上,而Fillmore、Lyons、Talmy、Clark等人对指示运动动词(deictic motion verbs)come和go的研究可谓是该领域的经典之作。除此之外,学界很少有人系统全面地研究其它指示动词,尤其是结合真实话语语料做出解释的。指示动词的这一研究现状促就了本文的研究对象:指示行动动词(deictic action verbs),即讨论话语理解中的行动动词是如何关联或指示话语语境的。对话语中指示行动动词的考察扩展了指示动词的研究范围,因为以往研究很少关注除运动动词之外的其他动词。如何界定该术语成为了本文首要解决的焦点问题。与语义学中对行动动词的传统界定不同,本文把行动动词界定为描述话语中行动或动作的语言单位,包括单个行动动词(single-word action verbs)、行动短语动词(action phrasal verbs)及行动动词短语(action verb...
【文章来源】:华东师范大学上海市 211工程院校 985工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:256 页
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Research Background and Rationale
1.2 Delimitation of the Research object
1.3 Research Questions
1.4 Data Collection
1.5 Outline of the Dissertation
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Studies Related to Deixis
2.1.1 A Word of Terminology
2.1.2 Definitions of deixis
2.1.3 Core concepts of deixis
2.1.4 Categories of Deixis
2.1.5 Subjectivity of Deixis
2.2 Previous Linguistic Inquiries on deictic motion verbs
2.2.1 Studies Relating to Deictic Center
2.2.2 Studies Relating to Appropriateness Conditions
2.2.3 Studies Relating to Perspective
2.2.4 Studies in Cross-linguistic Evidence
2.2.5 Studies in Language Acquisition
2.3 Summary
Chapter Three Context of Action Verbs in Utterances
3.1 Context at the Utterance Level
3.2 Context at the Actional Level
3.2.1 Spatial Direction
3.2.2 Temporal Orientation
3.2.3 Instrumentality
3.2.4 Degree of Effect
3.2.5 Agent's Mental State
3.3 Context of Action Extended
3.3.1 Social Context
3.3.2 Cultural Context
3.4 Summary
Chapter Four Politeness Strategies and Action Verbs
4.1 Introduction
4.1.1 Delimitation of Politeness Strategies
4.1.2 Politeness Strategies and Action Verbs
4.2 Understanding Socially Deictic Action Verbs
4.2.1 Honorific Verbs
4.2.2 Delimitation of Socially Deictic Action Verbs
4.3 Action Verbs ‘Pointing to’ Politeness Principles: An Empirical Investigation
4.3.1 Respect / Deference
4.3.2 Modesty / Humbleness
4.3.3 Hospitality
4.3.4 Friendliness
4.3.5 Freedom of Action
4.3.6 Honesty
4.4 Summary
Chapter Five Cultural Assumptions and Action verbs
5.1 Constructing Models of Mainstream Culture
5.1.1 Defining American Culture
5.1.2 Understanding the Mainstream Culture
5.1.3 Shaping the Mainstream Cultural Assumptions
5.2 Understanding Culturally Deictic Action Verbs
5.2.1 Approaching Cultural Indexicality
5.2.2 Delimitating Culturally Deictic Action Verbs
5.2.3 Deictic Mode of Culturally Deictic Action Verbs
5.3 Action Verbs ‘Pointing to’ Cultural Assumptions: An Empirical Investigation
5.3.1 ‘Pointing to’ Basic Beliefs
5.3.2 ‘Pointing to’ Dominant Values
5.3.3 ‘Pointing to’ Mainstream Attitudes
5.4 Summary
Chapter Six Conclusion
6.1 Major Findings of the Study
6.2 Implications of the Study
6.3 Limitations of the Study
6.4 Suggestions for Future Research
Appendix I
Appendix II
Appendix III
Appendix IV
【文章来源】:华东师范大学上海市 211工程院校 985工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:256 页
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Research Background and Rationale
1.2 Delimitation of the Research object
1.3 Research Questions
1.4 Data Collection
1.5 Outline of the Dissertation
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Studies Related to Deixis
2.1.1 A Word of Terminology
2.1.2 Definitions of deixis
2.1.3 Core concepts of deixis
2.1.4 Categories of Deixis
2.1.5 Subjectivity of Deixis
2.2 Previous Linguistic Inquiries on deictic motion verbs
2.2.1 Studies Relating to Deictic Center
2.2.2 Studies Relating to Appropriateness Conditions
2.2.3 Studies Relating to Perspective
2.2.4 Studies in Cross-linguistic Evidence
2.2.5 Studies in Language Acquisition
2.3 Summary
Chapter Three Context of Action Verbs in Utterances
3.1 Context at the Utterance Level
3.2 Context at the Actional Level
3.2.1 Spatial Direction
3.2.2 Temporal Orientation
3.2.3 Instrumentality
3.2.4 Degree of Effect
3.2.5 Agent's Mental State
3.3 Context of Action Extended
3.3.1 Social Context
3.3.2 Cultural Context
3.4 Summary
Chapter Four Politeness Strategies and Action Verbs
4.1 Introduction
4.1.1 Delimitation of Politeness Strategies
4.1.2 Politeness Strategies and Action Verbs
4.2 Understanding Socially Deictic Action Verbs
4.2.1 Honorific Verbs
4.2.2 Delimitation of Socially Deictic Action Verbs
4.3 Action Verbs ‘Pointing to’ Politeness Principles: An Empirical Investigation
4.3.1 Respect / Deference
4.3.2 Modesty / Humbleness
4.3.3 Hospitality
4.3.4 Friendliness
4.3.5 Freedom of Action
4.3.6 Honesty
4.4 Summary
Chapter Five Cultural Assumptions and Action verbs
5.1 Constructing Models of Mainstream Culture
5.1.1 Defining American Culture
5.1.2 Understanding the Mainstream Culture
5.1.3 Shaping the Mainstream Cultural Assumptions
5.2 Understanding Culturally Deictic Action Verbs
5.2.1 Approaching Cultural Indexicality
5.2.2 Delimitating Culturally Deictic Action Verbs
5.2.3 Deictic Mode of Culturally Deictic Action Verbs
5.3 Action Verbs ‘Pointing to’ Cultural Assumptions: An Empirical Investigation
5.3.1 ‘Pointing to’ Basic Beliefs
5.3.2 ‘Pointing to’ Dominant Values
5.3.3 ‘Pointing to’ Mainstream Attitudes
5.4 Summary
Chapter Six Conclusion
6.1 Major Findings of the Study
6.2 Implications of the Study
6.3 Limitations of the Study
6.4 Suggestions for Future Research
Appendix I
Appendix II
Appendix III
Appendix IV