本文关键词:T市信访工作存在的问题及对策研究 出处:《沈阳师范大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:In our country, the system of letters and visits is a special political system. People's participation in politics and exercise of their rights are inseparable from them. It is also an important way to closely connect the party and the masses, as well as an important means for people to express their interests. The eighteen Party of the party once pointed out: "improving and seeking new social management model is the necessary means to build a harmonious society." At the same time also should concentrate on solving people's internal contradictions, to ensure people's legitimate rights and interests are not violated, improvement of the petition system, make full use of the people, the three judicial and administrative mediation system, the merger of the three systems, but also to broaden the channels of mass appeal, to ensure their interests and rights is not compromised". And the good or bad work of the letter and visit has an inseparable relationship with the social stability. This article is based on this background to the T City letter and visit work in depth research. The research methods used in this paper include literature research, questionnaire and interview. In order to research status at home and abroad and work analysis, this paper collected a large number of literature on the analysis; secondly using the questionnaire method, according to T, people know and understand the current situation of the petition work, analyzed the data; finally take interviews, taking T as the data base in the relevant departments of the interview collected T petition cases in recent three years. The article is mainly divided into five chapters: the first chapter is the introduction, focusing on the research background, significance, development status, research contents, methods and innovation points. The second chapter is the relevant definition and theoretical foundation. It focuses on the related definitions, systems, working procedures and corresponding theories of letters and visits, providing the necessary theoretical basis for the following exploration. The third chapter is the investigation and analysis of the petition work in T city. First, it investigates and analyzes the current situation of petition work in T City, then expounds the malpractices and problems in the petition work of T City, and further explores the causes of the problems. The fourth chapter is the countermeasures and suggestions to improve the work of T city's letter and visit. The last chapter is the conclusion and prospect, and summarizes the full text. Through the study found that T, the petition work has made some achievements but there are also many problems including the petition number more, visit phenomenon constantly, petition cases complicated and the masses of the government and the petition departments satisfaction is not high resulting in decline of the government credibility, the causes of these problems is not only because the petition system itself is not perfect it is due to the imperfect petition staff and weak ability of the accountability mechanism caused by. This paper also puts forward solutions to these problems, including preventing and reducing the occurrence of petition cases from the source, broadening the channels of letters and visits, and innovating the work contents of petition letters and so on. From the perspective of public management, this paper studies the work of letters and visits, and finds out the problems that affect the petition work, and improves these problems. It has a certain reference significance to improve and improve the status of petition in three tier cities, especially in T city.
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