本文关键词:缅甸民主转型中的民粹主义研究 出处:《北京外国语大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:缅甸自1948年1月4日宣布脱离英联邦、获得独立以来,走上了漫长而曲折的发展道路。总体来看,缅甸经历了两次大的政治转型,第一次是1962年3月从民主制向军人威权政体的转变,第二次是20世纪80年代后期开始的、从威权政体向民主政体的再转变。在长达数十年的军人统治期间,国际社会与缅甸国内反对派不断向军政府施加压力,为缅甸实现民主化创造了重要条件。为区别于缅甸20世纪几次政治经济改革的实践,本文将2010年11月缅甸大选作为缅甸正式开启政治民主化道路的节点。随着民选政府的产生,缅甸已经从形式上基本实现了从军人威权政治向民主政治的转型。这一阶段的缅甸面临着经济改革、政治转型和民族和解的三重任务,为将转型期的政治和社会风险降至最低,主动推进转型道路的军人利益集团确定了 "有纪律民主"的渐进性改革方式。这种颇具缅甸特色的民主制表现出以"多数人的民意"为导向的民粹主义决策倾向,实际上却是以登盛为首的前军方政治精英为捞取选票而做出的姿态。巩发党执政期间,特殊的民主制度设计、迅速成长的公民社会、前所未有的对外开放政策、持续的国际压力都在缅甸民粹主义的发展中起到了推波助澜的作用,一系列看似惠民的短期性政策给缅甸的长远稳定发展埋下了隐患。文章首先对所涉及到的两个重要概念——民主转型和民粹主义进行了明确的界定。民粹主义往往发生于处在转型中的国家和地区,大多产生自对代议制民主的反对情绪。本文探讨的民粹主义概念相对接近西方学界划分的"政治民粹主义——民粹主义民主"这一范畴,即以有能力的政治家为首,反对精英和外来者、诉诸人民大众的政治立场。由于民粹主义强调"人民"与"他者"的简单对立,"他者"不仅包括垄断资源的政治精英,还包括从本民族、本国获得了利益的外来者和外国人等。因此,民粹主义具有强烈的反体制性和民族主义色彩。也正因此,民粹主义才能够成为一种被政治家所利用的政治动员策略。缅甸著名政治家昂山素季领导的全国民主联盟在2015年大选中取得历史性的胜利。然而,缺乏执政经验和治国人才的民盟上任后政绩不佳,昂山素季也因在内战及罗兴亚人等棘手议题上处理不当而逐渐失去光环。军方、民盟、少数民族等不同政治势力在修宪和候选人资格等问题上矛盾重重,民盟内部也因利益分歧而产生裂痕,给缅甸政治带来更多的不确定性。最后,短短十年内缅甸只能说是踏上了改革的正轨,任何国家的民主转型都绝非一蹴而就,缅甸民主的成果仍有待时间检验。
[Abstract]:Since Burma announced in January 4, 1948 from the Commonwealth, since independence, embarked on the development of the road is long and tortuous. Overall, Burma has experienced two major political transition, the first is the transformation from authoritarian democracy to the military regime in March 1962, second times in late 1980s to start, from the authoritarian regime to the change of democracy in the decades of military rule, the international community and Burma domestic opposition to the military pressure on the government to create important conditions for Burma to achieve democracy. For the practice of distinction in twentieth Century in Burma several times of political and economic reforms, the node of Burma's November 2010 election as Burma officially opened with political democratization road. A democratically elected government, Burma has been in the form of the basic realization of the transformation from military authoritarianism to democracy. Burma at this stage Faced with the economic reform, political transition and national reconciliation of the three tasks, the transformation of the political and social risk to a minimum, actively promote the transformation of the way the military interests group has established "disciplined democracy" gradual reform. Democracy this very characteristic of Burma showed a tendency to "the majority decision of Populism public opinion" as the guide, is actually to Thein Sein led by former military and political elite attitude made to win votes. USDP democratic administration, special system design, the rapid growth of the civil society, the unprecedented opening-up policy and sustained international pressure on Burma in the development of populism a role, a series of seemingly Huimin short-term policy to the long-term development of Burma buried the hidden trouble. In the first part of this article involves two important concepts: democracy The transformation and populism were clearly defined. Populism often occurs in the transition in the countries and regions, mostly resulting from the opposition of representative democracy. This paper discusses the concept of populism is relatively close to the western academic division of the "political Populism -- populism democracy" in this category, which has the ability of politicians LED. Against the elite and the masses of the people to resort to outsiders, due to the simple opposition populist political stance. Emphasis on "people" and "the other" and "other" includes not only the monopoly of resources, political elite, including from the nation, the country gains the outsiders and foreigners. Therefore, populism has strong anti system and nationalism. Therefore, it can become a populist politician by political mobilization strategy. Burma famous politicians led by Aung San Suu Kyi The national democratic alliance made a historic victory in the 2015 election. However, lack of political experience and rule of talent LDK after his poor performance, Aung San Suu Kyi also in the civil war and other thorny issues Rohingya people handling and gradually lose aura. The military, LDK, ethnic minorities and other different political forces in the problem of the Constitution and the qualifications of candidates on the inner contradictions, also because of the interests of different cracks, to the Burma political more uncertainty. Finally, a short period of ten years in Burma can only be said to be on the reform of the track, the transition to democracy in any country are not overnight, Burma's democratic achievements remains to be the test of time.
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