本文关键词: 环境监察 执法主体 执法依据 执法体制 出处:《天津师范大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:A good environment is the prerequisite for human survival and development, and the basis for sustainable development. In recent years, environmental pollution incidents occur frequently in China, and the ecological environment is seriously deteriorated. Especially the frequent occurrence of large-scale haze weather has caused national concern. Environmental monitoring and law enforcement departments in the front line of environmental protection have been paid more and more attention by the society. At present. China has made initial achievements in cracking down on illegal acts of environmental pollution and controlling the expansion of environmental pollution. However, a series of contradictions and problems existing in grass-roots environmental supervision law enforcement departments have seriously restricted the effectiveness of law enforcement. Firstly, this paper discusses the environmental monitoring law enforcement from the meaning, characteristics and significance. Combined with the author's experience in the actual law enforcement process and real cases, this paper expounds the problems in four aspects: the basis of law enforcement, the main body of law enforcement, the system of law enforcement and the supervision of law enforcement. The reasons are analyzed. By studying the advanced experience of the United States and Japan in environmental supervision and law enforcement, three enlightenments are obtained. Finally, the article puts forward the corresponding countermeasures, focusing on the legal status of environmental supervision and law enforcement departments, getting rid of the current situation of entrusted law enforcement, as well as abolishing the existing environmental protection department to assist the old system of law enforcement. To establish a new system of environmental protection departments with the core of law enforcement and other reform ways and objectives in order to solve the current environmental supervision and enforcement of the difficulties faced by law enforcement departments.
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