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发布时间:2018-02-06 04:42

  本文关键词: 隐名投资 法律规制 信托制度 出处:《上海师范大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:First of all, anonymous investment is not only a behavior, but also an objective phenomenon. Secondly, since the introduction of judicial interpretation three, for the outstanding equity ownership in practice, the actual investor changes the formal shareholders. The solution of the problem of unauthorized disposition of equity by nominal shareholders has played a certain role, but it has not fundamentally solved all the problems caused by hidden investment. The reason is that the anonymous investment behavior has not been qualitatively determined. Finally, this paper puts forward some suggestions to regulate anonymous investment from the practical point of view. This paper is divided into five parts: the first chapter is the introduction. This paper mainly describes the background and current situation of the topic of anonymous investment, as well as the author's methods and ideas when studying anonymous investment. The second chapter is the basic theory part, starting with the concept. Through the text to understand the nature of anonymous investment. Secondly, from the perspective of classification and legal nature to subdivide the hidden investment behavior. At the same time, it analyzes the criteria of shareholder qualification from the value orientation level. The third chapter is the status quo of practice. This paper mainly analyzes the relevant provisions and practical significance of judicial interpretation three and foreign investment issues, and puts forward the regulatory path that needs to be solved in this paper. Chapter 4th is based on the perspective of comparative law. This paper discusses the ways to deal with anonymous investment in civil law system and marine law system, and enumerates the relevant ideas of the four countries: Britain, America, Germany and Japan. Chapter 5th is the conclusion part of this paper, mainly from the two levels of investment liability system and equity trust regulation to build a hidden investment trust system to solve the framework. For our country to deal with similar problems after the reference significance.


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