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发布时间:2018-02-08 09:14

  本文关键词: 社会资本 城市居民 社区参与 动力 出处:《吉林大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Under the background of global governance reform, it is the ultimate goal of the international social movement to realize the modernization of national governance system and governance ability. According to the division of the dual dimension of the state and society in our country's national governance system, social governance is becoming more and more clear and key because of its function orientation in the governance system. It has become an important aspect of our country's top-level system design. As an indispensable component of the social governance system, grass-roots social governance, Community, as the basic unit of society, is an important factor to promote social harmony and stability and promote the innovation of grass-roots social governance system. The historical examination and realistic consideration of its microorganizational characteristics are also the entry points to straighten out the state and social relations and their interactive logic. With the deepening of the political and economic system reform in China, The transformation of government function from progressive exploration to realistic form, the enterprise set up a modern enterprise system without unit system management, and some of the social functions that the government and enterprise were responsible for sank to the community. Community governance has become an important theoretical and practical issue. As a regional community with emphasis on interpersonal communication and social relations, the key to bring the effectiveness of community governance into full play is to fully release the kinetic energy of residents' participation. Therefore, how to mobilize the power of community participation will become the crux of breaking through the bottleneck of community governance. In view of this, this paper takes the motivation of community participation of urban residents as the research object. From the angle of view of community social capital, the author summarizes and explores the realistic situation and optimization path of urban community social capital and community residents' participation power. Starting with the determination of the source and composition of the motive force of urban residents' community participation, this paper mainly uses the analytical framework of the social capital theory to clarify the context of the research on the social capital theory and the urban residents' community participation motive force. Combing out the four key variables of community trust, interaction, standardization and relationship network in the field of urban community governance. As a logical starting point, this paper based on the literature combing, questionnaire distribution and field research data, This paper summarizes the general trend of urban community social capital in China and the realistic characteristics of community participation. On this basis, four main problems and their causes in the dynamic dilemma of community participation of urban residents in China are analyzed. Including the lack of trust in urban communities dissolves the psychological basis of residents' participation motivation, the negative experience of urban community interaction results in the loss of residents' participation motivation. The loss of urban community norms leads to the unsustainable participation power of residents and the sparse lack of space for residents to participate in the dynamic growth of urban community relations network, and correspondingly from the reconstruction of the cognitive basis of resident community participation motivation. Optimizing the emotional intensity of resident community participation, enhancing the permanence of resident community participation power, and developing community relationship network to activate the growth power of resident participation power. In order to accumulate the social capital of urban community in China to promote the participation of residents, this paper puts forward the improvement path and optimization suggestions.


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