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发布时间:2018-02-10 16:42

  本文关键词: 政府行为 水路运输业 发展 泉州市 出处:《华侨大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Quanzhou is located in the central part of the southeast coast of Fujian, with abundant resources along the port coastline and ample space for development and utilization of the land and hinterland behind the port. It is an important part of the economic development zone of Xia-Quanzhang in Minnan and the prosperous zone of the west coast of the Taiwan Strait, which has been developed by the state. It is one of the most open areas in the country and is in the middle of the Southeast Coastal Triangle relationship between the Yangtze River Delta, the Pearl River Delta and Taiwan. Compared with the surrounding coastal cities, Quanzhou has a long history of waterway transportation development. The advantages are outstanding, the potential is huge, and the speed of development is relatively fast, which is the pillar industry of the local economic development. However, in recent years, due to the influence of slowing economic growth at home and abroad, the current water transportation market is insufficient in demand, the transportation capacity is seriously overcapacity, and the freight rates remain low. With the increase of enterprise operating cost, the development of Quanzhou waterway transportation meets with a bottleneck. This paper is based on the full investigation of the current situation of the development of Quanzhou waterway transportation. This paper makes a deep analysis of the problems existing in the development of Quanzhou waterway transportation industry, analyzes the causes of the problems, applies the new public service theory and the theory of good governance, and combines the practice and experience of the governments at home and abroad in the development of waterway transportation industry. The government, as the main body responsible for the development of the waterway transportation industry, should strengthen and improve the management of the waterway transportation industry in Quanzhou City, and create a good environment for the development of the waterway transportation industry, according to the reality of the waterway transportation industry in Quanzhou City. Optimize fiscal and tax support policy, establish multi-center governance model, and promote the sustainable and stable development of Quanzhou waterway transportation industry.


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