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发布时间:2018-02-12 01:20

  本文关键词: 晋江市 城市管理 数字城管 出处:《华侨大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Digital urban management as a new type of urban management mode, our country began to carry out pilot construction in some cities in 2005, and issued guidance opinions on urban management from the top level of the central government in 2015. The opinions clearly pointed out all cities in the country. The county will complete the digital urban management platform by the end of 2017. Jinjiang City began to carry out digital urban management practice in 2009, compared with the past. Digital urban management has effectively enhanced the ability of Jinjiang city management departments to find and deal with problems. However, with the deepening of practice, the management power is relatively weak, the coverage of digital urban management is relatively limited, and the assessment and evaluation system is difficult to implement. In order to solve the above problems, and to further enhance the capacity of the economic development and urbanization construction of Jinjiang, the problems such as poor public participation and other serious constraints on the quality and efficiency of digital urban management in Jinjiang City are constantly emerging. Through the use of new public service theory, urban governance theory and knowledge of regional and urban public management, this paper adopts comparative analysis, literature research and other research methods from the system level. On the basis of the management experience of Yangzhou, Hangzhou, Baltimore and Singapore, the author has analyzed the causes of the problems at the human and financial levels, and has improved the system of Jinjiang digital urban management system based on the management experience of such cities as Yangzhou, Hangzhou, Baltimore and Singapore. Six suggestions are put forward, such as perfecting the digital urban management examination and evaluation system, improving the efficiency of the digital urban management system, enhancing the public participation in the digital urban management system, increasing the law enforcement power at the grass-roots level of digital urban management and exploring the market cooperation of digital urban management.


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