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发布时间:2018-02-12 01:37

  本文关键词: 互联网医疗广告 政府监管 监管体制 信息不对称 出处:《吉林大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:In 2016, the Internet medical advertisement caused the widespread concern of the public, and the high price transfer of Baidu's "blood friend bar" led to the manipulation of the interactive platform of medical information, the death of Wei Zexi, who had gone to seek medical treatment, behind which was the unfair bidding ranking; At one time, the two major events pushed the Internet medical advertisement to the forefront of the wave. People found that today's medical advertising has various forms of expression, even to the point of manipulating public opinion and buying credibility, which is difficult for ordinary consumers to recognize. Suffering greatly from deception, Internet medical advertisements pose a great threat to the lives, property, health and safety of the general public, and also deeply undermine the integrity of the medical and advertising industries, and affect their benign development. The Internet started late but developed rapidly, and the medical advertising industry, which started with the help of the Internet, is a new thing. Although there is less academic research in this area, it has already had a significant impact on social life. And put forward higher requirements to the current regulatory ability, promote the continuous improvement of the regulatory system. So the author starts with the practical issues concerned, that is, the social hot issue of Wei Zexi as the origin of the research. Explaining the development of the whole incident and exposing the problems, analyzing the actual role played by the various regulatory bodies in the incident and the areas to be improved, Introduction of the research theme-Internet medical advertising. This article from the Internet medical advertising supervision of the relevant basic theory of the theme cut in order to find the problem, cause analysis and countermeasures to lay a theoretical foundation; Then it analyzes the problems existing in the supervision of Internet medical advertisement in China from the current situation of the development of Internet medical advertisement, and focuses on the basis of "Advertising Law", "interim measures of Internet Advertising Management" and "measures of Medical Advertising Management". According to the actual situation and the news reports, it is concluded that the main problems in the supervision are the weak coordination of the supervision department and the insufficiency of the supervisory personnel and technology, the imperfect laws and regulations of the legislative department, the advertisers, the advertising operators, and so on. The profit collusion and moral loss among the advertisement publishers, the utility of the self-discipline organization of the industry and the public has not been brought into full play, and the regulatory relationship among the relevant subjects has been combed, from the information asymmetry, the market failure, From the point of view of government failure, this paper analyzes how the stakeholders hovering between public interest and private interest, seeking a balance between regulatory responsibilities and regulatory rights and interests, and finally combining with China's regulatory reality. To put forward countermeasures suitable for the supervision of Internet medical advertisements in China, to perfect the relevant laws and regulations system of Internet medical advertisements, to make the law enforcement departments have laws to follow, to strengthen the supervisory power of law enforcement departments, and to promote the transparency and real-time monitoring of advertising information. Strengthen the strength of the self-discipline organizations of the industry and the public, and give certain policy support. It is hoped that through the efforts of government departments, trade self-regulatory organizations, and the public at large, an effective multi-level regulatory system will be established. It is beneficial to regulate the behavior of Internet medical advertisement, to ensure people's life and health from persecution, to purify the Internet medical advertisement market and to promote the long-term public order.


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