本文关键词: 主体间性 地缘战略 地缘战略区位 中南半岛 出处:《云南师范大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Due to the constant change of geo-strategic wedge among the major powers, the countries of the Indochina Peninsula and the Indochina Peninsula have changed several times in their geostrategic values in the several rounds of geo-strategic competitions between the great powers, although the absolute geographical position has not changed, but the value of their geostrategic location has changed several times in recent years. With the overlapping implementation of such geo-strategies as Japan's "northward south", India "eastward", China's co-construction of "Belt and Road", the United States "returning to the Asia-Pacific region" and "Asia-Pacific rebalancing" in the Indochina Peninsula, the game between major powers in the Indochina Peninsula has become more intense. The geostrategic location value of Indochina Peninsula is more and more prominent by the influence of great power strategy. As a result, more and more scholars at home and abroad pay close attention to its geo-strategic location value. This paper discusses the sea power theory, the land power theory, the marginal zone theory, the portal theory, and so on. Based on the analysis of geo-strategic theories such as big chess game, it is concluded that different geostrategic theories emphasize different geo-strategic locations. At the same time, geo-strategy itself has inter-subjectivity, and location belongs to geo-strategy. Then the conclusion that geo-strategic location has inter-subjectivity is deduced. Taking Indochina Peninsula as an example, through investigation and analysis of the period of World War II, the early Cold War, the middle and late Cold War, The evolution of geostrategic location in Indochina Peninsula in the late Cold War period and under the influence of contemporary great power strategy explains why the absolute geographical position of Indochina Peninsula and Indochina Peninsula countries has not changed under the big power game. However, the relative position of geo-strategic location has changed, which further proves that geo-strategic location has inter-subjectivity. Finally, from the perspective of inter-subjectivity, the author looks forward to the future geoenvironment of Indochina Peninsula in China. And put forward suggestions on the future geostrategic choice of Indochina Peninsula.
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