本文选题:江苏省 切入点:农村社区 出处:《长春工业大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of economy and the improvement of people's living standard, the construction of rural community is developing rapidly.As a new carrier of rural residents' production and life, rural community is also an important platform to realize new urbanization.Promoting the development of rural community construction is also an important strategic decision made by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council to strengthen the management of rural communities.At present, many places in the country have carried on the research and the exploration in the rural community management question, in the research process, has exposed the our country in the countryside community management aspect many questions.Therefore, we should find out the problems, analyze the causes, find out the countermeasures, sum up the experiences and lessons, and constantly promote the rural development and socialist modernization in our country.This paper studies the rural community management in Jiangsu province by using the theories of governance theory, new public service theory, literature analysis, comparative analysis, deductive induction and other research methods.The thesis is divided into five chapters: the first chapter is the introduction, introduces the research background, points out the theoretical and practical significance of the study of rural community management, and summarizes the research results of domestic and foreign scholars.This paper describes the basic ideas of the subject and the research methods adopted, points out the innovation and shortcomings of the paper, and the second chapter describes the related concepts, such as rural community, rural community management, and other basic concepts, such as rural community, rural community management, and so on.The third chapter is about the current situation, problems and causes of rural community management in Jiangsu Province, through understanding the basic situation, main forms and characteristics of rural communities in Jiangsu Province.Find some problems in management, and analyze the causes of these problems in detail, so as to put forward reasonable countermeasures and suggestions. Chapter four is the countermeasures to optimize the rural community management in Jiangsu Province, according to the reasons analyzed in Chapter three.According to the actual situation of Jiangsu Province, the aim of improving the management level of rural communities in Jiangsu Province is achieved by adopting appropriate countermeasures and seeking truth from facts.The fifth chapter is the conclusion, the specific content of this study is systematically summarized.
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